WORK06009 2019 Mechatronics Systems Engineering Work Placement 2
The aim of this work placement is to
- further develop the learner's skills in the workplace
- develop a deeper knowledge of their place of employment.
- further develop independent learning skills
- develop project execution skills
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Organise their time at work.
Research a specific topic.
Outline their expected early career development within their industry.
Take minutes of meetings.
Outline the legal environment their employer’s business is operating in.
Outline their employer’s documentation system.
Write a report.
Make a presentation
Communicate online within a team.
Carry out specialised tasks as specified by their employer.
Plan and execute a small technical project.
Complete an external self-paced online course.
Reflect on their further learnings within the workplace.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
The student will be given a series of tasks with specific deadlines to be carried out during the module and will have access to learning materials and support documents that can be accessed as required. The student will have access to support both from the IT Sligo Placement supervisor as well as a mentor in their place of employment to support them in carrying out the tasks. The student will also carry out work activities as required by their employer. The student's activity will be monitored through the submission of weekly online journal entries, in which they will reflect on their work and learning, and on which they will be given feedback. Each task will also require a report to be submitted online on which feedback will also be given.
Module Assessment Strategies
The work placement will be continuously assessed through:
Weekly reflective learning journals.
Submission of reports on all tasks required by the IT Sligo supervisor.
Final report from the industry mentor which will include their performance on work-based tasks.
Repeat Assessments
Students who do not achieve a pass mark in the assessment of the workplace may be required to re-submit specified journals and reports. In the event that they do not pass their mentor evaluation they may be given time at work to improve their performance and receive another evaluation.
Indicative Syllabus
Personal time and task management
Develop an understanding of their career development within the industry they are working in.
Minute taking in meetings.
Research skills
Web and Information Literacy (Use of a browser, search, reliability of sources, citation, web safety and security)
Legal environment employer’s business is operating in.
E.g. Codes of practice. Industry standards. Current good manufacturing practice. Medical device manufacturing. Automotive product manufacturing. ISO standards. Quality standards. CCE Marking. Machine Directive. Risk management. Health and safety framework.
Understanding employer’s documentation systems:
Documentation control, preventative and corrective action. Examples of user requirement specifications, technical documentation requirements and validation requirement. Operating procedures.
Communication skills
General writing skills (online course?)
Technical report writing (online course)
Presentation skills (online course)
Execute a presentation to colleagues
ICT skills:
Powerpoint (or similar)
Team communication
Human issues
effective email writing
IT Systems for distributed teams (e.g. Google Docs / Office 365)
Shadow specified co-workers and report on activities to demonstrate an understanding of the work and responsibilities of those co-workers.
Carry out employer specified tasks themselves
Employer specific training to be provided (minimum 2 days)
Mini-project - “Maker space” style - (Raspberry Pi, 3D CAD 3D printing)
Learning to Learn:
Complete a self-paced Technical Writing course
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Online Weekly Journal | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 30 % | OnGoing | 1,2,10,12,13 |
2 | Mentor Report | Coursework Assessment | Performance Evaluation | 30 % | Week 32 | 1,4,7,8,9,10,11 |
3 | Report on Place of Employment | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 15 % | Week 12 | 2,3,5,6,7 |
4 | "Maker Space" Project | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 15 % | Week 28 | 1,2,7,8,11,12 |
5 | Communication skills Portfolio | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 10 % | Week 9 | 4,9 |
Module Resources
- Technical writing Course
- Mozilla Web literacy course:
- Udemy free Raspberry Pi Maker course:
Raspberry Pi kit