TOUR09003 2024 Leadership in Environmental Social Governance (ESG)

General Details

Full Title
Leadership in Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
Transcript Title
Leadership in ESG
N/A %
Subject Area
TOUR - 1015 Travel, Tourism & Leisure
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
09 - NFQ Level 9
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2024 - Full Academic Year 2024-25
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Tomas O Flaherty, Tomas O Flaherty, John Carty, Jacinta Dalton
Programme Membership
SG_BSUST_M09 202400 Master of Science in Sustainable Tourism & Event Management SG_BSUST_N09 202400 Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism & Event Management SG_BSUSV_N09 202400 Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism & Event Measuring and Monitoring

The aim of this module is to allow students understand the importance of a sustainability leadership strategy which embeds ESG in all aspects of the value chain from processes to operations and to create a tangible plan which addresses the impacts of climate change for destination/organisational transformation which will enhance brand and societal value.   


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Critically evaluate the key aspects of environment, social, and governance (ESG).


Critique the role of the destination/organisation and its relationship to the wider environment in which it operates.


Assess the key leadership attributes required for effective ESG implementation.


Develop a systems thinking approach for effective ESG Management using the six capitals - financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Students will learn through a blend of theoretical and applied knowledge generation utilising current theories, concepts, and principles of leadership in environment, social and governance. Online classes and workshops will be utilised to deliver the main module content and students will also engage in self-directed learning through engagement in appropriate reading material, industry reports, strategies, plans and policies. 

A combination of analytical and experiential learning methods will be used to enable learners to develop insights into how to become leaders in the area of environment, social and governance. An emphasis will be placed on asynchronous learning techniques through the process of evaluation and critique of appropriate learning resources, journal articles, and destination/organisational plans and policies. 

Module Assessment Strategies

This module will be delivered using active e-learning strategies and techniques as well as student -centred discussions.     Two assessment points have been designed to support student applied learning which will allow students relate their theoretical learning to self and the organisation/destination in which they work.   



Repeat Assessments

Where a learner fails this module, the examiners will identify where the deficits in learning occurred. The learner will then have an opportunity to address these deficits and resubmit the report/essay(s) for a full re-examination.

Indicative Syllabus

1. Critically evaluate the key aspects of environment, social, and governance (ESG).

Understanding ESG
The changing role of business leadership
Crisis analysis – climate and biodiversity.
Examine ESG in action – case studies.

2. Critique the role of the destination/organisation and its relationship to the wider environment in which it operates.

Trends in ESG and society’s response.
Examine ESG in the context of how societal value can be enhanced by looking beyond financial goals and managing risks around environmental and social sustainability
The regulatory framework.
ESG reporting
Integrating ESG into business strategy.

3. Assess the key leadership attributes required for effective ESG implementation.

Examine leadership styles in the context of ESG.
Leading change.
Challenges of cultural change management.
Roles and responsibilities.
Embedding ESG in destinations and organisations.

4. Develop a systems thinking approach for effective ESG Management using the six capitals.

ESG risk management towards a more sustainable business trajectory.
Understanding system-level thinking to analyse causal relationships.
Structured systems thinking frameworks e.g. feedback loops, systems mapping
The importance of the six capitals in organisational reporting.

  • Financial capital
  • Manufactured capital
  • Intellectual capital,
  • Human capital,
  • Social and relationship capital,
  • Natural capital. 

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 ESG Case Study - Organisation or Destination Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 50 % Week 6 1,2
2 Leadership/Systems Thinking Audit for ESG implementation Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 50 % Week 12 3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Not Specified Live lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Not Specified Workshop activity 3.75 Twice Per Semester 0.50
Independent Learning Not Specified Student independent learning 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.50 Hours

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Not Specified Live lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Not Specified Workshop activity 3.75 Twice Per Semester 0.50
Independent Learning Not Specified Student independent learning 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.50 Hours

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online Live online lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Not Specified Workshop activity 3.75 Twice Per Semester 0.50
Independent Learning Not Specified Student independent learning 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.50 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2020-10-12 Advances in Corporate Governance Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN 9780198866367 ISBN-13 0198866364

This volume examines the performance of corporate governance regimes since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 and analyses whethe regulatory changes and corporate governance codes have made a difference.

Recommended Reading
2021-09-30 Business Ethics
ISBN 1138498122 ISBN-13 9781138498129

Packed with examples, this book offers a clear and engaging overview of ethical issues in business, understood as both an activity and an entity. It begins with a discussion of foundational issues, including the objectivity of ethics, the content of ethical theories, and the debate between capitalism and socialism, making it suitable for the beginning student. It then examines ethical issues in business in three broad areas. The first is the market. Issues explored are what can be sold (the limits of markets) and how it can be sold (ethics in marketing). The second is work. Topics in this area are health and safety, meaningful work, compensation, hiring and firing, privacy, and whistleblowing. The third area is the firm in society. Here readers explore corporate social responsibility, corporate political activity, and the set of ethical challenges that attend international business. Issues are introduced through real-world examples that underscore their importance and make them come alive. Arguments for opposing positions are given fair hearings and students are encouraged to develop and defend their own views. Key Features: Introduces each topic with a real-world example, which is referenced regularly in the subsequent argument. Contains a critical evaluation of capitalism and socialism, with a focus on private property, the market system, and the welfare state. Explores the limits of markets and encourages students to ask what should and should not be for sale. Explores the phenomena of corporate political activity and ethical consumerism. Includes initial chapter overviews, and--at the end of each chapter--study questions and suggested additional readings.

Required Reading
2021-10-05 Net Positive
ISBN 1647821304 ISBN-13 9781647821302

Runaway climate change and persistent inequality are ravaging the world and humanity. Who can help lead us to a better future? Business. These massive dual challengesand other profound shifts like pandemics, resource constraints, and shrinking biodiversitythreaten our very existence on the planet. Yet division and discord risk undermining our response, just when we need to come together. Global partnership and leadership are lacking, free trade and globalization are under attack, and populism continues to breed intolerance and disruption. At this critical time in history, the imperative to reimagine our economies and companies could not be more urgent. Fortunately, many in the business communityfrom large corporations to microenterprisesare helping to solve our most profound challenges by deploying long-term, purpose-led business models that put people and planet first. And they are profiting on this new path with new tools, AI and data-driven transparency, and radical improvements in the economics of clean technologies. The key question has flipped from "Why would you do sustainability?" to "Why wouldn't you?" In this paradigm-shifting book, former Unilever CEO Paul Polman and sustainable-business guru Andrew Winston provide a model to help leaders build companies that contribute more to the world than they use or takethat is, net positive companies. They bypass the last gasps of denial to show how purpose and profits are inextricably linked and how collective action can deliver the scale of change and transformation the world needs. Net Positive outlines the principles and practices for surviving and thriving, based on the experience of one world-leading company, Unilever, and other groundbreaking global organizations. This essential book is for leaders, executives, managers, and professionals who want to succeed, but know that winning requires caring deeply about serving the world. Building a net positive company is the key, and this book shows the way.

Required Reading
2021-04-13 Sustainability Is the New Advantage Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (AESI)
ISBN 1785276913 ISBN-13 9781785276910

"Sustainability Is the New Advantage" is a practical blueprint for leaders who want to start, develop, and grow sustainable organizations. The book provides stories and practical examples of how to assess challenges, create demonstrations projects, and scale the capabilities needed for sustainable business transformation.

Recommended Reading
2019 Business Ethics
ISBN 0198828799 ISBN-13 9780198828792
Recommended Reading
2018-12-11 Business Ethics Routledge
ISBN 0367027879 ISBN-13 9780367027872

Ethical aspects of business and the economy are of increasing concern in business practice, higher education, and society in general. This concern results from significant business scandals and economic crises, such as the financial crisis of 2008 and the following great recession, as well as from pressing current and future challenges for the economy, such as sustainability and globalization. As a result, there is a growing demand for normative analysis and orientation for business and the economy, where business ethics has become a crucial part of organizational management, risk management, branding, and strategic management. Business Ethics: Methods and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person, society, the environment, and people around the world. As a result, Business Ethics: Methods and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students of business ethics, business strategy, business and society, and related fields.

Recommended Reading
ISBN 1912350149 ISBN-13 9781912350148
Recommended Reading
2021 Catastrophic Risk
ISBN 0367853302 ISBN-13 9780367853303

Imagine that you are a corporate executive or small business owner in a midwestern city under water after weeks of extreme weather and drenching rainfall. Infrastructure has been damaged beyond repair, transportation arteries are closed, and your supply chain is broken. Families have been driven from homes, food and water are in short supply, and people are becoming unruly. Government agencies are not in a position to help. Declining revenue and partisan antipathy fueled by ideological differences have eroded confidence in government. The city is in total disrepair and unable to deliver desperately needed services. It is edging toward implosion and community leaders have turned to you for help. Catastrophe that would have been unthinkable in earlier times is a reality in a world coming out of pandemic and facing existential threats such as climate change, inequality and global conflict. Catastrophic Risk: Business Strategy for Managing Turbulence in a World at Risk challenges business to step up and assume a pivotal role with communities under stress due to prolonged exposure to risk. When powerful societal forces meet behavior that deters response to risk, the consequences of risk are exacerbated. The compounding effect of behavior on risk has opened an important role for business in mobilizing people and communities in times of crisis. It is a role that cannot be fulfilled, however, without purpose, strategy and plans sufficiently robust to overcome the threat of risk. To prosper in this environment, business will need to make a significant contribution to society as well as to deliver financial performance. For companies, this will mean involvement in community in ways that significantly depart from current practice. For leaders, it will mean new skills--contextual sensitivity, a greater understanding of behavioral dynamics, and enhanced capacity to relate to people on an emotive basis. This book is about the relationship between risk, societal forces and human behavior--a relationship informed by the sciences that is critically important for business. Its goal is two-fold: to bring catastrophic risk to the world of business and to further business engagement in service to the common good.

Recommended Reading
2019 Corporate Governance Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN 9780198809869 ISBN-13 0198809867

The most authoritative, complete, and critical guide to corporate governance.

Recommended Reading
2022-06 New Directions in Ethics Routledge
ISBN 036746845X ISBN-13 9780367468453

Originally published in 1986, this book examines the extent to which existing ethical theory can provide an adequate framework for the resolution of practical moral issues. The contributors, all leading moral philosophers, provide an authoritative and comprehensive account of developments in ethical theory, with emphasis on issues in applied ethics. They explain the dominant ethical theories, survey major field of applied ethics and speculate about the future of ethics.

Recommended Reading
2021-05-13 Risky Business Productivity Press
ISBN 0367768151 ISBN-13 9780367768157

To position an organization for growth, you cannot shy away from disruptive, high-stakes, pivotal decisions about the future. So why DO you? Why do so many smart leaders cringe when they face disruption? Most people think of disruption as negative while some leaders make disruption their goal. Organizational Psychologist Dr. Linda Henman considers both approaches preventable and costly mistakes. The surprising truth about improving anything you do--personally, professionally, publicly, or privately--lies at the intersection of your ability to think abstractly and your willingness to take prudent risks. Drawing on a rich trove of original, cutting-edge research and four decades' worth of consulting, Henman knows what it takes to succeed in the C-suite. She dispels myths by presenting a clear and compelling summary of what she has observed--and in many cases, helped to create. Her in-the-trenches experiences spurred her to arrive at this conclusion: Myths about leadership have blinded us to what leaders really do. Many leaders believe in the concept of creative disruption but remain skeptical about trusting it. Jam-packed with big ideas, Risky Business arrives just in time--a rare book that will transform the way you think about risk, change the way you view disruption, and help you understand what you must do to think strategically, to grow dramatically, and to do it quickly. Inspiring and revelatory, filled with story-driven narratives and practical takeaways, Risky Business brings together decades of counterintuitive research to shed light on how you can effect change.

Recommended Reading
2020-12 Sustainability and Corporate Governance Routledge
ISBN 1003091628 ISBN-13 9781003091622

"Sustainability and Corporate Governance is the first extensive and targeted guide for directors and their legal advisors on creating a governance framework for corporations that integrates all the recognized principles of sustainability now being discussed in boardrooms all over the world. The book provides a step-by-step approach on integrating sustainability principles into the activities of the board of directors including detailed guidance on legal, regulatory, and business aspects of organizing and operating board committees and designing the sustainability management unit. Essential topics covered include: Elements of an effective framework for implementation of sustainability governance, including required policies, procedures, and committee charters Organization of the governing board to effectively address sustainability issues and implement sustainability strategies Best practices and processes to engage company stakeholders Corporate board members and attorneys will appreciate the book's practical forms and checklists, complete coverage of all facets of sustainability governance, summaries of relevant international and national guidelines and instruments, and a curated list of samples and case studies from companies all around the world"--

Module Resources