TOUR06077 2022 Foundations of Tourism

General Details

Full Title
Foundations of Tourism
Transcript Title
Foundations of Tourism
N/A %
Subject Area
TOUR - 1015 Travel, Tourism & Leisure
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Mary McGuckin
Programme Membership
SG_BINTE_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management SG_BTEVM_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism with Event Management SG_BTOTR_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Tourism with Event Management SG_BTOTR_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism with Event Management SG_BINTM_B07 202300 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management SG_BINTM_B07 202400 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management

The module will provide the learner with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of tourism and how it is organised and managed using Ireland as a case study.  It examines consumer behaviour and motivating factors associated with travel and tourism. It explores the key components of the tourism product offering and experience(s), focusing on Ireland as a destination example.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Demonstrate an understanding of key tourism concepts and practices.


Identify the key stakeholders associated with the tourist destination, using Ireland as a case study 


Assess consumer behaviour with regard to tourism and discuss relevant motivational theories


Evaluate the components of the tourism product, focusing specifically on the key characteristics of the Irish tourism product offering and experience

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Lectures (using multi-media presentations)

Tutorials using real-life case studies

Class discussions using industry, sectoral and product reports.


Module Assessment Strategies

Projects and multi-media presentations (collaborative industry-related assessments)

Final exam at end of semester.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Exam and/or Project as required.

Indicative Syllabus

1. Meaning, Nature and Definitions of Tourism

2. Structure of Tourism Industry including key stakeholders in Ireland

3. Consumer Behaviour and Tourist Motivations (i.e. Push/Pull theories, Dann, Mouthino, McIntosh & Goeldner, Urry, Mathieson & Wall)

4. Components of the Tourism Product Offering and Experience(s) e.g. Health & Wellness, Film & Literary, Culture & Heritage

5. Key Characteristics of the Irish Tourism Product Offering and Experience (WAW, Ancient East, Hidden Heartlands, VEDPs)




Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
30 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
70 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Tourism Experience Report & Case Study Project Group Project 30 % Week 10 2,4

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 70 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 3 Weekly 3.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Team-based project work 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2020-01-13 The Business of Tourism SAGE Publications Limited
ISBN 1526459442 ISBN-13 9781526459442

Tourism as an industry is constantly changing: Trends and attitudes are frequently susceptible to changes in what people look for in a holiday, which can change with economic context, generational shifts or the political landscape. In The Business of Tourism, Chris Holloway and Claire Humphreys help students to not only understand these new changes but to study them with a critical mindset. An essential text for students of tourism management or travel & tourism, its historical context is combined with background theory and research, plus up-to-date international case studies, to examine in detail the tourism product alongside its impacts and the nature of a tourist. This classic book has constantly offered a well-rounded yet hands-on business view of the tourism industry, and this updated edition is no exception, providing: Depth and breadth of coverage makes it a one stop shop for students looking to purchase just one textbook during their degree A focus on business and the operational aspects of tourism give the text an applied feel rather than a descriptive overview, making it useful for any student wishing to work or take a placement in one of the many diverse sectors of the tourism industry History chapter that is not included in other texts, which gives a stimulating historical perspective to students for whom an understanding of the development of the tourism industry through the ages is desirable for success in assessments

Required Reading
2019-03-18 Tourism Management
ISBN 1138391166 ISBN-13 9781138391161

One of the leading texts in the field, Tourism Management is the ideal introduction to the fundamentals of tourism as you study for a degree, diploma or single module in the subject with a global focus. It is written in an engaging style that assumes no prior knowledge of tourism and builds up your understanding as you progress through this wide-ranging global review of the principles of managing tourism. It traces the evolution and future development of tourism and the challenges facing tourism managers in this fast-growing sector of the world economy. This book is highly illustrated with diagrams and colour images, and contains short case studies of contemporary themes of interest, as well as new data, statistics, weblinks to key reports and industry studies. This 6th edition has been revised and updated to include: new content on: sports, festivals and event tourism, including the impact of the Olympic Games, social media impacts on tourism and the growth of medical tourism contemporary issues affecting businesses, such as disruptive technology, the rise of Airbnb, the impact of terrorism on destination instability and safety, and the potential effect of BREXIT updated case studies on BRIC markets and an enhanced focus on Asia as well as emerging markets such as the Middle East and South America enhanced sustainable development coverage highlighting the challenge of climate change and future tourism growth, including new debates such as Last Chance Tourism and overtourism a transport section with more international perspectives from China and South America and globalized transport operators, and a case study on using taxation to limit air travel behaviour an updated companion website with: additional case studies, quizzes, PPTs, further reading, web reading and video links. ng the impact of the Olympic Games, social media impacts on tourism and the growth of medical tourism contemporary issues affecting businesses, such as disruptive technology, the rise of Airbnb, the impact of terrorism on destination instability and safety, and the potential effect of BREXIT updated case studies on BRIC markets and an enhanced focus on Asia as well as emerging markets such as the Middle East and South America enhanced sustainable development coverage highlighting the challenge of climate change and future tourism growth, including new debates such as Last Chance Tourism and overtourism a transport section with more international perspectives from China and South America and globalized transport operators, and a case study on using taxation to limit air travel behaviour an updated companion website with: additional case studies, quizzes, PPTs, further reading, web reading and video links. mp;lt;P> an updated companion website with: additional case studies, quizzes, PPTs, further reading, web reading and video links.

Required Reading
2020-11-30 Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models
ISBN 1911635352 ISBN-13 9781911635352

Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models: * Explains why we think about tourism the way we do; * Explores key theories, concepts and models that explain how tourism works; * Is a comprehensive and cohesive text that develops a series of key ideas that deepens understanding and encourages critical thinking. This important text provides a critical overview of the core theories, concepts and ideas that have shaped the way we think about tourism. Divided into six parts, it takes the reader through the following areas to ensure thorough and coherent knowledge, looking at the important key theories, models and concepts, ensuring clear understanding and the ability for critical thinking: * Setting the stage: looking at the interdisciplinary nature of tourism and its' structure (5 core aspects of generation region, industry, destination region, transit route and tourist) * How tourism works: explores the three core dimensions of tourism factors, attractions, access and government policy * The evolution of tourism: examines the main models that have depicted the evolution of tourism destinations, economies and geographies. * The tourist: motivations and influences of the tourist as an individual, covering typology, social demographic factors and constraints. * Planning models: destination planning, scenarios and forecasting, including responses to current challenges Current issues: examines the theoretical and conceptual foundations for a range of contemporary issues that will affect tourism well into the future, including climate change, overtourism, crisis management and political change. Additional resources consist of web links, online videos and teaching reference materials. These can be found at from Academy fellows and other academic links explaining the ideas in the book. A must-have text for post graduate tourism and hospitality studies, as well as a key resource text for those teaching and studying tourism subjects at the later stages of undergraduate level.

Required Reading
2017-03-20 Tourism Pearson
ISBN 9780134490205 ISBN-13 0134490207

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A comprehensive, international view of the business of tourism The engaging writing style and hundreds of updated industry examples make Tourism: The Business of Hospitality and Travel, 6/e, the perfect textbook for students taking their first hospitality or tourism class. It views the industry from a holistic, global business perspectiveexamining the management, marketing and finance issues most important to industry members. Chapters reveal an integrated model of tourism and address consumer behavior, service quality, and personal selling. The thoroughness of content and references also make it suitable for upper-level hospitality and tourism courses. Readings and integrative cases close each part, and end-of-chapter exercises allow students to apply their knowledge and refine their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. This edition includes new and updated material on social media, event management, timeshares, sustainable and marijuana tourism, and the future of tourism.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

A range of publications sourced from organisations including Failte Ireland, Irish Tourism Industry Confederation, Tourism Ireland/ NI, Discover NI, Irish Hotels Federation, OECD and the UNWTO.

Journal Resources

Tourism Management

Annals of Tourism Research

Other Resources
Additional Information