TOUR06069 2022 Introduction to International Tourism and Travel
As the tourism industry has grown into a sector of major global importance, this module further explores the context for tourism and its management from an international perspective. It explores the major tourist destinations of the world and assesses key trends and statistics within these regions. An evaluation of the key influences impacting on tourism businesses and key stakeholders within these regions is provided.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Comprehend the key models associated with tourism and destination development
Evaluate international tourism trends and statistics within the tourism regions worldwide
Determine future developments and trends associated with the tourism industry from a global perpective
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Lectures (using multi-media presentations)
Tutorials using webinars, podcasts and real-life case studies
Industry reports and sectoral studies.
Module Assessment Strategies
Projects and multi-media presentations (collaborative industry-related assessments).
Repeat Assessments
Repeat project and/or presentation as required.
Indicative Syllabus
1, Introduction to Tourism as a Global Phenomenon
2. World Tourism Patterns & Influences (tourism regions, flows of international tourism, tourism satellite accounts and clusters)
3. Models of Tourism Development (including Doxey, Plog, Butler, Cohen & Smith)
4. Future developments and trends in international tourism (demographics, geopolitics, new and emerging destinations, new tourism products and experiences, climate change, risk and crisis management)
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | International Tourism Regional Audit | Project | Written Report/Essay | 70 % | Week 10 | 1,2,3 |
2 | Presentation (Regional Audit) | Project | Oral Exam/Presentation | 30 % | Week 10 | 1,2,3 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Lecture Theatre | Lectures | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Tutorial | Flat Classroom | Group work | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Independent learning | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2020-09-30 Tourism's New Markets
ISBN 191163562X ISBN-13 9781911635628
Tourism is facing new challenges. The number of tourists in the world is increasing, new segments are emerging and their flows are shifting. 'Tourism's New Markets: Drivers, details and directions' explores these new segments and markets and all their different needs, interests and cultures. Emerging markets are in countries with an increasing economic performance (such as Asia and the Middle East) and with the largest populations (including India, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico)and it is expected that other emerging source markets will add to those recently observed from the giants (China and Russian Federation) as major tourist newcomers. Changes such as an ageing population, the growth of megalopolises and the decline of the traditional nuclear family lead to the creation of new market segments, all which have new interests and demands. This edited volume looks at the consumer needs of seniors, millennials, pleasure tourists, singleton tourists, Muslim travellers, nationality based cohorts as well as cross-generational segments, luxury travel and unique special interest groups amongst others. With contributions from international experts in the field, 'Tourism's New Markets: Drivers, details and directions' provides a research-led perspective to: * Explore and understand emerging markets and segments * Identify the most effective marketing strategies to build emerging markets and segments * Create a body of knowledge that shapes the boundaries of marketing to reach an orientalised and market perspective * Compare developing markets with emerging ones * Offer a global perspective of marketing and tourists' behaviours and build a comparative framework of developed and emerging markets * Develop a new research framework to excel in emerging markets A must have volume for higher level undergraduates, graduate students and practitioners in the fields of tourism, it is contextualised throughout with international case studies and examples to provide a real world perspective.
2018-11-21 Contemporary Tourism
ISBN 1911396765 ISBN-13 9781911396765
The study of tourism and indeed the tourism industry is changing constantly. Now in its fourth edition, Contemporary Tourism: an international approach presents a new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism, considering issues such as overtourism, advances in AI and its impacts, waste management and environmental crisis, the sharing economy and Airbnb, the tourist experience and product development. In particular, it highlights the ongoing threats and opportunities faced by the tourism industry today, and discusses the related management strategies, illustrating the potential implications for the patterns and flow of tourism in the future. Divided into five sections, each chapter has a thorough learning structure including chapter objectives, examples, discussion points, self-review questions, checklists and case studies. URL links in the form of QR codes are heavily present throughout the text so that users of both hard and electronic formats can have direct links to up to date, authoritative and annotated sources of information. Cases are both thematic and destination-based and always international. They are used to emphasise the relationship between general principles and the practice of tourism looking at areas such as business and special interest tourism and the role of technology. The five sections cover: Contemporary Tourism Systems; The Contemporary Tourist; The Contemporary Tourist Destination; The Contemporary Tourism Industry; and Tourism Futures. New to this edition:* New material on latest issues such as the international response to overtourism; waste management and environmental change; and the impact of AI/robotics on tourism human resources; * Brand new and updated case studies and readings throughout;* Substantial support for both students and teachers, both within the text itself and via web-based student and instructor resources.ABOUT THE AUTHORS Chris Cooper is Professor in the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality at Leeds Beckett University in the UK. Professor C Michael Hall is Professor of Marketing at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand; Docent, University of Oulu, Finland and Visiting Professor at Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden.
2020-01-13 The Business of Tourism SAGE Publications Limited
ISBN 1526459442 ISBN-13 9781526459442
Tourism as an industry is constantly changing: Trends and attitudes are frequently susceptible to changes in what people look for in a holiday, which can change with economic context, generational shifts or the political landscape. In The Business of Tourism, Chris Holloway and Claire Humphreys help students to not only understand these new changes but to study them with a critical mindset. An essential text for students of tourism management or travel & tourism, its historical context is combined with background theory and research, plus up-to-date international case studies, to examine in detail the tourism product alongside its impacts and the nature of a tourist. This classic book has constantly offered a well-rounded yet hands-on business view of the tourism industry, and this updated edition is no exception, providing: Depth and breadth of coverage makes it a one stop shop for students looking to purchase just one textbook during their degree A focus on business and the operational aspects of tourism give the text an applied feel rather than a descriptive overview, making it useful for any student wishing to work or take a placement in one of the many diverse sectors of the tourism industry History chapter that is not included in other texts, which gives a stimulating historical perspective to students for whom an understanding of the development of the tourism industry through the ages is desirable for success in assessments
2020-11-30 Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models
ISBN 1911635352 ISBN-13 9781911635352
Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models: * Explains why we think about tourism the way we do; * Explores key theories, concepts and models that explain how tourism works; * Is a comprehensive and cohesive text that develops a series of key ideas that deepens understanding and encourages critical thinking. This important text provides a critical overview of the core theories, concepts and ideas that have shaped the way we think about tourism. Divided into six parts, it takes the reader through the following areas to ensure thorough and coherent knowledge, looking at the important key theories, models and concepts, ensuring clear understanding and the ability for critical thinking: * Setting the stage: looking at the interdisciplinary nature of tourism and its' structure (5 core aspects of generation region, industry, destination region, transit route and tourist) * How tourism works: explores the three core dimensions of tourism factors, attractions, access and government policy * The evolution of tourism: examines the main models that have depicted the evolution of tourism destinations, economies and geographies. * The tourist: motivations and influences of the tourist as an individual, covering typology, social demographic factors and constraints. * Planning models: destination planning, scenarios and forecasting, including responses to current challenges Current issues: examines the theoretical and conceptual foundations for a range of contemporary issues that will affect tourism well into the future, including climate change, overtourism, crisis management and political change. Additional resources consist of web links, online videos and teaching reference materials. These can be found at from Academy fellows and other academic links explaining the ideas in the book. A must-have text for post graduate tourism and hospitality studies, as well as a key resource text for those teaching and studying tourism subjects at the later stages of undergraduate level.
Module Resources
Industry publications and sectoral reports will be used from international sources including OECD, UNWTO, World Travel & Tourism Council and the European Travel Commission.
International Journal of Tourism Research
International Journal of Tourism Cities
Tourism Management
Annals of Tourism Research