STRU07012 2019 Structures 302

General Details

Full Title
Structures 302
Transcript Title
Structures 302
N/A %
Subject Area
STRU - Structures
CENG - Civil Eng. and Construction
07 - NFQ Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Tomas O Flaherty
Programme Membership
SG_ECVIL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering SG_ECVIL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering in Civil Engineering SG_ECVIL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering in Civil Engineering SG_ECVIL_B07 202000 Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering in Civil Engineering

This module deals with elementary theory and techniques used in the analysis of statically determinate, statically indeterminate structural systems and stress transformation for general sections.

This module also details the principles and methods used in the design of structural steelwork to EN1993.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Derive and formulate equations for the analysis of principal stresses and maximum shear stress.


Determine slopes and deflections in statically determinate beams.


Analyse the states of stress caused by combined loadings.


Select an appropriate scheme design for a structural steelwork building, defend design decisions and present findings both orally and in written form.


Design and detail structural elements in structural steelwork to EN1993, and communicate the design in an appropriate manner.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered to full-time learners through a mix of formal lectures and design practical classes. 

This module will be delivered to part-time online learners through a mix of live online lectures and online tutorials. The lectures and tutorials will be recorded and made available to the learners through an online virtual learning environment.

To reinforce the theoretical principles covered in lectures, learners will participate in design practicals and project work.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 65% continuous assessment and 35% final examination at the end of the semester

The continuous assessment is based on a design project work and structural analysis practicals.

The design project will be a group project work that will incorporate calculations, sketches, reports, drawings, presentations and interviews that will be assessed on an ongoing basis to provide both formative and summative assessment to the learner. Both individual and team performance will be assessed at different stages during this project work with an emphasis on teamwork. The design project work is interdisciplinary and linked with Geotechnical Engineering 301.

The structural analysis practicals will be used to demonstrate and apply theoretical structural analysis principles developed during lectures. 

Peer assessment will be incorporated into marks awarded for all practical work. The sizing of the slice method of group assessment (Clelford & Hopkins, 2014) will be used to allocate marks to the individual members of the project group. A copy of this method of allocating marks will be given to the students at the start of the module.  

Clelford, T. & Hopkins, A., 2014. Sizing the Slice: Assessing Individual Performance in Group Projects, CEBE Funded Case Study retrieved on 5/12/2014 from http://www‑

Repeat Assessments

The learner must pass all elements of the continuous assessment.

Where a learner or group of learners fail the project element of the module they will be required to resubmit the project or an alternative project for assessment or a repeat exam paper at the repeat examination session.

Learners who fail the end of module terminal examination will have the opportunity to resit the examination during the repeat examination session.

Module Dependencies

STRU06007 201900 Structural Mechanics 201 STRU06010 201900 Structural Design 202

Indicative Syllabus

Structural Analysis may include:

  1. Stress transformation - Plane-stress transformation and general equations of plane-stress transformation
  2. Principal stresses and maximum in-plane shear stress, including Mohr’s circle.
  3. Deflections of beams (The elastic curve, slope and deflection by integration, discontinuity functions).
  4. Combined loading (Thin-walled pressure vessels and states of stress caused by combined loadings).

Indicative Laboratory Practicals:

  1. Simply Supported beam deflected shape.
  2. Continuous beam deflected shape.
  3. Cantilever beam deflected shape.

Structural Design may include:

  1. Introduction to the design of structural steelwork. (Materials, loading, limit states and partial safety factors).
  2. Axially loaded members. (Simple tension members. Axially loaded columns).
  3. Simple Beam Design.
  4. Joints (Design of bolted connections and an introduction to welded connections).
  5. Column baseplates.

Indicative Design Practicals

  1. Scheme design of a simple structural steelwork building.
  2. Design and detailing of a simple structural steelwork building.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
65 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
35 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Continuous Assessment at mid-term Formative Assessment - % Week 7 1,2,3
2 Structural Analysis Practicalss Coursework Assessment Practical Evaluation 20 % OnGoing 1,2,3
3 Group Project Structural Design Coursework Assessment Project 45 % OnGoing 4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam End of Semester Final Exam Closed Book Exam 35 % End of Term 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 4 Weekly 4.00
Supervision Engineering Laboratory Structural Analysis 0.5 Weekly 0.50
Supervision Computer Laboratory Structural Design 1.5 Weekly 1.50
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Study and Project work 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 6.00 Hours

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 4 Weekly 4.00
Supervision Engineering Laboratory Structural Analysis 0.5 Weekly 0.50
Design Projectwork Computer Laboratory Structural Design 1.5 Weekly 1.50
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Study and Project work 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 6.00 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
  1. Martin, L. and Purkiss, J., Structural Design of Steelwork to EN 1993 and 1994, p.472, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008.

  2. Draycott, T. and Bullman, P., Structural Elements Design Manual: Working with Eurocodes, 2nd Edition, Butterworth−Heinemann, 2009.

  3. IStruct E., Manual for design of steelwork building structures to EC3, The Institution of Structural Engineers, 2000.

  4. ICE, ICE Manual of Structural Design:Buildings, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 2012.

  5. EN 1993: Design of Structural Steelwork.

  6. Gardner, L., Designers' guide to EN 1993-1-1 : Eurocode 3 : design of steel structures : general rules and rules for buildings, Thomas Telford, 2005.

  7. Hendy, C. R., Designers' guide to EN 1993-2 : Eurocode 3 : design of steel structures, Thomas Telford, 2007.

Journal Resources

To be confirmed during module.

URL Resources

To be confirmed during module.

Other Resources

To be confirmed during module.

Additional Information

To be confirmed during module.