SPOR08008 2022 Sport Pedagogy

General Details

Full Title
Sport Pedagogy
Transcript Title
Sport Pedagogy
75 %
Subject Area
SPOR - 1014 Sport
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
08 - Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Aileen Brennan, Patricia McCaffrey
Programme Membership
SG_BSPOR_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Sport with Business SG_BSPOR_K08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Sport with Business SG_BSPOR_H08 202400 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Sport with Business SG_BSPOR_K08 202400 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Sport with Business

This module will introduce sport pedagogy to develop further teaching and coaching skills building on related subjects of previous years. It will provide learners with the opportunity to experiment with a range of physical teaching skills, teaching and coaching styles and associated assessment techniques. This application of theory to practice is important for students considering a further career in sport education / coaching, sport development or education / teaching - primary and /or post primary school. In addition, students will be encouraged to engage in a critical process of reflective discussions and journal practice building a personal e-portfolio. This experience will help students use these skills in further studies or working in the educational system.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Identify and synthesise theoretical frames to support applicative sport pedagogy skills.


Demonstrate teaching principles to develop learning in an individual & group practical sport pedagogy project.


Design, construct and develop lesson plan resources for sport pedagogy.


Evaluate discussions and methods of sport pedagogy in e-portfolio reflections related to personal experience, reading, observations and future practice. 

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Students will actively practice team-based learning to identify theoretical frames to support them to synthesise and deepen understandings of teaching, coaching and assessment approaches to sport pedagogy. The class will be designed to engage student into individual reflective learning to enhance understanding and progress on practical teaching skill experience both physically and orally. Interactive methods will execute cooperative and collaborative learning in diverse movement forms and sport contexts. Students will apply critical and reflective learning skills in journal writing about each class which will enable them to develop as self-reflective educators and understand their own learning process. 

Module Assessment Strategies

Students' active engagement and individual progress; collaborative integration and exploration of sport pedagogy teaching, learning and assessment methods; and journal practice will be assessed during the class and in practical teaching performance by continuous assessment. 

Repeat Assessments

Repeat failed element of continuous assessment. In the event that the student has not met the 75% attendance requirement for the practical preparation sessions, they will have to repeat attend.

Indicative Syllabus

The syllabus employs integration of organised physical education in schools with the focus on supporting the develoment of child and adolesent and empowering them to participate in a variety of sport and movement cultures. Sport pedagogy is closely connected to sport didactics. More recently, sport pedagogy is increasingly interested in exercise, play and sport during the whole life span of human being, ranging from early childhood educaiton to late adulthood. Analogous to society development there is an increasing interest in doing research on the possibility of handling social, cultural and gender related heterogeneity in a constructive way, as well as researching on providing people with special needs an inclusive arrangement of exercise, play and sport offers. 

Developments in digitalisation within the field of transmitting and arranging education and sport are also coming more and more into focus within sport pedagogical research. 

Pedagogy in physical education and youth sport (learning outcomes no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). 

  • What is ‘sport pedagogy’ and why study it? 
  • Learning theory for effective learning in practice.
  • Learning about health and wellbeing through physical education and youth sport.
  • Critical health pedagogy: whose body is it anyway?
  • Youth sport policy: an international perspective.
  • Positive pedagogy in sport coaching.
  • Learning to mentor in sport coaching. 

Children and young people's diverse learning in physical education and youth sport (learning outcomes no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). 

  • Youth Voices in physical education and sport.
  • Young people, sporting bodies, vulnerable identities.
  • Playtime: the needs of very young learners in physical education and youth sport.
  • Disabling experiences of physical education and youth sport.
  • Disaffected youth in physical education and youth sport.
  • Physical education and youth sport: does social class still matter? Barriers to learning in physical education and youth sport.
  • Young people, ethnicity and pedagogy.
  • Gender and learning in physical education and youth sport.
  • Right to be active: 'looked after children' in physical education and sport.
  • Gender and learning in physical education and youth sport.
  • Adaptive Physical Education.
  • Meaningful Physical Education Approach.

Being a professional teacher or coach in physical education or youth sport (learning outcomes no. 1,2,3,4,5). 

  • Effective career-long professional development for teachers and coaches.
  • Personalised learning: a perfect pedagogy for teachers and coaches?
  • Becoming an effective secondary school physical education teacher.
  • Becoming an effective physical education teacher.
  • Becoming an effective primary school physical education teacher.
  • Youth sport coach.
  • Learning strategy.
  • Professional learning in communities of practice.
  • Models-based practice: structuring teaching and coaching to meet learners' diverse needs. 

Physical Education, Youth Sport and Digital Technology (learning outcomes no. 1,2,3,4,5). 

  • Teaching and coaching enhanced by digital technology.
  • Ways to integrate technology into physical education. 
  • Movement analysis and digital video feedback
  • Computer software for video analysis.
  • Socio-technological apps. related to physical activity participation and engagement. 

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 E-portfolio. Coursework Assessment Individual Project 50 % Week 7 1,4
2 Individual & group practical teaching performance. Coursework Assessment Performance Evaluation 50 % Week 12 2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Theoretical 1 Weekly 1.00
Supervision MPC Hall Teaching / Coaching 1 Weekly 1.00
Design Projectwork MPC Hall Project 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Offsite Facility Researching project and write up of portfolio weekly 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2011 Sport Pedagogy Prentice Hall
ISBN 0273732587 ISBN-13 9780273732587

Sport Pedagogy offers an essential starting point for anyone who cares about sport, education and young people. It offers invaluable theoretical and practical guidance for studying to become an effective teacher or coach, and for anyone who wants to inspire children and young people to engage in and enjoy sport for life. The book also focuses on you as a learner in sport, prompting you to reflect critically on the ways in which your early learning experiences might affect your ability to diagnose the learning needs of young people with very different needs. Sport Pedagogy is about learning in practice. It refers both the ways in which children and young people learn and the pedagogical knowledge and skills that teachers and coaches need to support them to learn effectively. Sport pedagogy is the study of the place where sport and education come together. The study of sport pedagogy has three complex dimensions that interact to form each pedagogical encounter: Knowledge in context - what is regarded as essential or valuable knowledge to be taught, coached or learnt is contingent upon historical, social and political contextual factors that define practice; Learners and learning -at the core of sport pedagogy is expertise in complex learning theories, and a deep understanding of diversity and its many impacts on the ways in which young learners can learn; Teachers/teaching and coaches/coaching - effective teachers and coaches are lifelong learners who can harness the power of sport for diverse children and young people. Gaining knowledge and understanding of the three dimensional concept of sport pedagogy is the first step towards ensuring that the rights of large numbers of children and young people to effective learning experiences in and through sport are not denied. The book is organised into three sections: background and context; young people as diverse learners; the professional responsibility of teachers and coaches. Features of each chapter include: research extracts, comments to summarise key points, individual and group learning tasks, suggested resources for further reading, and reference lists to enable you to follow-up points of interest. This book provides you with some of the prior knowledge you need to make best use of teaching materials, coaching manuals and other resources. In so doing you, as a teacher or coach, will be well placed to offer an effective and professional learning service to children and young people in sport.

Required Reading
2020 Routledge Handbook of Adapted Physical Education
ISBN 0367146118 ISBN-13 9780367146115

This handbook represents the first comprehensive and evidence-based review of theory, research, and practice in the field of adapted physical education (APE). Exploring philosophical and foundational aspects of APE, the book outlines the main conceptual frameworks informing research and teaching in this area, and presents important material that will help shape best practice and future research. Written by world-leading researchers, the book introduces the key themes in APE, such as historical perspectives on disability, disability and the law, language, and measurement. It examines the most significant theoretical frameworks for understanding APE, from embodiment and social cognitive theory to occupational socialization, and surveys current debates and practical issues in APE, such as teacher training, the use of technology, and physical inactivity and health. Acknowledging the importance of the voices of children, parents and peers, the book also explores research methods and paradigms in APE, with each chapter including directions for further research. Offering an unprecedented wealth of material, the Routledge Handbook of Adapted Physical Education is an essential reference for advanced students, researchers and scholars working in APE, and useful reading for anybody with an interest in disability, physical education, sports coaching, movement science or youth sport.

Required Reading
2021 Meaningful Physical Education Routledge
ISBN 0367473615 ISBN-13 9780367473617

This book outlines an approach to teaching and learning in physical education that prioritises meaningful experiences for pupils, using case studies to illustrate how practitioners have implemented this approach across international contexts. Prioritising the idea of meaningfulness positions movement as a primary way to enrich the quality of young people's lives, shifting the focus of physical education programs to better suit the needs of contemporary young learners and resist the utilitarian health-oriented views of physical education that currently predominate in many schools and policy documents. The book draws on the philosophy of physical education to articulate the main rationale for prioritising meaningful experiences, before identifying potential and desired outcomes for participants. It highlights the distinct characteristics of meaningful physical education and its content, and outlines teaching and learning principles and strategies, supported by pedagogical cases that show what meaningful physical education can look like in school-based teaching and in higher education-based teacher education. With an emphasis on good pedagogical practice, this is essential reading for all pre-service and in-service physical education teachers or coaches working in youth sport.

Recommended Reading
2019 Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching
ISBN 0367218216 ISBN-13 9780367218218

Positive Pedagogy is an athlete-centred, inquiry-based approach that transforms the way we understand learning and coaching in sport. This book demonstrates how Positive Pedagogy for sport coaching(PPed) can be successfully employed across a range of sports and levels of performance, while also providing insight into coaches' experiences. Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, the book introduces the key concepts that underpin Positive Pedagogy and offers detailed case studies of Positive Pedagogy in action, with reflections from practising coaches. It also provides more detail and direction for coaches interested in implementing the approach. This new edition moves beyond coaching in individual sports to explain how Positive Pedagogy can be applied to all sport coaching across a wide range of sports, including basketball, baseball, football, rugby, boxing, swimming, track and field athletics, as well as strength and conditioning. Positive Pedagogy for sport coachingboth improves performance and promotes positive learning experiences across all ages and abilities. This book is invaluable reading for all sports coaching students as well as any practising coaches or physical education teachers looking to improve or even transform their professional practice. lt;/P> Positive Pedagogy for sport coachingboth improves performance and promotes positive learning experiences across all ages and abilities. This book is invaluable reading for all sports coaching students as well as any practising coaches or physical education teachers looking to improve or even transform their professional practice.

Required Reading
2020 Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sport Coaching
ISBN 0367489821 ISBN-13 9780367489823

Positive Pedagogy is an athlete-centred, inquiry-based approach that transforms the way we understand learning and coaching in sport that can be successfully employed across a range of different sports and levels of performance. Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases reflects the uptake of it by coaches across different countries and sport settings through its complete focus on their experiences of using it and adapting it to their needs and contexts. Comprising of seventeen detailed chapters that examine both Team Sports (part one) and Individual Sports (part two), This book seeks to provide insight into the opportunities and challenges involved in the application of Positive Pedagogy for sport coaching (PPed). Critically, it also identifies any problems they encountered, how they addressed them and what they learned from these experiences. Acting as complementary text to the successful Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching second edition, Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases is an exciting, applied text that will be of vital reading for all practising sports coaches or physical education teachers looking to improve or even transform their professional practice as well as sports coaching students and researchers.

Required Reading
2020-08-14 Learning to Mentor in Sports Coaching Routledge
ISBN 0367591057 ISBN-13 9780367591052

Learning to Mentor in Sports Coaching is an innovative, user-friendly, practical and theoretical guide for educating sports coaches as mentors. It is the first book to employ design thinking techniques to develop a new approach to mentor education in sports coaching. Providing theoretical grounding in mentoring conversations, design thinking and case study research, the book centres on a series of redesigned mentoring conversations between some of the world's leading sports coaching experts, coach educators, mentors and mentees. It covers topics such as: supporting novice volunteer coaches' learning the learning needs of novice volunteer coaches and novice professional coaches professional communities of learning in coaching the impact of coaching behaviours on learning environments autonomy-supportive learning environments coaching children, young people and adults Closing with a critique of the sports coach mentor as design thinker, Learning to Mentor in Sports Coaching is important reading for any upper-level student or researcher working in sports coaching, sports pedagogy or youth sport, and any coach looking to integrate sound mentoring theory into their professional practice.

Required Reading
2020-11-18 Threshold Concepts in Physical Education
ISBN 036735845X ISBN-13 9780367358457

This innovative and user-friendly book uses a design thinking approach to examine transformative learning and liminality in physical education. Covering theory and practice, it introduces the important idea of 'threshold concepts' for physical education, helping physical educators to introduce those concepts into curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. The book invites us to reflect on what is learned in, through and about physical education - to identify its core threshold concepts. Once identified, the book explains how the learning of threshold concepts can be planned using principles of pedagogical translation for all four learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective and social). The book is arranged into three key sections which walk the reader through the underpinning concepts, use movement case studies to explore and generate threshold concepts in physical education using design thinking approach and, finally, provide a guiding Praxis Matrix for PE Threshold Concepts that can be used for physical educators across a range of school and physical activity learning contexts. Outlining fundamental theory and useful, practical teaching and coaching advice, this book is invaluable reading for all PE teacher educators, coach educators, and any advanced student, coach or teacher looking to enrich their knowledge and professional practice.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

MacPhail, A. (2020) Developing commitments and capacity to learn with, and from, each other. In MacPhail, A. & Lawson, H. (eds.) School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century. Routledge, UK.

Journal Resources

Belton, S., O’Brien, W., Murtagh, E., Costa, J., Issartel, J., McGann, J. and Manninen, M., 2022. A new curriculum model for second-level physical education: Y-PATH PE4Me. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, pp.1-22.  DOI: 10.1080/25742981.2021.2018941 

Sargent, J., & Calderón, A. (2021). Technology-Enhanced Learning Physical Education? A Critical Review of the Literature. Journal of Teaching in Physical Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0136. IF2020=4.155 (Q1) Education and Educational Research (JCR)

Martin, R., McMullen, J. and Murtagh, E.M., 2021. Implementing movement integration across the whole school: findings from the Moving to Learn Ireland programme. Irish Educational Studies, pp.1-20.  DOI:  10.1080/03323315.2021.1899023

Calderón, A., & MacPhail, A., (2021). Seizing the opportunity to redesign physical education teacher education: blending paradigms to create transformative experiences in teacher education. Sport, Education and Society.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2021.1997981  IF2020=4.119 (Q1) Education and Educational Research (JCR).

Barrett, Gareth M., Sherwin, I., & Blackett. Alexander D.. (2021). Women Rugby Union Coaches’ Experiences of Formal Coach Education in Ireland and the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/wspaj.2020-0056.

Other Resources
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