SPOR06052 2022 Research Based Study Skills

General Details

Full Title
Research Based Study Skills
Transcript Title
Research Skills
N/A %
Subject Area
SPOR - 1014 Sport
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Ruth Walsh, Kerry Dolan, Aileen Brennan, Patricia McCaffrey
Programme Membership
SG_BAPPL_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Applied Sport with Business SG_BAPPL_B07 202400 Bachelor of Business in Applied Sport with Business

This module is for students making the transition to 3rd level study in the areas of Sport and Business. The module uses a variety of teaching techniques to build confidence and competence in time management, the use of source materials, research methods, essay writing, note-taking, reflection and presentation skills. It is intended to motivate students to develop a more independent, reflective and self-managed approach to learning whist developing interpersonal skills for success in their professional career.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Develop an independent, self managed, reflective approach to study.


Identify and implement key reading, listening and note taking skills for more effective academic practice


Develop key skills in academic writing, referencing and citation.


Identify critical thinking skills and use them to analyse various texts.


Evaluate the reliability and effectiveness of various sources of knowledge


Identify and demonstrate the key skills of individual and small group oral presentations

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The learning strategies are student centred, where active participation and experiential learning are used extensively. Students are encouraged to have a voice and what they say is valued. For many, such an independent approach to learning is an alien experience (Kneale, 2015) and for some this may be disconcerting. Overall the aim is to provide explicit scaffolding and a ‘safe space’ to help structure the transition to learning in higher education, addressing the skills needed for 'doing' independent learning related to higher education.

Module Assessment Strategies

Students will participate actively in their own learning and have the opportunity to reflect on their learning progress through Continuous Assessment (100%) throughout the semester. Assessments may vary from a quiz, research, essays, referencing and citation, presentation, other. Feedback will be provided on an ongoing basis.

Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on their learning progress throughout the semester through formative assessments such as in class discussions, polls and quizzes.

Learning Outcome Learning Methodology Assessment Method

  1. 1. Develop an independent, self-managed, reflective approach to study, whole class discussion, reading, small group and paired activities, learning Journal
  2. 2. Recognise the central role of reading, listening and note taking in academic practice, whole class discussion, reading, small group small group and paired activities, learning Portfolio
  3. 3. Identify and demonstrate key skills in academic writing, referencing and citation. Whole class discussion, reading, small group small group and paired activities, writing Portfolio
  4.  4. Identify and analyse critical thinking skills. Whole class discussion, reading, small group small group and paired activities, Learning Portfolio
  5. 5. Evaluate the reliability/effectiveness of various sources of knowledge. Whole class discussion, reading, small group small group and paired activities, Oral Presentation
  6. 6. Identify and demonstrate the key skills of individual and small group oral presentations, including using self and peer-assessment based on a criterion referenced assessment, Small group activities, Oral Presentation


Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessments will be developed as appropriate to assess failed elements.

Indicative Syllabus

 Learning Strategies

  • Active learning and engagement
  • Taking responsibility
  • Managing time and morale
  • Managing stress
  • Independent learning
  • The purpose of reading for research

Reading, listening, note-taking

  • Reading approaches - skimming and scanning
  • Reading for precision and relevance
  • Listening for overall meaning and specific detail
  • Making notes in lectures and from reading - thinking on paper / Cornell System
  • Reading habits
  • Mind mapping

The Academic Writing Process

  • Approaches to writing
  • Purposes of writing
  • Structuring academic writing - clarity, consistency and cohesion
  • Academic writing style
  • Drafting and formatting ideas - paraphrasing
  • Plagiarism and Plagiarism software/Turnitin
  • Referencing – Harvard Referencing System

Critical Thinking

  • The value of critical thinking
  • Personal strategies and barriers to critical thinking
  • Evaluating a point of view
  • Supporting arguments and conclusions
  • Expressing and supporting personal opinion
  • Creating, writing in reflective logs / blogs

Sources of Knowledge

  • Accessing a range of sources - written: journals, electronic media, newspapers, chapters.
  • Empirical Evidence - reliability and validity
  • Contemporary sport / business issues

Presentation skills:

  • Preparation, practicing and executing a power point oral presentations.
  • Task cards to aid memory
  • Effective public speaking skills based on delivery, voice quality, eye contact, posture and confidence.
  • Structuring content and making use of visual aids effectively

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Organisation/Time Management/Learning Journal Coursework Assessment Assignment 20 % Week 3 1,2
2 Research/Learning Portfolio Coursework Assessment Assignment 20 % Week 6 4,5
3 Writing Portfolio/Academic writing/Plagiarism Coursework Assessment Assignment 40 % Week 10 3,4
4 Oral Presentation /PowerPoint Coursework Assessment Assessment 20 % Week 12 3,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Research Skills Theory 1 Weekly 1.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Portfolio Tasks 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Self-study 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Study Skills

Recommended Reading
2022-03-15 ESS STUDY and EMP SKILLS BUS and MAN 4E
ISBN 0198809883 ISBN-13 9780198809883

Essential Study and Employment Skills for Business and Management Students is the only skills companion text for business and management students to blend practical, hands-on advice with a sound theoretical underpinning to enhance your success throughout university and beyond.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources


Moore,S., Neville, C., Murphy, M., and Connelley, C. (2010) The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook. Berkshire: Open University Press.


Buzan, T. ((2005) The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps. London: Thorsons.

Cottrell, S. (2011) Critical Thinking Skills: developing effective analysis and argument. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook. 3 rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gillet, A., Hammond, A. & Martala, M. (2009) Successful Academic Writing. Harlow: Pearson.

Hamp-Lyons, L. &Heasley, B. (2006) Study Writing: a course in writing skills for academic purposes. 2 nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Meegan, J and Staples, M. (2009) Preparing for study. Milton Kynes: Open University Press.

Oshima, A. &Hogue, A. (2006) Writing Academic English. 4 th ed. New York: Pearson Education.

Peck, J. &Coyle, M. (2012) The Student’s Guide to Writing: spelling, punctuation and grammar. 3 rd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Peck, J. &Coyle, M. (2012) Write It Right: the secrets of effective writing. 2 nd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.