SPOR06037 2022 Gym Instruction
This module aims to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to operate effectively as an EQF Level 3 Fitness Instructor within the health and fitness industry. It is an important milestone in becoming an accredited fitness instructor. Students will role play as weights instructors and learn the basics of resistance programme design. The leaner will complete an e-portfolio of work and be tested with regard to theoretical knowledge at the end of the module. Blended teaching and learning technologies will be used in the delivery of this module. Note: Completing this module does not guarantee accreditation since 'industry specific' outcomes must be met by the learner, which are outlined in the syllabus/LTA.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Identify Health & Safety legislation relevant to the strength and conditioning environment and conduct a risk assessment.
Roleplay and lesson plan as a resistance exercise instructor in an ethical manner.
Design a linear resistance programme and identify age-appropriate resistance training for children.
Describe muscle types, function, structure, contraction, and body lever mechanics.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Active learning will take place in a gym environment where students will practice with a range of fixed and free weight resistance exercise techniques. Students will have the opportunity to integrate prior knowledge of role play by applying it in the context of resistance instruction. Planning skills will be tested through the preparation of a lesson plan for the practical assessment and the design of a base strength development programme for the e-portfolio. Moodle will act as a repository to support students with diverse learning needs and to run online assessments.
Module Assessment Strategies
75% practical attendance is required to achieve LO2 to industry standard.
An e-portfolio will examine LO1, and LO3 which cannot be fully completed without attending practical classes.
An end-of-semester, multiple-choice quiz (MCQ) will be used to assess LO4. This will examine recall knowledge based on lectures delivered during the term.
Because this module is linked to an industry award, the following criteria must be met to be eligible for the embedded EQF Level 3 Fitness Instructor award;
The candidate must pass the MCQ
The candidate must achieve 60% in the practical exam.
Achieving industry standard is NOT guaranteed and depends on the learner's level of engagement.
Repeat Assessments
The candidate may be required to repeat attend if they have been absent for the practical component.
Practical exams will only be rescheduled for medically certified students.
The e-portfolio may be re-submitted in the autumn.
Candidates may re-sit the MCQ in the autumn.
Module Dependencies
Indicative Syllabus
1.0 Identify Health & Safety legislation relevant to the strength and conditioning environment and conduct a risk assessment.
Identify Health & Safety legislation relevant to the strength and conditioning environment.
Conduct a risk assessment of a gym environment.
Practice weights-specific warm-up.
Identify common errors made by novice lifters.
Describe the link between poor lifting technique and injury.
Describe the effects of breath-holding during heavy resistance training.
2.0 Role play and lesson plan as a resistance exercise instructor in an ethical manner.
- Demonstrate the skills of an effective fitness instructor and be able to;
Develop an age and experience-appropriate lesson plan for teaching exercises.
Use the NAMSIT acronym when instructing.
Provide individual feedback / questioning; individual correction / adaptation
Spot exercises in a safe and ethical manner (avoid unnecessary touching).
Explain the concept of core muscle engagement to a client.
Practice correct technique for a range of core stabilising, fixed & free weight exercises.
3. Design a linear resistance programme and identify age-appropriate resistance training for children.
Conduct a range of fitness tests (including 10RM testing) to establish baseline strength level.
Describe basic principles of resistance training and resistance exercise prescription.
Design a base strength programme suitable for an adult beginner.
Describe the benefits of strength training to health.
Identify the physiological adaptations that occur with resistance training.
Identify growth plates and susceptibility to injury from excessive stress.
Describe age-appropriate resistance circuit design.
Identify safe weight increments and supervision levels for children.
4.0 Muscle type, function structure, contraction, and body lever mechanics.
Describe muscle classification
Identify characteristics of different muscle fibre types.
Explain working in pairs Concentric/Eccentric/Isometric (Static), Prime mover, Antagonist and Synergists.
Describe joint actions brought about by specific muscle group contractions.
Describe nervous stimulation of muscle and Huxley's Sliding Filament Theory.
Identify planes of movement, joint action, and levers of the body.
Describe the skeleton, bone composition, joint structure, and muscle points of origin and insertion.
Describe joint injury resulting from poor posture and technique.
Explain the concept of core stability and identify deep core stabilising muscles.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | E-Portfolio | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 30 % | Week 8 | 1,3 |
2 | Weights Instruction | Practical | Performance Evaluation | 30 % | Week 11 | 2 |
3 | Moodle Quiz | Coursework Assessment | Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test | 40 % | End of Semester | 4 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Supervision | MPC GYM | Weights and Resistance Instruction | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Supervision | Studio | Weights & Resistance Instruction | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Lecture | Classroom Equipped for OLL. | Lecture | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Independent Learning | MPC GYM | Practical Rehearsal | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Reading | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2021-08-24 The Fitness Instructor's Handbook 4th Edition Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN 9781472977342 ISBN-13 1472977343
New and updated, The Fitness Instructor's Handbook, 4th edition is the essential guide for anyone working in, or wishing to enter, the fitness industry: the ultimate resource for students and qualified fitness professionals alike. This edition includes new text on how to avoid poor exercise technique that can increase injury risk as well as a brand new section on field protocols for typical health and fitness tests with guidance on how instructors can standardise them. Other essential updates are also included that reflect changes to the National Occupational Standards for both Level 2 and 3 qualifications. At the end of each chapter you will also find revision questions to sharpen your knowledge and help with exam prep. Chapters include: The skeletal system Muscles and tendons The energy system Circulation and respiration Components of fitness Safety issues Customer service Screening clients Planning and programme design Exercise evaluation Offering the perfect blend of theory and practice for every aspect of health and fitness, this is the resource you will refer to time and again.
2007 Resistance Training Instruction New World Library
ISBN 0736064036 ISBN-13 9780736064033
Aimed at personal trainers and other fitness professionals, this work includes methods used by the renowned Cooper Institute to certify personal trainers. It is written to help readers learn the safest, effective way to perform resistance training exercises, with 65 exercises that target every major muscle group.
2009-09-01 Practical Fitness Testing A&C Black
ISBN 9781408110225 ISBN-13 1408110229
A comprehensive and up to date guide to testing fitness, ideal for coaches, fitness industry professionals and anyone planning a training program for clients or groups.
Module Resources
Manocchia, P., (2007). Anatomy of Exercise. A & C Black.
ISBN 0713687215 ISBN-13 9780713687217
Modern gym facility equipped with fixed and free weights.
Computer lab to run the online Moodle quiz.