SCI08012 2022 Work Practice

General Details

Full Title
Work Practice
Transcript Title
Work Practice
N/A %
Subject Area
SCI - Science
LIFE - Life Sciences
08 - Level 8
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Yvonne Lang, Neville McClenaghan, Sarah Best, Colin Fowley
Programme Membership
SG_SAPPM_K08 202200 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Industrial Science

This module is designed to support students in the personal development of professional skills in the workplace through engaging in enriching workplace-based learning activities. Students will gain experience of a variety of workplace-based activities in an environment relevant to the programme and reflect on their role and evolving skill base in a workplace-based context. Throughout the module, students will maintain a structured reflective journal/portfolio, logging activities and demonstrating personal reflection and development, and at the end of the module provide a concise report and presentation summarizing aspects of their reflective experiences and key learnings.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Develop professional skills including written communication skills, presentation, interview, time management, project management, and conflict resolution skills.


Reflect on the mission/vision, aims/objectives, and structure of the organization and conduct SWOT analysis of a defined workplace function/structure, methodology, practice, or policy, and also a personal SWOT analysis.


Detail how a clearly defined workplace methodology, practice, or policy they have personally used could be applied in another context with the industry sector.


Demonstrate advancement in personal effectiveness in the workplace with indicators of having undertaken appropriate continuing professional development (CPD).


Reflect on performance enhancement and demonstrate ability to undertake self-appraisal.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Students will participate in authentic and relevant workplace-based learning activities over the duration of the module, investigating employment structures and operations in an area relevant to their programme of study. The student will keep a detailed structured journal/portfolio with evidence of consciously reflecting on actual experiences in the workplace. Self-directed learning and planning are expected, where gaps in knowledge, abilities, and/or competency are identified. Students will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to continuing professional development (CPD) including a situational audit of skills and expertise, with the additional expectation of their proactively gaining insights into relevant workplace activities/practice that do not directly relate to their particular post, to evidence a wider understanding of the workplace and company/employer objectives.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% continuous assessment that will assess reflection and communication skills through students completing a variety of tasks and assessed pieces of coursework. The student is advised to keep comprehensive records of daily activities in an appropriate format, to facilitate compilation/completion of a structured reflective journal/portfolio and other assessments.

Repeat Assessments

The repeat assessment will require resubmission of continuous assessment work.

Indicative Syllabus

This module is completed over the course of one Semester in a relevant science, legal, or other workplace by students/employees keeping detailed records of their activities, observations, and reflections on learning progress. This will cumulate in the students submitting a structured reflective journal/portfolio detailing experiences relating to their role/post (e.g. technical experiences) plus wider workplace experiences.

Students will:

  • Develop professional skills including written communication, presentation, interview, time management, project management, and conflict resolution skills.
  • Reflect on the mission/vision, aims/objectives, and structure of the organization and conduct SWOT analysis of a defined workplace function/structure, methodology, practice, or policy, and also a personal SWOT analysis.
  • Detail how a clearly defined workplace methodology, practice, or policy they have personally used could be applied in another context with the industry sector.
  • Demonstrate advancement in personal effectiveness in the workplace with indicators of having undertaken appropriate continuing professional development (CPD).
  • Engage in reflective learning approaches.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Structured Reflective Journal/Portfolio (N.B. Pass Mark of 50%) Coursework Assessment Individual Project 60 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5
2 Assessment by Academic Supervisor Coursework Assessment Performance Evaluation 20 % Any 1,2,3,4,5
3 Student Report Coursework Assessment Assessment 10 % Week 6 1,4
4 Student Presentation Coursework Assessment Assessment 10 % End of Term 1,4

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning / Self-Study 5 Weekly 5.00
Tutorial Online Online Tutorial 0.5 Weekly 0.50
Directed Learning Online Academic Supervisor Interview with Student 0.75 Twice Per Semester 0.10
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 0.60 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2019-01-15 Study and Communication Skills for the Biosciences
ISBN 0198791461 ISBN-13 9780198791461

Study and Communication Skills for the Biosciences is tailored specifically to the needs of bioscience students, both at university, and beyond. Written in an engaging and supportive manner, with examples throughout that demonstrate the relevance of topics covered to bioscience degreeprogrammes, the book will assist you with the transition from school to university, with your studies at university, and with your progression to employment after leaving university. New to this edition, the book now includes discussion of how best to use recorded lectures in learning and revision, and how to get the most out of flipped classrooms and interactive lectures. The chapter on employability has new content on technological change in the workplace, how to perform wellin a video interview, and how best to use online networks for career advancement. A new section also explores how to critically review a research paper. A new learning feature, "Try this for yourself", shows how you can apply the book's principles to your own life and studies.Covering the full range of study and communication skills that you need to study to succeed in your studies, this book is essential reading for any bioscience student who wants to get the most out of their degree.

Recommended Reading
2020-12-15 The Work-Based Learning Student Handbook Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781352011548 ISBN-13 1352011549

The third edition of the original full-length handbook which caters to the specific needs of work-based learners. Compiled by work-based learning experts, this hands-on guide helps new learners to successfully navigate academia and get the most out of their university experience. Chapters show students how to make the most of learning opportunities at university and at work, and how to move from individual to organisational learning. Real-life case studies, useful tips and reflective activities are embedded throughout to enrich students learning experience. This is the essential companion for all students on work-based learning degrees and degree apprenticeships across a range of disciplines, including Business and Management, Health and Social Care, Law, Sport and Exercise Science and Tourism. It will also be an invaluable resource for work-based learning tutors, workplace supervisors and organisations with an interest in work-based learning.

Recommended Reading
2019-03-18 The Study Skills Handbook Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781137610874 ISBN-13 1137610875

This is the ultimate guide to study skills, written by million copy bestselling author Stella Cottrell. Her tried and tested approach, based on over twenty years experience of working with students, has helped over a million students to achieve their potential. When it comes to studying, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This engaging and accessible guide shows students how to tailor their learning to their individual needs in order to boost their grades, build their confidence and increase their employability. Fully revised for the fifth edition, it contains everything students need to succeed. This is an invaluable resource for undergraduate students of all disciplines, and is also ideal for postgraduates, mature students and international students. It prepares students for what to expect before, during and after their studies at university.

Recommended Reading
2021-04-30 Skills for Success Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781352011593 ISBN-13 135201159X

Now in its fourth edition, this indispensable guide helps students to create their own personal development programme and build the skills and capabilities todays employers want. Step by step, it takes students from the initial stages of setting goals and defining success through to the application process for their dream job. Part 1 prompts students to think about what success means to them and to think more deeply about what matters to them, what inspires them, and what will help them to achieve their long-term ambitions. This section also helps students to better manage their time, energies and resources so that they can achieve the kind of success they want. Part 2 shows students how to refine their people and task management skills, enabling them to become the effective communicators and problem-solvers that today's employers want. Part 3 develops students' creative and reflective thinking, thereby strengthening students academic and professional abilities. Part 4 helps readers to reflect on what employers really want from job applicants and explains how they can take concrete action to improve their job prospects. Chapters contain guidance on how to put forward a strong application, how to make the best use of placements, and how to keep records so that students feel more in control during the application process. Internationally acclaimed study skills author Stella Cottrell provides students with the ingredients they need to create their own recipe for success. Whether you're just starting at college or university, or about to leave a postgraduate programme, Skills for Success will help you to think creatively and constructively about personal, academic and career goals.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Updated Literary Resources
Journal Resources
URL Resources
Other Resources

Relevant online and other resources as directed with due consideration given to UDL.

Additional Information