SCI07014 2020 Enterprise in Biomedical Sciences
This module provides opportunities for enterprise and employability skills to be assessed, nurtured and developed within the context of biomedical sciences. This module is taught by lectures (online), tutorials and supervised time on a group project. Individual creativity and communications skills are assessed. Within the context of carrying out a group project, individual contributions to reflection on team working and enterprise skills' development and minuting a group meeting are assessed, as well as the group output of a new life sciences venture outline plan.
Students in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Ulster should be aware of how to exploit their own ideas and talents, and have an appreciation of bioethics and the requirements of employers for professional biomedical scientists. Entrepreneurship training makes graduates more employable and helps them get a good job.
- To allow to meet the learning outcomes associated with the University's Policy on Entrepreurship;
- To provide opportunities for enterprise, employability and reflective skills to be extended, applied and integrated in the contexts of improved practice within biomedical sciences' employer organisations and new venture within the life sciences sector; and
- To engage the participants actively in groups in the practice of getting informed about the life sciences business environment, developing a life sciences business idea and a strategy for protecting it, defining a life sciences business proposition and evaluating its unique selling points, researching the market, studying the competition, developing a marketing strategy, identifying the resource requirements and sources of finance, preparing short-term financial forecasts and integrating all aspects within an outline business plan.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Appraise how the entrepreneurial process can be applied for improved practice within biomedical sciences’ employer organisations
Display skills in creativity, opportunity analysis, resource management and communication.
Plan a new venture for a life sciences marketable product or tradable service.
Evaluate and critically reflect on team work and enterprise skills’ development through participation in a new venture planning project.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
A range of learning and teaching methods are used, including:
- Online lectures
- Tutor supported online activities and discussions
- Directed reading
- Self-assessment quizzes
- Group business planning project
Module Assessment Strategies
Presentation [25%]
Lecture material introduces students to sources of creativity and aids to creativity. Each student then has to generate a new venture idea OR an improved practice proposition in the broad field of biomedical sciences through interaction with his or her network of professional contacts and peers or observation/reading/ research. New venture ideas may come through serendipitous discovery (job into a business, wanted yourself, read or hear about it, or observe on the TV, internet or travels), a previous or current job or a research project.
Improved practice propositions will arise out of a student's previous or current work or studies. The American term "elevator pitch" comes from the notion that the entrepreneurial person has the time it takes to travel up in an elevator (e.g. 60 seconds) to convince those around him or her that he or she has a marketable idea or improvement proposition.
Each student will develop their elevator pitch, present it orally, capture it on video and submit the video of their elevator pitch. The marking criteria are weighted 70% to content (new venture- the product/service; the target customers; the benefits; why it is a killer idea? OR improved practice - existing organisation; limitations of existing practice; the improved practice; why it is a killer idea?) and 30% to delivery (within 60 seconds; structure, fluency and clarity; enthusiasm and confidence). Students are provided with guidelines and examples, including assessment criteria, and written feedback is provided by the tutor against the set criteria.
Project [75%]
Students will form groups comprising 3 to 5 members. Each group is required to select
one of the new venture propositions created by its members, and then carry out the Project to plan to bring that new product or tradeable service to the life sciences market.
The Project comprises 3 sections: Individual minutes of a group meeting; Individual reflection on development of team working and enterprise skills; and Group outline new venture plan
Individual minutes of a group meeting (20%)
Each member in a group is required to share leadership of the group's new venture planning work. Each member of the group will arrange one group Project meeting, set the agenda for that meeting and then write a brief set of minutes arising from that meeting. The marking criteria for the submitted meeting minutes are weighted 70% to content (Key discussions points and actions, responsibilities and deadlines are concisely and clearly stated) and 30% to presentation (structure, writing style and < 400 words). Feedback is provided by the Lecturer on a pro forma in line with the marking criteria.
Individual reflection on development of team working and enterprise skills (25%)
On the penultimate week of the Project, each student will write a reflection, stated in 400 words or less, on "Working on a group new venture planning project helped develop my team working and enterprise skills". The marking criteria are weighted 70% to content (demonstrate an understanding of what team working and enterprise skills; emphasising evaluation over description, grounding the reflection on experiences and learning to date) and 30% to presentation (structure, writing style and < 400 words). Feedback is provided by the Lecturer on a pro forma in line with the marking criteria. This element of the Project has a weighting of 25 of the 75 marks.
Group outline new venture plan (30%)
On the final week of the Project, each group will submit their written new venture outline plan. The marking criteria are weighted 80% to content (Market or Community opportunity; competitive differentiation; business model or community action model; management team; finance) and 20% to delivery (Structure, fluency and clarity; in less than 1000 words).
Feedback is provided by the tutor on a pro forma in line with the marking criteria. Each member of the group will also anonymously complete and submit a peer and self assessment of team work form to the tutor. Normally each member in the group will get the same mark for the outline new venture plan but if a student was identified as not contributing adequately to the group a mark deduction for that team member could be made, with the addition of an equal proportion of the deducted marks to other group members.
Feedback will be written and detailed against each criteria as appropriate
Repeat Assessments
Not Applicable.
Indicative Syllabus
Entrepreneurial process: The entrepreneur - qualities and role models. The opportunity - constituents of entrepreneurship and analysis. The resources - human, physical and financial. Myths about entrepreneurs. Different frameworks for innovation driven entrepreneurship. An approach to bring ideas to fruition sooner and with less risk of failure. The entrepreneurial team.
Creativity: Sources of creativity and creativity techniques - brainstorming. Protection of creative endeavour - intellectual property. Communicating ideas - elevator pitch.
Team work: Steps in forming teams. Cultural influences. Effective team work. Chemistry between team members and conflict resolution.
New venture planning: The new venture plan. Marketing research - secondary and primary data. Financial forecasting.
Local regional, national and global case study examples: Within pathology services - projects to add value through service rationalisation and new service introduction. In life sciences technology transfer - bench to beside. In new venture within the life sciences' sector.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Presentation | Coursework Assessment | Assessment | 25 % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,4 |
2 | Coursework3 | Project | Group Project | 75 % | Week 12 | 1,2,3,4 |
Online Learning Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Online Lecture | Online | Online | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Module Resources
Mitchell, PC (2016) Biomedical Sciences Entrepreneurship Guide
Bessant, J and Tidd, J (2015) Innovation and entrepreneurship. 3rd ed. Chichester: John Willey & Sons
A range of tutor specified useful web links is accessible through the Module Resource Area, including:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council at Biotechnology Industry Organisation at
Community for Young entrepreneurs at Invest Northern Ireland at
Intellectual Property Office at Medical Resercah Council at
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement at hub/wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2017/11/Going-Lean-in-the-NHS.pdf
Technology Strategy Board at Startups: Build a better business at