SAFE08048 2019 OSH Enquiry Based Learning 8 -EHS Management Systems Project

General Details

Full Title
OSH Enquiry Based Learning 8 -EHS Management Systems Project
Transcript Title
OSH Enquiry Based Learning 8 -
70 %
Subject Area
SAFE - Safety Studies
ESCI - Environmental Science
08 - Level 8
15 - 15 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Edel Costello, Blaithin McGrath
Programme Membership
SG_SOCCU_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Safety and Health SG_SOCCU_K08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Safety and Health

The aims of this module is for final year students to engage with the work environment, acquiring and demonstrating professional competencies in the development of an EHS Management System. In this module, students work collaboratively integrating and applying their environmental, health and safety knowledge to conduct an initial review of EHS within the organisation. From this they will collaborate with management in designing and developing a bespoke work-based EHS management system for the company.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;

Integrate knowledge, principles, theories and legislation pertaining to OSH.
Develop professional competencies relevant to the management of OSH.
Source information and plan for effective project management.
Communicate  and defend findings on the resolution of complex OSH problems.
Collaboratively solve OSH problems and reflect on the learning experience.
Accept responsibility for the work of self and others.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full time.  This will include facilitated group work and numerous site visits for the conduction of risk assessments.This module will require significant independent and directed learning.  This approach is expected to address student learning needs.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% Continuous Assessment   The students must have a 70% attendance rate in order to meet the collaborative learning requirements of this module.   Formative feedback on individual and group performance  and summative feedback will be given over the course of the semester. 


Repeat Assessments

Repeat Attend.

Indicative Syllabus

This module will require students to integrate the knowledge gained from all health and safety modules studied to act as consultants in the planning and development of an EHS Management System.

They will conduct Initial EHS Review, Risk assessment, legal requirements, objective setting, consider relevant implementation, checking and review stages.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Facilitator and peer feedback on group and individual performance. Formative Performance Evaluation 0 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5,6
2 Product Coursework Assessment Group Project 70 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5,6
3 Process Coursework Assessment Performance Evaluation 30 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5,6

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

BS (2007) BS: OHSAS 18001:2007 British Standards

BS (2007) BS: OHSAS 18002:2007 British Standards

Gregory Smith (2011) Management Obligations for Health and Safety CRC Press

Daniel Della-Giustina (2009) 2nd ed. Developing a Safety and Health Program CRC Press

Simon Watson Pain (2010) Safety, Health and Environmental Auditing: A Practical Guide CRC Press

Charles Reese (2008) 2nd ed. Occupational Health & Safety Management  CRC Press.

Joe Kausek (2007) OHSAS 18001: Designing and Implementing an Effective Health and Safety Management System Government Institutes Inc., U.S.

Joe Kausek (2006) The Management System Auditor's Handbook American Society Quality.


Class materials & Specific OSH Systems.  

Joe Kausek (2006) The Management System Auditor's Handbook American Society Quality

Journal Resources


URL Resources and safety review

Other Resources

To facilitate EBL a flat classroom with adequate IT resources will be required. A facilitator to student ratio of 1:10 is required.

Transport will be required to visit the workplace. 


Additional Information
