SAFE07020 2019 Occupational Health and Health Promotion

General Details

Full Title
Occupational Health and Health Promotion
Transcript Title
Occupational Health and Health
N/A %
Subject Area
SAFE - Safety Studies
ESCI - Environmental Science
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Margaret McCallig, Blaithin McGrath
Programme Membership
SG_SOCCU_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Science in Occupational Safety and Health SG_SOCCU_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Safety and Health SG_SOCCU_J07 201900 Level 7 Add-on Award in Science in Occupational Safety and Health SG_SOCCU_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health

This module will explore the common occupational diseases and illnesses arising from workplace exposures.  It will consider the physical and mental health of the worker and consider appropriate health surveillance strategies for defined health risks. Management of occupational health risks will be considered through prevention, promotion and rehabilitation strategies.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Identify the multidisciplinary approach to managing occupational health risk and differentiate between the strategies of prevention, promotion and rehabilitation within occupational health.


Distinguish between physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial health hazards and explain their biological effect on the body.


Discuss and apply the concepts for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. 


Devise appropriate workbased health surveillance strategies for defined risks.


Discuss concepts of early intervention and rehabilitation for ill or injured workers.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time. This will include lectures, augmented by independent learning and directed learning.  This approach is expected to address student learning needs.  Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes, unloading assignments and journals)

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 30% Continuous Assessment and 70% Final Exam.  30% assignment related to health promotion.     Self-assessment tests and other forms of formative assessment are provided to students to check their own progress toward achieving the learning outcomes of the module and to motivate learning. 


Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Exam

Indicative Syllabus

Historical context of Occupational Health and Medicine. 

Policy makers and key drivers of occupational health.

Occupational health services, the multidisciplinary team approach, specialist services.

Interpretation of statistics and data related to occupational ill health.  Demographics and concerns regarding an aging workforce.

Occupational health effects of physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards.  Examples may include; respiratory illnesses associated with chemical dusts, vapours, mist or fumes.  Skin diseases associated with respiratory irritants and sensitisers causing occupational dermatitis.  Radiation and its adverse health effects. Health effects associated with noise and vibration and heat extremes.  Carcinogenic chemicals and their associated health effects.  Musculoskeletal disorders and their physical and psychological effects on the individual. Adverse health effects associated with night work and shift work, bullying and workrelated stress.  Vulnerable risk groups such as young, old and pregnant employees especially in relation to specified legislative requirement. 

Appropriate occupational health and health surveillance strategies to manage workplace health hazards with key focus on legislative arrangements.

Issues relating to health screening and Workplace health promotion, statistical and economic case for promoting health, using the workplace as a setting, individual determinants of health and well-being (Nutrition, Excercise, Sleep and Mental health) Brief planning and implementation issues around setting up a health promotion programme.

Appropriate occupational health strategies to manage workplace health hazards.

Early interventions,  absence management, case management, employee assistant programmes, rehabilitation strategies and brief overview of models and successful interventions.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
30 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
70 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Health Promotion Coursework Assessment Assignment 30 % Week 12 3

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 70 % End of Term 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Self Study 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2006-12-04 Occupational Health Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN 9781405122214 ISBN-13 1405122218

Offering a balance of theory and practice, with guides for further reading, this is a clinical guide for the practitioner in the widest sense: physicians, nurses, occupational hygienists, safety officers, environmental, health officers and personnel managers. With coverage of both medicine and hygiene, and including sections on OH law, it is a primer for appropriate courses and provides all that the interested medical student would need to know.

Required Reading
2010-10-29 Hunter's Diseases of Occupations, Tenth Edition CRC Press
ISBN 9781444128437 ISBN-13 1444128434

Winner of the 2011 BMA book awards: medicine category In the five decades since its first publication, Hunter's Diseases of Occupations has remained the pre-eminent text on diseases caused by work, universally recognized as the most authoritative source of information in the field. It is an important guide for doctors in all disciplines who may encounter occupational diseases in their practice, covering topics as diverse as work and stress, asbsetos-related disease, working at high altitude and major chemical incidents, many of which are highly topical. The Tenth Edition of Hunter's Diseases of Occupations has been fully revised and updated, presenting all practitioners considering an occupational cause for a patient's condition with comprehensive coverage of work-related diseases as they present in modern and developing industralised societies. It draws on the wide-ranging and in-depth clinical knowledge and experience, and acadmic excellence, of top experts in the field.

Required Reading
2017-08-23 Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice World Scientific Publishing Company
ISBN 9813200693 ISBN-13 9789813200692

This fourth edition continues to provide a link between occupational health and clinical practice. It covers target organ systems that can be affected by hazardous exposures in workplaces, and it focuses on the clinical presentations, investigations and management of affected individuals. We have retained consideration of some special issues relevant to occupational medicine practice in this new edition. The main emphasis continues to be prevention of disease and early detection of health effects. This edition of the book has been updated to include new materials, topics, and references. We have retained a few of the previous case studies and illustrations, and introduced several new ones. There are new chapters on audit and evidence-based practice and on occupational cancer. We trust that this edition addresses many of the recommendations that were provided by readers of the previous edition. We have again asked international experts to author many of the chapters. Some of the authors are from Asia, and others from the US, UK, the Middle East and Australia. All the authors will have either clinical or academic experience in occupational medicine practice. The book will be of interest to medical practitioners, especially those in primary care and doctors intending to pursue a career in occupational medicine. It would also be relevant for non-medical health and safety professionals wanting to know more about health effects resulting from occupational exposures. Other groups who may find this edition useful as a ready reference are medical students, occupational health nurses, or clinical specialists in fields such as dermatology, respiratory medicine or toxicology. The book is targeted at all those who are interested in the interaction between work and health, and how occupational diseases and work-related disorders may present.

Required Reading
2015-10-05 Workplace Health Promotion Programs John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 9781118669426 ISBN-13 1118669428

Shine a spotlight on the benefits of promoting health in the workplace Workplace Health Promotion Programs focuses on the incredible value that employee health programs can offer by exploring six key topics: behavioral health, physical health, healthy environments, health education, nutritional health, and physical activity. This in-depth resource explicitly establishes what successful workplace health promotion programs, services, and collaborations are, and then builds upon this foundational understanding by introducing methods and tools for promoting employee health and safety, while emphasizing the skills students need to do so. Through this resource, students will come to understand how to recognize employee health and safety opportunities, and how to think on a larger scale when it comes to workplace health initiatives in small, midsized, and larger employers that are comprehensive and fiscally sound. Workplace health promotion programs have the potential to both improve the health of the population as a whole and control healthcare spending in the process. Health problems are estimated to cost employers in the United States over $200 billion per year through medical costs, absenteeism, disability, and overall reduced productivity. Improving well-being through effective workplace health promotion programs can reduce this costand create healthier, happier workforces. Discover the design, implementation, and evaluation of workplace health promotion programs that address the range of employee health needs and concerns Understand how evidence-based programs can positively impact business and reduce health care cost Explore the larger scale implications of successful workplace health programs, including health policies, health insurance design, worker safety, employee behavior, etc. Learn how together employers and employees work to create a culture of health and well-being to support and promote employee health and safety Review the ways in which successful workplace health promotion programs can prove financially beneficial Workplace Health Promotion Programs is a resource that guides students and professionals alike in the discovery, development, and execution of successful employee health initiatives.

Recommended Reading
2014-07-15 CURRENT Occupational and Environmental Medicine 5/E McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
ISBN 0071808159 ISBN-13 9780071808156

A thorough, concise, up-to-date guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common occupational and environmental injuries and diseases Coverage includes: Chapters on how to conduct an occupational and environmental medical history, examine the patient, evaluate exposures, and prevent further injury and illness New methods of disability management and the important role that physicians can play in preventing disability Practical information on the toxic properties and clinical manifestation of common industrial materials Techniques to prevent acute and cumulative workplace-related injuries Detailed discussion of international occupational and environmental health, and issues of worker migration An appendix that concisely introduces the important topics of biostatistics and epidemiology LANGE The definitive overview of common occupational and environmental illnesses NEW CHAPTERS on electronic health records, the management of chronic pain, violence in the workplace, terrorism preparedness, disease surveillance, and chemical policy Valuable to practicing physicians as well as students and residents

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources


Rosenstock , Cullen and Brodkin (2005)2nd ed. Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine Butterworth -Heinnman

 D. Chenoweth, (2011) 3rd ed. Worksite health promotion Champaign  Human Kinetics


Journal Resources

Health and Safety Practitioner

Health and Safety Review

URL Resources

Other Resources

Reports and strategy documents pertinent to the module will be given to students in class.

 Class notes and handouts will be provided to students in class.


Additional Information
