RSCH09059 2024 Research/Capstone Project

General Details

Full Title
Research/Capstone Project
Transcript Title
Research/Capstone Project
N/A %
Subject Area
RSCH - 0031 Research
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
09 - Level 9
60 - 60 Credits
Start Term
2024 - Full Academic Year 2024-25
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
James Hanrahan, Domhnall Melly, Susanne OReilly, Jacinta Dalton, John Carty, Maria Murphy, Tomas O Flaherty
Programme Membership
SG_BSUST_M09 202400 Master of Science in Sustainable Tourism and Event Management

In this module, the learner will undertake an individual research/capstone project in a core area of the programme. The objective of the research/capstone project is to provide an independent and critical appraisal of an issue, in which the learner is required to demonstrate their ability in advanced research, designing and executing methodological approaches, concept development and reporting. This will allow the learner to investigate a real-life professional issue/area of interest, using knowledge skills and competencies acquired at earlier stages of the programme. 

Learners will select, modify and apply research skills, to critically analyse, research independently and formulate responses to unpredictable, complex problems, to develop new knowledge, ideas, processes, procedures. They will decide on a work plan, examine and define the issue(s), undertake a critical review of existing literature, decide the methodology and method appropriate to undertake the project, evaluate evidence-based conclusions and prepare and present their findings. The work will cumulate with the submission of a research dissertation/capstone project report, where the learner will be required to present their project and partake in a viva voce examination.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Develop a research methodology and project plan for a research/capstone project, including critically evaluating the effectiveness of any research approach identified.


Critically examine literature and draw inferences from this body of knowledge to further knowledge and understanding of an unfamiliar and/or ill-defined problem


Select and apply a range of standard and specialised research or equivalent tools and techniques of enquiry to the research project.


Interpret, critique and synthesise data that is state of the art in a relevant area. 


Carry out the research/capstone project in an ethical manner.


Produce a research/capstone dissertation in a format appropriate to a level 9 award that details and evaluates the work undertaken and justifies the conclusions reached.


Demonstrate the validity of the research process undertaken.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This is an individual project where the learner will research a core topic related to the programme.

Learners will avail of one-to-one supervision with a designated supervisor and may undertake additional workshops that their supervisor considers of value. This support will ensure that the transdisciplinary nature of the issue/problem(s) is considered through viewing problems through a variety of lens, ensuring that the connection of disciplinary knowledge to the professional practice is made and that the values and ethos of the programme are reflected. To undertake this successfully students must fully engage with their research supervision.

Module Assessment Strategies

There are two distinctive assessments within this learning experience.

Milestone management (5%)

Individual lecturers will expect students to engage in milestone management opportunities. This is specific to each project, but students must adhere to these requirements. Midway through the first semester of the project, all students will present their work to date to their peers and the supervision team. This will equate to 5% of the overall grade. (This may be adjusted if needed in line with any changing health emergency).

Research Project Summative (95%)

This research thesis will be assessed both verbally and with a written submission. There are two components to this assessment.

  1. Written submission will be 30,000 words, including references. (75%).
  2. Students in their oral presentation will be expected to defend their research project and process to examiners. At the start of this oral examination, students will present their work using a poster or visual aid. They will also be required to outline their project's contribution to knowledge in the field of leadership and indicate a dissemination opportunity for their work (20%)

The research study must adhere to ATU Sligo's RESEARCH ETHICS PROCEDURE.

Repeat Assessments

Where a learner fails this module the Examiners will identify where the deficits in learning occurred. The learner will then have an opportunity to address these deficits and resubmit the project for a full re-examination.

Any repeat submission is capped at 40%.

Module Dependencies

RSCH09029 201900 Research Design & Development Have completed other and equivalent research methods module.

Indicative Syllabus

LO1) Develop a research methodology and project plan for a research/capstone project, including critically evaluating the effectiveness of any research approach identified. Students will develop, discuss and defend why they have chosen a particular topic, research process and format.

LO2) Critically examine literature and draw inferences from this body of knowledge to further knowledge and understanding of an unfamiliar and/or ill-defined problem. Students are expected to critically review key literature relevant to their chosen research area. They are expected to demonstrate and evaluate forms of knowledge and how different knowledge can influence the format of the information presented e.g. policy document, legislative document, and peer-review publication, whilst not ignoring the importance of different sources to a research area. They are expected to present and argue literature which clearly demonstrates increased knowledge and expertise in their fields, and where appropriate informs the development of further stages of their research project.

LO3) Select and apply a range of standard and specialised research or equivalent tools and techniques of enquiry to the research project. Paradigms of enquiry, methodologies methods of data collection, tools and techniques are decided within the student-supervisor relationship but must demonstrate clear relevancy to the research chosen. Students must be able to justify and clearly articulate these decisions, as the best fit for their research project. Explaining how chosen techniques are used to create, interpret and present knowledge.

LO4) Interpret, critique and synthesise data that is state of the art in a relevant leadership area. The student must demonstrate their ability to gather, generate and analyse data that leads to appropriate recommendations and conclusions 

LO5) Carry out their research/capstone project in an ethical manner. The research study must adhere to ATU Sligo`s  Research Ethics Policy and Procedure 

LO6)  Produce a research/capstone dissertation in a format appropriate to a level 9 award that details and evaluates the work undertaken and justifies the conclusions reached. Students completed work will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competency that are required for a level nine award in this area. It will be presented and published in a manner appropriate to this award level e.g. typed, bound.

LO7) Demonstrate the validity of the research process undertaken. In addition to the written thesis, a  poster presentation and viva voce will be undertaken by the student, allowing them to present and defend their work to examiners. Students must demonstrate a thorough understanding of all aspects of their research project. Questions to be answered accurately and fluently and the discussion to be extended with confidence in familiar and unfamiliar areas.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Milestone Management Coursework Assessment Oral Exam/Presentation 10 % Week 10 1,2,3,4
2 Reserach Project Project Project 75 % Week 30 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
3 Viva Voce & Visual Presentation Project Oral Exam/Presentation 15 % Week 30 1,2,3,4,5,7

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2021-04-06 Business Research Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781352011814 ISBN-13 1352011816

This is a practical guide for students at all levels who undertake a project in business, management or related areas. It explains the different aspects and stages of conducting business research simply and clearly, and in a logical sequence.

Required Reading
2021-09 The Good Research Guide Open University Press
ISBN 0335249833 ISBN-13 9780335249831

The Good Research Guide provides practical and straightforward guidance for those who need to conduct small-scale research projects as part of their undergraduate, postgraduate or professional studies. The 7th edition covers topics in a clear, user-friendly style outlining the key points and explaining why they are important. The new edition has been updated throughout and has additional material on topics such as social media research, online surveys, image-based research and participatory action research. It also features new chapters on how to prepare for a research project, with specific guidance on: - how to undertake a literature review - how to write a research proposal - how to ensure the research is ethical - how to locate the project within a research paradigm Full of practical advice and valuable examples, this is the go-to book for students looking to improve their research skills. "Having this book at your side is like having your hand held from start to finish and every decision in between... I very much welcome a new edition for my students" Melanie Nind, Professor of Education, University of Southampton and Co-director, National Centre for Research Methods, UK "Comprehensively updated, this book remains the indispensable student guide to the research process... It's not just good, it's great!" Dr Tom Clark, Lecturer in Research Methods, The University of Sheffield, UK "The text is informative, concise, and attractive. Each chapter presents sections in an easy-to-read format with further reading ideas and link ups to the numerous topics covered throughout the book." Dr Alaster Scott Douglas, Reader in the School of Education, University of Roehampton, UK Martyn Denscombe is Emeritus Professor at De Montfort University. He has a research background in the fields of sociology, education and business studies and has published widely on research methods in the social sciences.

Required Reading
2017 How to Write a Thesis UK Higher Education Humanities & Social Sciences Study Skills
ISBN 0335262066 ISBN-13 9780335262069

Moving beyond the basics of thesis writing, the book introduces practical writing techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing. Issues such as working out the criteria for your thesis, writers block, writing a literature review and making notes into a draft are also covered. This book is suitable for all postgraduate students in higher education who are required to write a thesis as part of their degree qualification. Rowena Murray is Professor of Education, Director of Research at the University of the West of Scotland, UK and Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Rowena is also the author of the bestselling books, How to Write a Thesis and Writing for Academic Journals, both published by Open University Press.

Required Reading
2015-07-23 Research Methods for Business Students Prentice Hall
ISBN 1292016620 ISBN-13 9781292016627

Revised edition of Research methods for business students, 2012.

Required Reading
2010-02-11 Research Methods for Managers SAGE Publications
ISBN 9781847870940 ISBN-13 1847870945

This edition provides a step-by-step guide to implementing particular methodologies, while simultaneously encouraging a strong awareness of philosophical assumptions.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources

This is project-dependent, students will be guided by their supervisor.

URL Resources

This is project-dependent, students will be guided by their supervisor.

Other Resources

Supervisors may advise students of additional readings appropriate to their project.

Additional Information

Specialised training may be required dependant on the project, if so the supervisor and student will negotiate this requirement