RSCH09029 2022 Research Design & Development
This module will provide the learner with the necessary research skills to undertake a level 9 research project. Learners will critically review literature, engage with their ontological and epistemological position; the paradigms and methodologies of the research study; methods of data collection and data analysis. The learner will gain the knowledge, skills and competencies to determine the appropriateness of individual methods in given research contexts. Issues of research ethics, validity and reliability of chosen paradigms and methods will also be discussed and debated. Learners will develop research project management skills that are applicable not only to conduct a significant research project but also to their future leadership activities.
A number of research methodologies and methods of data collection will be explored as part of this module allowing students to enhance their research and professional leadership capacity and capability simultaneously whilst also drawing on strands of leadership from taught modules.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Critically evaluate existing knowledge and its application to the student's chosen research area.
Develop a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, generally informed by the forefront of research in their chosen area.
Analyse paradigms of research enquiry and explicate where chosen paradigms fit within their research area of interest.
Expertly discuss and propose a range of data collection and analysis tools and techniques relevant to their study.
Judge the importance of ethics to any research study and incorporate this within their research proposal.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of appropriate project management skills to ensure successful completion of level 9 research project.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Live delivery and campus-based learning:
Synchronous delivery of live learning will occur weekly. Scaffold approach to the research process will occur, this will allow the student to develop the required skills over the semester.
Campus learning will take place once per term. Students will contribute to the plan for the onsite component of this module. It may take the format of the workshop but students will be able to determine their collective needs that can be addressed in this forum.
Module Assessment Strategies
During the term, students will develop their research skills to enable the completion of a Research Report. This will then lead to the development of a robust Full Research Proposal for submission at the end of the semester.
- Research Report - 50%
- Full Research Proposal - 50%
Repeat Assessments
The repeat assessment strategy will be dependent on overall grades and will be decided and documented at the Progression and Award Boards.
Subject repeat submission is capped at 40%.
Indicative Syllabus
LO1) Critically evaluate existing knowledge and its application to the student's chosen research area: Learners will explore different sources of evidence and its relevance and application to a research topic. Resulting in the identification of a research area that becomes the foundation of their research project.
LO2) Develop a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, generally informed by the forefront of their research: Learners will engage and critically review sources of knowledge inclusive of appropriate databases, journals, government documents and other relevant evidence sources. This will support the learner to develop new insights and identify potential research areas for further investigation.
LO3) Analyse paradigms of research enquiry and explicate where chosen paradigms fit within their research area of interest: Learners will have the opportunity to discuss, examine and debate, common and often used methods of research enquiry, evaluating when and where these paradigms, methodologies may be relevant to their future research studies.
LO4) Expertly discuss and propose a range of data collection and analysis tools and techniques relevant to their study: Learners will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding in tools of data collection and data analysis. This may involve attendance at additional workshops on data collection and data analysis techniques, relative to the learner's level of research experience and expertise.
LO5) Judge the importance of ethics to any research study and incorporate this within their research proposal: Learners will be expected to explore ethical dilemmas relevant to their proposed research topic, in doing so they are expected to develop appropriate strategies and documentation to deal with potential ethical dilemmas.
LO6) Demonstrate a critical understanding of appropriate project management skills to ensure successful completion of level 9 research project: Learners will be supported in the acquisition and demonstration of project management skills in the area of research, inclusive of all stages of the research process, but also the associated project management tools of successful project completion. This will include but is not limited to, project timelines, work packages, tasks and deliverables with the intention of supporting the student not only with the proposal and projects but also for their research activities into the future.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Research Report | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 50 % | Week 8 | 1,2,3,4 |
2 | Research Proposal | Coursework Assessment | Project | 50 % | End of Semester | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
Online Learning Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Distance Learning Suite | Live Learning | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Online Lecture | Flat Classroom | Campus Based Learning | 4 | Once Per Semester | 0.27 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Independent Learning | 4.25 | Weekly | 4.25 |
Required & Recommended Book List

2000-09-05 Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management (Centre for Educational Leadership and Management) Sage Publications UK
ISBN 076197184X ISBN-13 9780761971849

2012-01-19 Social Research Methods OUP Oxford
ISBN 0199588058 ISBN-13 9780199588053
Brand New Item, Fast Dispatch

2015-07-23 Research Methods for Business Students Pearson
ISBN 9781292016627 ISBN-13 9781292016627
Research Methods for Business Students has been fully revised for this seventh edition and continues to be the market-leading textbook in its field, guiding hundreds of thousands of student researchers to success in their research methods modules, research proposals, projects and dissertations. So, if you're thinking . ., . 'How do I choose my topic?''I'm confused by all these different philosophies''I need to collect my data; what do I do first?''When and what do I need to write? . ., . then, open this book to discover:Regular checklists and 'Progressing your research project' sections to give you step-by-step practical guidance on the process A glossary of clear definitions for 600 research terms Cases and examples of students' and academics' research and topical news articles illustrating research in practice Detailed chapters on choosing your topic, reviewing the literature, understanding philosophies, research design, access and ethics, secondary data, data collection and analysis, and writing about and presenting your researchDon't forget to visit where you can use online tutorials on research software, such as IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo, test yourself with hundreds of multiple choice questions, analyse over 60 further case studies, and learn how to search the Internet more efficiently and effectively with our Smarter Online Searching guide! Start your project with confidence and complete it with success!Mark Saunders is Professor of Business Research Methods at The Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. Philip Lewis was a Principal Lecturer and Adrian Thornhill was a Head of Department, both at the University of Gloucestershire.

2013-11-29 Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 0230301835 ISBN-13 9780230301832
Business Research
11/07/2017 Action Research : All You Need to Know Sage Publications Ltd
This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective practitioner-researcher. It provides the ideas and frameworks to understand action research, combined with a practical workbook to guide you through the practicalities and complexities of doing action research in your own context.
2013 The SAGE Handbook of Action Research SAGE
ISBN 9781446271148 ISBN-13 1446271145
The SAGE Handbook of Action Research has been completely updated to bring chapters in line with the latest research approaches in this field of social inquiry.
Module Resources
Material will be suggested based on the students' project idea.
The research study must adhere to IT Sligo`s RESEARCH ETHICS PROCEDURE
This module must be successfully completed before students can progress to RSCH09028 Research Project Module.
All projects must have a Turnitin report attached.