RSCH08003 2022 Research-Based Product

General Details

Full Title
Research-Based Product
Transcript Title
Research-Based Product
80 %
Subject Area
RSCH - 0031 Research
SOCS - Social Sciences
08 - Level 8
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Roisin McGlone, Kate Duke
Programme Membership
SG_HSOCI_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_HEARL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Care and Education SG_HEARM_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Care and Education SG_HSOCP_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_HSOCI_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_HEARL_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Care and Education SG_HSOCP_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_HEARM_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Care and Education SG_WSOCI_H08 202500 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice SG_WSOCJ_H08 202500 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Practice

This module is aimed at the development of a research-based product/prototype. Students work in groups to research and develop responses to contemporary issues in care settings by identifying a need and formulating a product response.. Examples of products may include: toy, game, resource pack, short film, workshop, event etc. The group will engage in activities, with the support of a mentor, to clearly identify the relevant stake-holders, engage in user-centred design, conduct relevant research and produce a product/ prototype.Students will produce an independent piece of research involving the application of skills and knowledge acquired from cumulative academic study and professional practice placement.


This module maps to the CORU Standards of Proficiency below:

Domain 1: Professional Autonomy and Accountability

Domain 2: Communication, Collaborative Practice and Team working

Domain 3: Safety & Quality

Domain 5: Professional Knowledge and Skills

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Design and develop a research strategy (Domain 1.4., 1.8, 1.12, 1.13, 2.6, 3.5, 3.6, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.11, 5.16).


Identify and develop a relevant product/prototype or outcome (Domain 2.3, 2.6,2.12, 5.3, 5.10, 5.16, 5.17).


Reflect on the process involved in the development of a research -based product or outcome (Domain 3.4, 4.3 5.19).


Present, promote and defend product or outcome (Domain 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 3.4, 5.12, 5.17, ).


Initiate, identify and apply relevant user-centred research methodologies to inform creative decision making processes and problem-solving activities (Domains 1.8, 2.6, 5.2 , 5.17).

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Active and reflective learning by individuals and groups through research and creative practice with guidance from mentors and co-ordinator. Formative assessment will be provided throughout the mentoring process.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module aims at the integration of research, creative, team working and communication skills. The assessment is focused on the documentation of the research and design process and the product/prototype itself and how well it meets the needs of the service users ( 50%). This is also presented orally by the group (30%). Each individual student is required to develop a reflective commentary on their experience (20%). 

This modules assessment allows for assessment of CORU Standards of Proficiency as follows:

Group project delivery of product prototype with supporting documentation (Domains 1.8, 1.18, 2.6, 3.4, 3.5, 5.17)

Individual written report reflection (Domain 1.8, 1.18, 2.6)

Group Presentation (Domain 1.8, 1.18, 2.6)

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Assessment will be based on failed components.

Module Dependencies

CARE08014 201200 Dissertation

Indicative Syllabus

Identify the need and opportunity for product development within a social care environment

Conduct research relevant to product development, with a rigorous, comprehensive literature review and a critical evaluation of secondary sources

Select appropriate methodology to complete the research, demonstrating a robust understanding of ethics in research

Create prototypes that can be tested with potential users/audience

Refine product on basis of user feedback

Create final research based product / prototype

Present product publicly to audience of peers, staff and external personnel from the relevant field

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Group Project Delivery of product prototype with supporting documentation Coursework Assessment Group Project 50 % Week 13 1,2,3
2 Individual written report - reflection on product development experience Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 20 % Week 13 4
3 Group Presentation of product/ prototype Coursework Assessment Assessment 30 % Week 12 5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Design Projectwork Flat Classroom Mentoring of product development group 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Flat Classroom Group workshop 3.00 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2014 Designing with the Mind in Mind, Second Edition: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines 2nd Edition Morgan Kaufman

text book

Recommended Reading
2016 ( 5th ed) Oblique Strategies self published


Recommended Reading
2013 Practical Social Pedagogy: Theories, Values and Tools for Working with Children and Young People Policy Press, University of Bristol

text book

Recommended Reading
2007 (3rd ed) Market Research in Ireland: theory and Practice Gill :-:- MacMIllan

text book

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

See booklist.

Journal Resources
URL Resources
Other Resources


Additional Information
