REGU08012 2017 Technical Report Writing
This module will enable students to acquire the research and study skills necessary for successful completion of the Higher Diploma in MedTech Regulatory Affairs and Quality. The module will help students construct technical reports and will develop skills in clear use of language and grammar to ensure compliance. The module will help students develop skills in literature searching, referencing and critiquing peer reviewed literature including data analysis. The module will help students connect the importance of good report writing skills to the workplace and wider society.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Demonstrate good writing style in a technical document with correct referencing style
Conduct and synthesize an academic literature search relevant to a proposed topic
Present the research findings in a critically reflective manner which acknowledges the limitations of the research methods and knowledge produced
Critically evaluate a technical document in area such as compliance
Compare methods for data analysis and the presentation of results and compare different methods when presenting different results
Clearly demonstrate an awareness of relevance to industry/workplace and societal impact
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Content will be delivered primarily via online and blended methods. Additional lecturing, as required, may be provided by outside specialists and practitioners. Learning strategies including evidence based and enquiry based learning also will be used. Resources used will include Moodle, Adobe connect, Panopto, and other multimedia such as youtube, webinars, literature databases.
Module Assessment Strategies
The assessment approach for this module will be 100% Continuous Assessment with a range of assessment methods employed including some of the following: short-form assessment exams incl. MCQ's, project assignments, group reports and essays and oral presentations.
Repeat Assessments
Repeat assignments will be given.
Indicative Syllabus
The following is a summary of the main topics included in this particular module: good writing style, report layout, report transparency and integrity, literature searching, referencing, critiquing, data review and scientific methods.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Technical report with prompt feedback to establish baseline | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 20 % | Week 2 | 1,6 |
2 | Technical Report | Coursework Assessment | Essay | 30 % | Week 6 | 2,3,5 |
3 | MCQ/LAQ on harvard referencing. Restructure a paragraph and justify changes. | Coursework Assessment | Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test | 15 % | Week 10 | 4,5 |
4 | Technical Report- Advanced | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 25 % | Week 11 | 4,6 |
5 | Presentation | Coursework Assessment | Oral Exam/Presentation | 10 % | Week 13 | 3,6 |
Online Learning Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Online Lecture | Online | Lecture | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Independent Learning | Online | Independent Learning | 5 | Weekly | 5.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2014 Technical Report Writing Today Cengage Learning
2010 Chambers Good Writing Guide: Practical Advice for Better Writing Chambers Harrap Publishers
2002-06-21 The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication (MIT Press) The MIT Press
Module Resources
as per booklist