PSYC08009 2022 Cognitive Psychology

General Details

Full Title
Cognitive Psychology
Transcript Title
Cognitive Psychology
70 %
Subject Area
PSYC - 0313 Psychology
SOCS - Social Sciences
08 - NFQ Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Orla Walsh, John Kane, Breda McTaggart, Patrick Broderick, Brenda Feeney, Ailise McDowell
Programme Membership
SG_HENGL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and Psychology SG_HENGL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and Psychology

In this module students will acquire a deepened awareness of the cognitive process underpinning behaviour. Much of what we know about the world comes as information through our senses. These perceptions are combined with our previous experiences and inform our decisions and behaviour. Cognitive psychology is concerned with how these processes occur. Students will study topics related to cognitive psychology, additionally fields such as neuroscience, and neuropsychology will be examined to gain an overall understanding of the area of cognitive psychology. Aspects such as historical and contemporary developments, sensation and perception, memory, language, thinking and reasoning.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Explore historical and contemporary developments in cognitive psychology


Explain Sensation and Perception


Compare the different types of Memory Systems


Evaluate theories of Language


Appraise theories of Thinking and Reasoning

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Learners will develop informed critical thinking through lectures and tutorials. Other learning activities may include group discussion, guest lectures, directed activities, reading, videos, research and case studies. The module will be supported by a dedicated virtual learning environment (VLE), Moodle. Tutorials and group discussions will provide opportunities to scaffold learning and offer peer and lecturer formative feedback. Summative feedback and feed forward will be provided following submission of assessments.

Module Assessment Strategies

The module continuous assessment portfolio tasks consist of a Systematic Review (70% week 10) and Findings Presentation (30% weeks 11 & 12). Interactive class exercises and tutorial sessions will scaffold the portfolio assignment. Summative feedback and feed forward will be provided following submission of assignments.

Formative feedback will take place via in class discussions, breakout activities, questions and answer sessions.

Repeat Assessments

As per IT Sligo's policies and procedures and discussed at examination board.

Indicative Syllabus

LO 1: Explore historical and contemporary developments in cognitive psychology

The historical and contemporary developments in Cognitive Psychology - Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience.

LO 2: Explain Sensation and Perception

Sensation and Perception - visual perception, object and face recognition, perception, attention and performance.

LO 3: Compare the different types of Memory Systems

Memory - architecture, systems, types, encoding, retrieval,  forgetting, and performance.

LO 4: Evaluate theories of Language

Language - reading and speech perception, language comprehension and production.

LO 5: Appraise theories of Thinking and Reasoning

Thinking and Reasoning -  problem solving and expertise, judgement, decision making, reasoning.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Portfolio Coursework Assessment Project 100 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Offsite Facility Independent learning 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2020 Cognitive Psychology
ISBN 1138482234 ISBN-13 9781138482234
Required Reading
2020-03-31 Memory
ISBN 1138326097 ISBN-13 9781138326095

The third edition of Memory provides students with the most comprehensive introduction to the study of human memory and its applications in the field. Written by three leading experts, this bestselling textbook delivers an authoritative and accessible overview of key topic areas. Each chapter combines breadth of content coverage with a wealth of relevant practical examples, whilst the engaging writing style invites the reader to share the authors' fascination with the exploration of memory through their individual areas of expertise. Across the text, the scientific theory is connected to a range of real-world questions and every-day human experiences. As a result, this edition of Memory is an essential resource for those interested in this important field and embarking on their studies in the subject. Key features of this edition: Fully revised and updated to address the latest research, theories and findings. Chapters on learning, organization and autobiographical memory form a more integrated section on long-term memory and provide relevant links to neuroscience research. New material addressing current research into visual short-term and working memory, and links to research on visual attention. Includes content on the state-of-play on working memory training. Chapter on Memory Across the Lifespan strengthens the applied emphasis, including the effects of malnutrition in developing nations on cognition and memory. The third edition is supported by a Companion Website providing a range of core resources for students and lecturers.

Required Reading
2019-01-18 An Introduction to Brain and Behavior Worth Publishers
ISBN 1319107370 ISBN-13 9781319107376

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources


Nature Human Behaviour

Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Research in organisational behaviour

behavior research methods

Other Resources
Additional Information

As a 5 credit module, the total student independent effort hours for this module are 3 hours per week.