PSYC06028 2022 Child Development 1
In this module, the Psychological changes that take place throughout early childhood will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on the significant physical, social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development of infancy, toddlerhood and early years. Theoretical perspectives in Psychology and current key ideas in relation to holistic development will be discussed and the contribution of significant theorists to our understanding of development investigated. Application of theory to practice is a central feature of the module with the overall aim being to produce competence in the students ability to apply the principles of child developmental psychology when working sensitively & responsively with babies, toddlers & young children in Early Learning and Care environments.
Aistear's themes (Wellbeing, Identity & Belonging, Exploring & Thinking, Communicating): Aistear's Principles (The Child's Uniqueness, Equality & Diversity, Relationships, Parents, Family & Community, Holistic Learning & Development, Play and Hands on Experiences,Active Learning, Communication & Language, Relevant & Meaningful Experiences, Role of the Adult); Síolta's Standards (Interactions, Play) and First 5 (Information, services & supports for parents, Positive health behaviours, Positive mental health) underpin the content and application of this module.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Examine the contribution of significant psychological theories to our understanding of holistic child development.
Describe the milestones of prenatal development, identify neonatal reflexes and discuss sensory perceptual capacities.
Outline the course of physical growth & describe the structures & functions of the developing human brain
Explain typical social and emotional development, cognitive and language development
Apply knowledge of psychological development to support young children form secure attachments & positive relationships & enhance their physical, cognitive and language development.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Delivery will involve a two hour lecture and one hour tutorial.
This module will use active learning strategies such as discussion, case studies, group work and one minute paper exercises.In addition, short answer questions (SAQs) will be completed in tutorials. Formative feedback will provided on SAQs.
Module Assessment Strategies
Formative assessment will take place in tutorials and summative assessment is by a Learning Portfolio (100%)
The portfolio (5 sections) will comprise of SAQs and long answer questions which can be completed throughout the semester and submitted for summative assessment at the end of the semester.
Repeat Assessments
Will be discussed and decided at exam boards and will be based on the needs of module learning outcomes.
Indicative Syllabus
LO 1 Examine the contribution of significant psychological theories to our understanding of holistic child development
Introduction to the module and overview of Psychological perspectives and theories in child development including learning, cognitive, psychodynamic, biological and bioecological. Implications for Early Learning & Care practice. The content of this LO is informed by: First 5 specifically, Context: p 23 & p25; Objective 2: Information, services & supports for parents, Objective 4 Positive health behaviours & Objective 6: Positive mental health; Aistear's themes of Wellbeing, Exploring & Thinking, Communicating, Identity & Belonging; Aistear's Principles of The Child's Uniqueness, Relationships, Parents, Family & Community, Role of the Adult and Siolta's Standards 5 & 6.
LO 2 Describe the milestones of prenatal development, identify neonatal reflexes and discuss sensory perceptual capacities.
The beginnings of life, milestones of prenatal development, prenatal environmental influences, the neonate, reflexes, early learning, and sensory perceptual capacities. Implications for Early Learning & Care practice. The content of this LO is informed by: First 5 specifically, Context: p 23 & p25; Objective 2: Information, services & supports for parents, Objective 4 Positive health behaviours & Objective 6: Positive mental health; Aistear's themes of Wellbeing; Aistear's Principles of The Child's Uniqueness, Relationships, Parents, Family & Community, Role of the Adult and Siolta's Standards 5 & 6.
LO 3 Outline the course of physical growth & describe the structures & functions of the developing human brain.
Motor development & dynamic systems theory, the course of physical growth, basic sequences, and common patterns. Introduction to the structures and functions of the developing human brain, myelination, neuroplasticity, sensitive periods and brain stimulation. Supporting developing motor skills and providing an enriched environment in Early Learning & Care settings. The content of this LO is informed by: First 5 specifically, Context: p 23 & p25; Objective 2: Information, services & supports for parents, Objective 4 Positive health behaviours & Objective 6: Positive mental health; Aistear's themes of Wellbeing, Communicating, Exploring & Thinking, Identity & Belonging; Aistear's Principles of The Child's Uniqueness, Relationships, Parents, Family & Community, Role of the Adult and Siolta's Standards 5 & 6.
LO 4 Explain typical emotional, social, cognitive and language development.
The function of emotions, development of emotional expression, emotional regulation, attachment, theories of attachment, types and development of attachment, child care and attachment, temperament, goodness of fit, attunement, empathy, relationships between the child and adults. Self-concept, self-esteem, socialisation, developing social skills, functions of play, emotions and behaviour. Role of Early Childhood Educator (ECE) in supporting emotional and social development.
Theories of cognitive development including Piaget’s Cognitive Constructivist theory, Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist/Sociocultural theory and the Information Processing Approach. Contribution of the theories of cognitive development to our understanding of children's thinking. Theory of mind and intelligence. Role of ECE in supporting the egocentric, pre-metacognitive child and in promoting problem solving skills and the development of attention.
Development of communication and language, pre-linguistic stage, sequence of language development. Theories of language development. Some common problems with language, bilingualism. Role of ECE in supporting the development of language and communication. The content of this LO is informed by: First 5 specifically, Context: p 23 & p25; Objective 2: Information, services & supports for parents, Objective 4 Positive health behaviours & Objective 6: Positive mental health; Aistear's themes of Wellbeing, Communicating, Exploring & Thinking, Identity & Belonging; Aistear's Principles of The Child's Uniqueness, Equality & Diversity, Active Learning, Play & Hands on Experiences, Relevant & meaningful Experiences, Communication & Language,Holistic Learning & Development, Relationships, Parents, Family & Community, Role of the Adult and Siolta's Standards 5 & 6.
LO 5 Apply knowledge of Psychological development to support young children form secure attachments & positive relationships & enhance their physical, cognitive and language development.
Applying psychological knowledge working in harmony with: Aistear’s themes (Exploring & Thinking, Identity & Belonging, Wellbeing & Communicating) and underpinned by Aistear's principles (The child's uniqueness, Equality & Diversity, Relationships, Parents,Family & Community, Role of the Adult, Holistic learning & development, Active learning, Play and hands on experiences, Relevant & meaningful experiences, Communication & Language) and Siolta's Standards 5 & 6 to support children's physical, social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development in Early Learning & Care settings. Additionally, this LO is informed by: First 5 specifically, Context: p 23 & p25; Objective 2: Information, services & supports for parents, Objective 4 Positive health behaviours & Objective 6: Positive mental health.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Portfolio | Coursework Assessment | Assessment | 100 % | End of Semester | 1,2,3,4,5 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Lecture Theatre | Lecture | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Tutorial | ECCE Skills Laboratory | Tutorial | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Independent Learning | ECCE Skills Laboratory | IL | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2016-04-01 An Introduction to Child Development Sage Publications Limited
ISBN 1446274020 ISBN-13 9781446274026
The bestselling text for students of developmental psychology returns with more on the biological foundations, moral development and applied aspects of developmental psychology.
2011-12-15 Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education SAGE Publications Limited
ISBN 1412947138 ISBN-13 9781412947138
This book provides authoritative reviews of key areas of research in developmental psychology and demonstrates how these can inform practice in early years educational settings. The major theme is the fundamental importance of young children developing as independent, self-regulating learners. It illustrates how good practice is based on four key principles which support and encourage this central aspect of development: Secure attachment and emotional warmth Feelings of control and agency Cognitive challenge, adults supporting learning and learning from one another Articulation about learning, and opportunities for self-expression This book provides an invaluable resource for early years students and practitioners, by summarizing new research findings and demonstrating how they can be translated into excellent early years practice.
Module Resources
Doherty, J., (2013). Child Development Theory & Practice, 2nd edition. 2nd Edition. Trans-Atlantic Publications
Flood, E. (2010) Child Development for students in Ireland. Dublin. Gill & Macmillan
French, G. (2008). Supporting Quality: guidelines for professional practice in early childhood services. Dublin: Barnardos
Hayes, N. (2010). Early Childhood: An Introductory Text. (4th edition). Dublin. Gill & MacMillan
Hayes, N. (2013). Early years Practice: getting it right from the start. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan
Hayes, N., O'Toole, L., & Halpenny, A. M. (2017).Introducing Bronfenbrenner: a guide for practitioners and students in early years education. London: Taylor & Francis.
O'Brien, E., (2013). Human Growth & Development: An Irish Perspective. Gill & Macmillan Ltd.
Packer, M.J. (2017). Child Development: Understanding a Cultural Perspective. London: Sage Publications Ltd
Petty, K. (2016) Developmental Milestones of Young Children. St.Paul MS: Redleaf Press
Schaffer, H., (2003). Introducing Child Psychology. Second ed. Wiley-Blackwell.
Sharma, A., (2007). From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress. 3rd Edition. Routledge
Sheridan, M.D. (2008). From Birth To Five Years: Children’s Developmental Progress. (3rd edition)London: Routledge. This edition has been revised& updated by Ajay Sharma & Helen Cockerill
An Leanbh Óg - OMEP Ireland
Walsh, O. and Kane, J. (2015) Nurturing Resilience to help Children Flourish in the Early Years. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, Vol. 3 No. 2, 77- 85.
Walsh, O., & Kane, J (2019) Nurturing resilience in young children can be ‘fairly ordinary magic’. An Leanbh Óg, the OMEP Ireland Journal of Early Childhood Studies..Vol 12.Issue 1. pp 127-136