POLT06002 2022 Politics for Business Students - Change and Transformation in Modern Ireland
Challenging times require a robust political system. Students will examine central ideas, institutions ( e.g. visit to Country Council monthly meeting/ Dáil) and actors (e.g. TDs and MEPs invited as speakers) to enable a SWOT analysis of Irish Politics. How is power and authority translated into competing interests and what values drive political decision-making? Such key questions will be explored through real world situations. How does this in turn, deliver certain outcomes for business.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Explain how democracy works and how political power is dispersed in the political system - in Ireland and in selected countries in Europe for comparative purposes
Relate the role of County Councils and the Dáil and how business is affected by their work
Engage in political discussion on how competing interests and values emerge and their subsequent impact on the business environment
Explain how ideas and policies of political parties along with pressure from lobby groups contribute to the formation of government policy which advantages, challenges or enhances the business environment
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Class based instruction, discussion and activity-based learning include:
The 'simulation' 'debate' on a topical issue - the key interactive elements of the Teaching and Learning Strategy for this module.
Specialist guest lecturers are invited to speak to students during the semester. This includes local Councillors, TDs and MEPs.
A visit to the Local County Council Chamber and Dáil promotes engagement with both local and national politics.
Module Assessment Strategies
Continuous Assessment: 50% .
(a) MCQs to ensure engagement with material throughout the semester - 2 or 3 MCQs between weeks 4-10 for 20% of overall assessment.
(b) Simulation/Debate with the final element in the Sligo County Council Chamber ( 30%).
Final EXAM: 50%.
Repeat Assessments
A project/essay and/or a repeat exam as appropriate.
Indicative Syllabus
LO1 Explain how democracy works and how political power is dispersed in the political system - in Ireland and in selected countries in Europe for comparative purposes:
- define Politics as Art of Government, Public Affairs, Compromise and Consensus, Power;
- Legitimacy and Political Stability - Practical Examples and Cases Studies to Illustrate these concepts, e.g. Arab Spring;
- Democracy - models of democracy - does it deliver - theory and reality in the 2020s;
-Ideas and Policies of Political Parties in Ireland and EU;
LO2 Relate the role of County Councils and the Dáil and how business is affected by their work:
- Structures of Government - key functions and powers of Parliament (Dáil and Seanad) and County Councils;
- Constituency Role of Dáil Deputies and County Councillors - concepts of Left and Right Wing and how this translates in practice;
-Local Government - basic overview, recent reforms and focus on County Council in Ireland with visit to Sligo County Council Chamber.
LO3 Engage in political discussion on how competing interests and values emerge and their subsequent impact on the business environment:
- Party System in Ireland and an in depth analysis of a TD or County Councillor by each student/ or in a group;
- Case Studies to reflect how competing interests and values emerge: e.g. Mahon Tribunal, Planning Matters and Subsequent Outcomes .
LO4 Explain how ideas and policies of political parties along with pressure from lobby groups contribute to the formation of government policy which advantages, challenges or enhances the business environment:
- Pressure Groups and Interest Representation - their importance and capacity to exert influence;
- The role of 'peak associations' in modern society and their significance in the nexus of politics and business;
- Current Issues to highlight role of interest representation in a modern democracy, e.g. Irish Water, Shell to Sea campaign, Turf Cutting and Green Politics on Ban on Fracking - this shows how specific areas of our lives are affected by governance, and the role of local people when there is disagreement and conflict with big business pressures.
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Visit to Local County Council and Dil | Formative | Assessment | 0 % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,4 |
2 | Simulation/Debate | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 30 % | Week 7 | 1,2,3,4 |
3 | Multiple Choice Questions | Coursework Assessment | Assessment | 20 % | OnGoing | 1,2,4 |
End of Semester / Year Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Final Exam | Final Exam | Closed Book Exam | 50 % | End of Term | 1,2,3,4 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Lecture Theatre | Lecture | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Independent Learning | UNKNOWN | Self Study | 4 | Weekly | 4.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
2019-04-24 Politics Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781352005486 ISBN-13 1352005484
The fifth edition of this seminal textbook by best-selling author Andrew Heywood continues to lead the way in providing a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to politics. Renowned for its engaging and accessible style, this book helps students to understand the disciplines foundational concepts and theories and use these to make sense of its key subfields, from elections and voting to security and global governance. Systematically revised and updated throughout, it also uses a range of tried-and-tested pedagogical features to draw links between different standpoints and help make contemporary institutions, events and developments come to life. Drawing on a wide range of international examples, this text is the ideal choice for lecturers around the world. Carefully designed and written to map onto the way the subject is introduced at degree level, it remains the go-to text for undergraduate introductory and comparative politics courses. Furthermore, it can also be used as pre-course reading or as a point of reference throughout politics degrees, majors or minors.
2017-12 Politics in the Republic of Ireland
ISBN 1138119458 ISBN-13 9781138119451
Politics in the Republic of Ireland is now available in a fully revised sixth edition. Building on the success of the previous five editions, it continues to provide an authoritative introduction to all aspects of the government and politics in the Republic of Ireland. Written by some of the foremost experts on Irish politics, it explains, analyses and interprets the background to Irish government and contemporary political processes. It devotes chapters to every aspect of contemporary Irish government and politics, including the political parties and elections, the constitution, the Taoiseach and the governmental system, women and politics, the role of parliament, and Irelands place within the European Union. Bringing students up to date with the very latest developments, especially with the upheaval in the Irish party system, Coakley and Gallagher combine substance with a highly readable style, providing an accessible textbook that meets the needs of all those who are interested in knowing how politics and government operate in Ireland.
2003 Business and Politics CQ Press
ISBN UCSD:31822032250821
The third edition of this popular text has been completely revised to reflect the enormous changes in business-government relations that have taken place in advanced industrialized societies in recent years. Globalization, violent protests against international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, and the surge in international trade have affected the way business interacts with government in the twenty-first century. As in previous editions, Graham K. Wilson focuses on individual countries to illustrate different models of business-government relationsincluding the U.S., Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Italy, France, and Japan. New to this edition are Wilson's exploration of how government-business relations have been challenged by globalization and his evaluation of its consequences for different countries.
Module Resources
Essential Texts:
Heywood Andrew,(2019) Politics 5th Edition Palgrave Macmillan.
Coakley J., and Gallagher M. (2018) Politics in the Republic of Ireland Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.
Recommended Reading/Texts:
Clarke, Blanaid, Hardiman, Niamh : Ireland: Hubris and nemesis. In: Konzelmann, S. and Fovargue-Davies, M. (eds.). Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism. Routledge, 2012.
Dellepiane, Sebastian, Hardiman, Niamh : The politics of fiscal effort in Ireland and Spain: market credibility versus political legitimacy. In: Karyzis, G. and Gerodimos, R. (eds.). The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014-02.
Eccleston R., Hollander R., Van Acker, E., Williams P (2009) Politics for Business Students: A Comparative Introduction Pearson Education
Wilson Graham K (2003) Business and Politics A Comparative Introduction 3rd ed. New York: Chatham House Publishers.
Administration - www.ipa.ie
Irish Business Journal - https://sword.cit.ie/irishbusinessjournal/
Irish Political Studies Journal - www.pssai.ie
Harvard Business Review - www.hbr.org
The Houses of the Oireachtas http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/
Political Studies Association of Ireland http://www.psai.ie/
UCD: http://europedebate.ie/ ; http://researchrepository.ucd.ie/
www.economist.com; www.irishtimes.ie; www.ft.com; www.guardian.co.uk
Microphones in a meeting room to facilitate simulation meetings.
A study trip to the Local County Council Chamber is part of the experiential learning in this module.
A visit to the Dail or Stormont Assembly is envisaged where time and budget allow.