POLI07005 2022 Social Policy of Early Childhood

General Details

Full Title
Social Policy of Early Childhood
Transcript Title
SP for EC
N/A %
Subject Area
POLI - Policy Studies
SOCS - Social Sciences
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
majella mulkeen, Breda McTaggart, Sinead Barrins, John Pender
Programme Membership
SG_EEARL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Education and Care SG_EEARL_B07 202400 Bachelor of Education in Early Education and Care (exit)

Children and Social Policy has been designed to introduce students to the particular relevance of social policy as it impacts on the lives of children in Irish society and beyond. It provides an opportunity to gain an understanding of how social policy is developed and the historical and contemporary influences on its formation, particularly in the area of child and family welfare. The module will examine how children's situation and experience is structured by inequalities across a range of policy arenas e.g. housing policy, disability policy, poverty alleviation policy and early years provision itself. The manner in which various agencies and welfare providers attempt to protect, recognise and deliver the social policy needs of children will be a core focus of the module.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Appraise the scope of social policy and its relevance to early years professionals and their work.


Consider the historical and ideological influences on the development of social policy with reference to children and families in Irish society.


Critically assess the role of the Welfare State and the organisation and delivery of a range of state services, support agencies, policies and programmes available to children and families


Explore policy-making in action - key social policy case studies: homelessness and housing policy, health, social inclusion and poverty, minority ethnicities, early years provision and disability as they impact on children and their families


Possess and effectively communicate a clear knowledge of the development of policy and provision for children in the early years in comparative perspective taking European contexts and the Irish context

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The module will use active learning strategies such as buzz groups, case studies, debate, discussions and enquiry based learning approaches, group work, lectures, reading, simulation activities, tutorials and the use of Moodle as a repository.

Module Assessment Strategies

The module will use a variety of assessment methods, including a research project, creating a podcast and a reflective essay. 

Repeat Assessments

As appropriate to the learning needs and decided at the exam boards

Indicative Syllabus

LO 1 Understand the scope of social policy and its relevance to early years professionals and their work.

  • Introduction to social policy: definitions and scope, development of social policy in Irish society, influences and key historical developments
  • The role of social policy in early years sector: the historical context of early years provision in Ireland and contemporary developments

LO 2 Consider the historical and ideological influences on the development of social policy with reference to children and families in Irish society.

  • Historical influences; ideology of 'deserving' and 'undeserving' poor; workhouses, the Poor Law, Institutionalisation; rise of religious orders; industrial and reformatory schools, the 'cruelty'  man and the role of the NSPCC; post independence and the influence of the roman catholic church on social policy formation
  • Clash of traditionalism and liberalism in Irish social policy in the period 1980-2020; implications for policy formation

LO 3 Critically assess the role of the Welfare State and the organisation and delivery of a range of state services, support agencies, policies and programmes available to children and families.

  • The emergence of a fragile welfare system in Ireland compared to the UK; the Health Boards, the HSE; child abuse in the family, child abuse in religious orders; child abuse in voluntary sector organisations: the role of the state; inquiry reports; the advocacy sector, the UNCRC, UN Committee reports, the first Strategies Plan for children; criticism of the HSE; formation of Tusla, the emergence of the early years sector.
  • The impact of shifting welfare discourses influenced by the New Right and the rise of neo-liberalism since the 1980s; pressures and challenges of the welfare state and adapting to change
  • The role of the voluntary and community sector in Ireland: Barnardo's, Vincent de Paul, ISPCC, Family Resource Centres
  • The rights based discourse: UNCRC, Children's Rights Alliance, Ombudsman for Children

LO 4 Explore policy-making in action - key social policy case studies: homelessness and housing policy, health, social inclusion and poverty, minority ethnicities, early years provision and disability as they impact on children and their families.

  • Government housing policy, homelessness and the experience of children and families
  • Poverty and social exclusion policy: government policy and the experience of children and families
  • Direct Provision policy: government policy and the experience of children and families
  • Disability policy: access to education and the experiences of children and families
  • Early years provision: government policy and the experiences of families

LO 5 Possess and effectively communicate a clear knowledge of the development of policy and provision for children in the early years in comparative perspective, taking European contexts and the Irish context

  • Welfare state formation in Europe and the development of early years provision: social democratic, conservative/corporatist, liberal, implications for early years services and funding models
  • Supranational children's social policy advancement: the European Commission, European Court of Human Rights, European Court of Justice.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Scoping and pitching podcast concept (Screencast) Coursework Assessment Group Project 10 % Week 4 1,3,4
2 Production of podcast (no less than 10 minutes duration) Coursework Assessment Group Project 40 % Week 10 2,3,4
3 Podcast accompanying script (2000 words max) Coursework Assessment Group Project 15 % Week 10 1,2,3,4,5
4 Individual reflective artefact (1500 words max) Coursework Assessment Assignment 35 % Week 13 1,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Theories, history, contemporary and comparative perspective 2 Weekly 2.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Group work problem based learning 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified IL 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2007-08-15 Mother and Child
ISBN UVA:X004832933

This fascinating book provides a detailed account of the history of maternity and child welfare in Dublin between 1922 and 1960. In so doing it places maternity and child welfare in the context of twentieth-century Irish history, offering one of the only accounts of how women and children were viewed, treated and used by key lobby groups in Irish society and by the Irish state.

Required Reading
2006 From Children's Services to Children's spaces: public policy, children and childhood. London Routledge

Required Reading
2000 National Children Strategy 2000-2010 Government Publications Irel

Required Reading
2014 Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020, Government Publications Irel

Required Reading
2016 Cherishing all equally 2016: Economic inequality in Ireland, Dublin: TASC

Required Reading
2015 R Meade and F Dukelow (eds) Defining events: Power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland Manchester University Press

Required Reading
2015-09-18 Social Policy Simplified Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 1137362952 ISBN-13 9781137362957

This book takes social policy back to its basics. Each chapter systematically breaks down the subject to equip students not only with knowledge of the theoretical themes and perspectives which underpin social policy, but also of the relevance of social policy in everyday life.

Required Reading
2019-02-26 Social Policy Polity
ISBN 1509524061 ISBN-13 9781509524068

How do human societies provide for the wellbeing of their members? How far can we organize the ways in which we care for and about each other? And who should take responsibility for providing the support we need? These are some of the fundamental questions addressed by social policy today. In this introduction, Hartley Dean explains the extraordinary scope and importance of social policy. He explores its foundations and contemporary significance; the principal issues it addresses and their diverse economic, political and sociological dimensions, and concludes by looking anew at fundamental challenges facing social policy in a dramatically changing world. Introducing social policy as a broadly conceived study of human wellbeing, this revised and extensively updated third edition examines ways in which governments and peoples throughout the world attend to, promote, neglect or even undermine the things that make life worth living. These include essential services like healthcare and education; the means of livelihood jobs and money and sometimes intangible things such as physical and emotional security. Trying to understand these elements, which together constitute human wellbeing, is the stuff of social policy.

Recommended Reading
2021 Social Justice Matters 2021 guide to a fairer Irish society Social Justice Ireland

Required Reading
2018-10-17 Continuity and Change in the Welfare State Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 3319967789 ISBN-13 9783319967783

This book offers an analysis of social security in Ireland from 1981 to 2016 - a period of immense economic and social change during which social provisions such as pensions and family benefits were downsized or diluted in many countries. It considers whether this important area of welfare state provision in Ireland changed, and the extent and pattern of change. In the first in-depth account of this aspect of social policy In Ireland, the book sets the welfare state in a historical and comparative context and reviews the impact of globalisation, politics and the financial crash on the scope and generosity of social security. The book will be of particular interest to scholars of welfare state politics and comparative social policy as well as to students of Irish social policy.

Recommended Reading
2020 Caring Responsibilities in European Law and Policy
ISBN 0415529719 ISBN-13 9780415529716

Historically the care of children and family members has been perceived as a private issue, a personal choice provided informally within the family, and accordingly has been ignored by legislators who has focused instead on the leave and time provisions in employment law. However, demographic transition, changes in the workplace and the new fluid model of families, together with the massive presence of women in paid employment mean that traditional informal arrangements are no longer feasible. The process of, have resulted in an increase in the number of people who need care whilst there are fewer people in a position to provide informal care. This is largely the situation across Europe where, although with substantial differences, care work is fast leaving the private sphere to acquire a public dimension. This book looks at how EU law and policy have, over the years, addressed the theoretical and practical issues of care. It shows that, potentially, the EU care legal and policy framework is dynamic and evolving but remains piecemeal and lacking a comprehensive care strategy across Europe. The book analyses caring responsibilities both for children, and for people with chronic illnesses or disabilities as well as the growing number of older people requiring care, and suggests organising caring responsibilities into the two broad categories: traditional and unspoken care. The book argues that a clear framework needs to be established for all types of care which can develop following the same principles and at the same speed. Alongside this it calls for an increased recognition of the rights of the carers. Considering it unlikely to be achieved through EU traditional legislation the authors look towards the Open Method of Coordination as an alternative process. Ultimately the book underlines the crucial importance of starting to explore this area and to trigger a much needed debate with a view to redeploying the traditional understanding of care to meet the needs of a fast-changing society and, accordingly, in order to set the platform for policy and legislative development.

Required Reading
2019 First 5 Government of Ireland

Required Reading
2017-05-31 Irish Social Policy (second Edition) Policy Press
ISBN 9781447329626 ISBN-13 1447329627

This second edition of a highly successful textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to social policy in Ireland addressing a range of social policy topics of growing importance in contemporary Irish society including issues related to children, service users and groups, migration, ethnicity, sexuality and climate change.

Required Reading
2020-11-02 Policy-Making in the European Union Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN 9780198807605 ISBN-13 0198807600

The eighth edition of Policy-Making in the European Union provides students and scholars with a strong understanding of the processes and institutions involved in EU policy-making. In particular, it assesses policy-making in a more politicized context and in light of Brexit.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources
URL Resources

Children's Rights Alliance Report Card -  www.cra.ie

Ombudsman for Children -  www.oco.ie

Barnardos  - www.barnardos.ie

Social Justice Ireland  -  www.socialjustice.ie/ Policy Issues concerning children 

Economic & Social Research Institute, Growing up in Ireland - www.esri.ie/growing-up-in-ireland

Early Childhood Ireland - www.earlychildhoodireland.ie

Other Resources
Additional Information