PHYS06011 2019 Environmental Physical Science

General Details

Full Title
Environmental Physical Science
Transcript Title
Environmental Physical Science
N/A %
Subject Area
PHYS - 0533 Physics
ESCI - Environmental Science
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Carmel Moran
Programme Membership
SG_SECOL_B07 202000 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SENVI_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Protection SG_SECOL_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_C06 202000 Higher Certificate in Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SSUST_C06 201900 Higher Certificate in Science in Sustainable Food Production SG_SAGRI_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science in Agri-Food Science SG_SAGRI_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Agri-Food Science SG_SENVI_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science SG_SAGRI_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agri-Food Science SG_SECOL_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SSUST_C06 202400 Higher Certificate in Science in Sustainable Food Production SG_SAGRI_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agri-Food Science SG_SECOL_C06 202400 Higher Certificate in Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SAGRI_B07 202400 Bachelor of Science in Agri-Food Science SG_SECOL_B07 202500 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202500 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology

The purpose of this module is to introduce the learner to fundamental principles of Physics and the application of these to the environment explored.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Describe and discuss physical laws and definitions related to waves, light, electricity, energy, sound and radiation in the environment.


Examine the importance of these physical laws with respect to the environment around us.


Interpret and solve physical/numerical problems related to waves, light, electricity, energy, sound and radiation in the environment.


To apply scientific/laboratory techniques of experimenting, measuring, data evaluation, presentation of results, and drawing inferences from these results.


To communicate and report the findings of experimental analysis in an individual and/or group format taking into consideration good laboratory practice.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time. This will include lectures and laboratory practicals and will be accompanied with both independent and directed learning. This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment. On-line quizzes will be used along with grading rubrics for laboratory practical assessment.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 60% Continuous Assessment and 40% Final Exam.

Continuous assessment will provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate the learning outcomes and monitor the student's progress. The continuous assessment is broken down into practical assessment (40%) and assignments/MCQs (20%).

Laboratory skills and report writing ability (40%) are assessed as part of the practical work performed during the module. A minimum attendance of 75% is required in order to meet the learning outcomes of the practical component of this module. Failure to meet this requirement may result in repeat attending the module.

The theory continuous assessment (20%) comprises of two MCQ quizzes carried out mid semester and end of semester.

The final exam is designed to test the ability of the student to retain and interpret the information obtained during the course. The student must reach an assigned gate (mark) in the final exam and achieve 40% overall to pass the subject.







Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Exam

Indicative Syllabus

Describe and discuss physical laws and definitions related to waves, light, electricity, energy, sound and radiation in the environment.

Waves in nature

Light in the universe

Sound and noise

Energy and Heat


The EM Spectrum, Radiation and Radioactivity

Examine the importance of these physical laws with respect to the environment around us.

Explore the importance of these physical laws and their uses in the wider environment:

Waves in nature: sound and light waves

Light in the universe: reflection, refraction, mirrors, lens, optical fibres, seasons and eclipses

Sound and noise: speed of sound, sonar, ultrasound, Doppler effect, echo location, noise

Energy and Heat: temperature, thermal energy, heat capacity, latent heat, conduction/insulation, fuel, global warming.

Electricity: static electricity, lightening, electrical circuit

The EM Spectrum, Radiation and Radioactivity: ionising and non-ionising radiation, natural and man-made radioactivity in the environment, radon.


Interpret and solve physical/numerical problems related to waves, light, electricity, energy, sound and radiation in the environment.

SI units. Base and Derived units. Use and understanding of formulas relating to physical laws and definitions of the headings outlined.


To apply scientific/laboratory techniques of experimenting, measuring, data evaluation, presentation of results, and drawing inferences from these results.

Perform a range of experiments designed to test the theories and laws explored within the module. Demonstrate the ability to measure physical parameters and record data in an appropriate manner. Interpret the finding and critically evaluate the data.


To communicate and report the findings of experimental analysis in an individual and/or group format taking into consideration good laboratory practice.

Recording of data using Good Laboratory Practice. Report writing demonstrating an understanding of the findings and an ability to critically evaluate the data obtained.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
60 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
40 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Continuous Assessment Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 10 % Week 7 1,2,3
2 Continuous Assessment Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 10 % Week 13 1,2,3
3 Practical Evaluation Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 40 % OnGoing 2,4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Theory Final Exam Closed Book Exam 40 % End of Term 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Lecture and Problem Based Learning 3 Weekly 3.00
Practical / Laboratory Science Laboratory Physics Practical 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Independent Learning 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 5.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2001-07-19 Environmental Physics (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts) Routledge
ISBN 0415201918 ISBN-13 9780415201919

Brand New

Required Reading
2007-10-19 How Everything Works: Making Physics Out of the Ordinary John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 0470170662 ISBN-13 9780470170663

Title: How Everything Works( Making Physics Out of the Ordinary) <>Binding: Paperback <>Author: LouisA.Bloomfield <>Publisher: JohnWiley&Sons

Required Reading
2013-08-16 Principles of Environmental Physics: Plants, Animals, and the Atmosphere Academic Press
ISBN 0123869102 ISBN-13 9780123869104

Principles of Environmental Physics: Plants, Animals, and the Atmosphere, 4e, provides a basis for understanding the complex physical interactions of plants and animals with their natural environment. It is the essential reference to provide environmental and ecological scientists and researchers with the physical principles, analytic tools, and data analysis methods they need to solve problems. This book describes the principles by which radiative energy reaches the earth's surface and reviews the latest knowledge concerning the surface radiation budget. The processes of radiation, convection, conduction, evaporation, and carbon dioxide exchange are analyzed. Many applications of environmental physics principles are reviewed, including the roles of surface albedo and atmospheric aerosols in modifying microclimate and climate, remote sensing of vegetation properties, wind forces on trees and crops, dispersion of pathogens and aerosols, controls of evaporation from vegetation and soil (including implications of changing weather and climate), and interpretation of micrometeorological measurements of carbon dioxide and other trace gas fluxes.It presents a unique synthesis of micrometeorology and ecology in its widest sense. It deals quantitatively with the impact of weather on living systems but also with the interactions between organisms and the atmosphere that are a central feature of life on earth. It offers numerous worked examples and problems with solutions. It provides many examples of laboratory and field measurements and their interpretation. It includes an up-to-date bibliography and review of recent micrometeorological applications in forestry, ecology, hydrology, and agriculture.

Required Reading
1997 Exposure: Living with Radiation in Ireland (Irish reporter publications. making history series) Beyond the Pale Publications
ISBN 1900900017 ISBN-13 9781900900010

A very good copy

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources


Journal Resources


URL Resources

Other Resources


Additional Information
