MKTG08026 2022 Dissertation
The dissertation aims to facilitate the student in drawing together the vicarious aspects of the taught course with the academic skills developed. Through engaging in a particular area of critical study, they are expected to relate the conclusions to their own field of expertise.
The process is designed to develop the skills and expertise required to facilitate the continued professional development of the student and provide them with a level of expertise which could be appealing to prospective employers.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Develop research instrument(s) based on the proposal which was outlined in Semester One
Collect and input the data appropriately
Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge and a practical understanding of what can be inferred from the data
Develop analytical and interpretative skills by drawing conclusions from the research
Present research in the form of a dissertation in which the research findings are communicated clearly, concisely and effectively
Teaching and Learning Strategies
THe students will through the production of a piece of research meet the learning outcomes of this module,
Module Assessment Strategies
Students will work individually with their assigned dissertation supervisor and are expected to complete detailed research culminating in a written report/dissertation.
Repeat Assessments
The student will be asked to resubmit the dissertation based on feedback from their examiners.
Module Dependencies
Indicative Syllabus
The following items are indicative of what will be discussed throughout the duration of the supervisor/student interaction:
Literature Review
- Adequately fitting in with the proposed objective
Research Instruments
- Quality sufficient to commence the data collection
Results- Discussion and Analysis
- Interpretation and the benefit of it
- How the findings can be linked to the primary problem
Style, Content, Presentation and Formatting
- Overall appropriate presentation of the document
- Possible recommendations that could be derived from the research
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Individual Project which entailed the compilation of a research dissertation | Coursework Assessment | UNKNOWN | 100 % | End of Term | 1,2,3,4,5 |
Module Resources
Dissertation guidelines handbook, ITSligo
Recommended Textbook:
Domegan, C., Fleming, D., (2007), Marketing Research in Ireland
Supplementary Textbooks:
Riley, M., Wood R., Clarke, M., et al, (2000) Researching and Writing Dissertations in Business and Management
Fox, M., P. Green, (2007) Doing Practitioner Research. London; Sage Publications Ltd., First Edition
Library visit
Students should refer to the Harvard referencing style when quoting or drawing reference within the dissertation