MKTG06058 2021 Consumer Buyer Behaviour

General Details

Full Title
Consumer Buyer Behaviour
Transcript Title
Consumer Buyer Behaviour
N/A %
Subject Area
MKTG - 0414 Marketing & Advertising
MKTS - Marketing, Tourism & Sport
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2021 - Full Academic Year 2021-22
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Mr. John Kelleher, Lisa Dunne
Programme Membership
SG_BMARK_H08 202000 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing SG_BMKTG_B07 202000 Bachelor of Business in Marketing SG_BSALE_B07 202100 Bachelor of Business in Business in Marketing and Sales SG_BINTE_H08 202100 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Marketing and Languages SG_BMKTG_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Marketing SG_BMARK_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing SG_BINTE_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Marketing and Languages SG_BSALE_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Marketing and Sales SG_BINTE_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Marketing and Languages

This course in Consumer Buyer Behaviour will study factors and processes that lead to purchase and consumption decisions. It will allow the student to better understand their own behaviour as consumers and the multitude of influences that play on their consumption; it will also allow them to analyse macro issues in consumer behaviour.


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Explain the principles and concepts of consumer buyer behaviour.


Describe the importance of consumer behaviour in people's daily lives.


Identify the range of factors influencing consumer choice processes.


Outline global and Irish trends influencing consumer behaviour.


Recognise how consumer buyer behaviour impacts upon a firms marketing strategy.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The module will be delivered through a mixture of theory lectures and tutorial classes, where active and collaborative learning will take place.  The module will be delivered through blended learning tools including slides, videos, case studies and/or self-assessment quizzes.

Module Assessment Strategies

Students will do an individual assessment, such as a consumer diary completed over a number of days regarding their own purchasing decision journey.  This will assess the student's understanding of the relevant theory and apply it to their own consumer behaviour.

Students will complete a group assessment which will comprise of a written report and/or presentation on a current consumer topic.  The students will work as a team to apply the theory to focused questions. This will assess the students understanding of consumer buyer behaviour theory and how it applies to a business and marketing situation.

The final exam will be an individual closed book terminal exam.  It will assess the students understanding of consumer buyer behaviour theory and their ability to apply it to real world marketing issues. 



Repeat Assessments

If a student fails the module overall, the repeat requirement will be either an individual assignment or a repeat exam depending on what assessment(s) was failed originally.

Indicative Syllabus

Introduction to the principles and concepts of Consumer Buyer Behaviour (LO1)

Consumer Purchasing journey - An examination of the levels of involvement in purchasing decisions and an investigation of the consumer decision journey (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO5)

Consumer Learning - The role of learning and memory for consumer buyer behaviour is investigated  (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO5)

Consumer Attitudes -  The formation and influences of consumer attitudes are examined and relevance to consumer buyer behaviour identified (LO2, LO3, LO5)

Key Influences on Consumer Buyer Behaviour - An examination of how culture, sub-culture, social class, household structure and gender can influence consumer buyer behaviour (LO2, LO3, LO5)

Current Trends of Consumer Buyer Behaviour - An examination of current trends such as neuromarketing, economic environment, societal changes (LO4, LO5)


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
50 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
50 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Group Project Coursework Assessment Group Project 30 % Week 9 1,2,3,4,5
2 Consumer Diary Coursework Assessment Individual Project 20 % Week 6 1,2,3

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 50 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Theory Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2016-10-26 Essentials of Consumer Behavior Taylor & Francis
ISBN 9781317648857 ISBN-13 1317648854

Essentials of Consumer Behavior offers an alternative to traditional textbooks for graduate students. Shorter than competing books, but no less rigorous, it includes unique material on vulnerable consumers and ethics. Balancing a strong academic foundation with a practical approach, Stephens emphasizes that consumer behavior does not simply equate to buyer behavior. She examines the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that shape consumers attitudes and motivations in relation to brands, products, and marketing messages. Providing a concise guide to the discipline, the author covers key themes such as vulnerable consumers, new technologies, and collaborative consumption. The book is supported by a rich companion website offering links to videos and podcasts, surveys, quizzes, further readings, and more. It will be a valuable text for any graduate student of consumer behavior or marketing, as well as any interested consumers.

Recommended Reading
2013-03-26 Consumer Behaviour SAGE
ISBN 9781446276334 ISBN-13 1446276333

Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here Why do you choose the things you buy such as this textbook, a smartphone or an item of clothing? How often, where, and instead of what? What do you consider a boring necessity or a fun luxury? What do you do with products once youve purchased them? When do you decide to chuck them and why? As a consumer you make conscious and unconscious decisions, nonstop, every day of your life. This is Consumer Behaviour! This friendly, lively full colour text will support you through your course and help you to get the best possible grade for future employment. It even has How to Impress Your Examiner boxes in each chapter. There are lots of case studies along the way from global brands such as Facebook, Apple and Amazon Kindle, and Consumer Behaviour in Action boxes in every chapter to show you how it works in the real world. If you want to be top of the class you can push yourself that little bit further by reading the Challenging the Status Quo asides which will help your critical thinking and problem solving skills. These are key skills that employers look for in graduates, so practicing now will help set you apart from the pack and boost your employability. You could also dip into the Further Reading resources to help you with essays and exam revision using these is a sure route to better grades. Visit the companion website for extra materials including multiple choice questions to test yourself and Jims pick of Youtube videos that make the examples in each chapter come alive!

Recommended Reading
2008-05-06 Consumer Behaviour Gill & Macmillan Ltd
ISBN 9780717155477 ISBN-13 0717155471
Required Reading
2019-06-06 Solomon: Consumer Behaviour_p7 Pearson Higher Ed
ISBN 9781292245461 ISBN-13 1292245468

Now in its seventh edition, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective provides the most comprehensive, lively and engaging introduction to the behaviour of consumers in Europe and around the world. The new slimline edition has 13 chapters, maintaining its breadth of coverage and making it ideal for second- and third-year undergraduates as well as Master's students. The book links consumer behaviour theory with the real-life problems faced by practitioners in many ways: Marketing opportunity, Marketing pitfalls and Multicultural dimensions boxes throughout the text illustrate the impact consumer behaviour has on marketing activities. Consumer behaviour as I see it boxes feature marketing academics talking about the relevance of consumer behaviour issues to their everyday work. Brand new Case studies about European companies and topics give deep insights into the world of consumer behaviour. New coverage of sustainable consumption, emerging technologies, social media and online behaviour is woven throughout this edition. Online materials including multiple-choice questions and links to useful websites are available on the book's website at

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Suggested book resources given in Booklist

Journal Resources

Journal of Consumer Research

European Journal of Marketing

URL Resources


Other Resources

Case studies and current articles from newspapers, journals, blogs etc.

Additional Information