MGMT09030 2022 Strategic Leadership and Planning

General Details

Full Title
Strategic Leadership and Planning
Transcript Title
Strategic Leadership
N/A %
Subject Area
MGMT - 0413 Management & Admin
SOCS - Social Sciences
09 - Level 9
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Breda McTaggart, Sandra Hallinan, Valerie McTaggart
Programme Membership
SG_HPROF_M09 202200 Master of Arts in Professional Leadership SG_WSTRA_S09 202200 Level 9 Special Purpose Award in Strategic Leadership and Planning

This module explores the specific styles and strategies of implementing strategic change to scale up existing enterprises successfully. Additionally, the module will focus on the leaders' role in managing and leading change in complex business environments. The module also requires the learner to reflect on their leadership approach, and the dynamic capabilities leaders require in a rapidly changing digital business ecosystem. Learners will also reflect on the importance of the role of financial management to enterprise scaling up and strategic innovation

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Explore the major theories of strategic change and strategic leadership.


Illustrate the importance of managing change in complex business environments.


Critically examine and demonstrate an understanding of emerging technologies and how they can be applied in practice to maximise performance and efficiency.


Engage with and critically evaluate the key dynamic capabilities required for existing and future leaders.


Understand the critical role of financial management to enterprise scaling up  and strategic innovation.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The teaching and learning strategies engaged with for this module will be in real-time delivery and wil be dependent on the topic. It could include case study, live lectures and live tutorials. Students' understanding and previous work experience will be explored and how Strategic Leadership and Planning fits into an organisation's success.

Module Assessment Strategies

  • Students will undertake a feasibility study of a proposed and planned strategic plan, considering SWOT and PESTLE (10%).
  • The students will put all their learning together and develop an evidence-informed strategic plan for an organisation (80%).
  • Students will engage with a weekly blog, exploring and charting their learning and engaging with peers on topics discussed in the previous weeks learning (10%)

Repeat Assessments

Indicative Syllabus

LO1) Explore the major theories of strategic change and strategic leadership.

Students will undertake a review of strategic leadership practices in public, private and third sector organisations. They will examine strategic leadership theories such as Upper Echelons Theory, Role Theory, Agency Theory, Adaptive Structuration theory and Complexity theory, and determine their relevance to today's dynamic marketplaces. Students will also reflect on their own leadership approach and identify possible areas for improvement as they prepare to scale up their enterprise.

LO2) Illustrate the importance of managing change in complex business environments

Students will identify the key role of leadership in managing change in complex business environments to understand possible implementation obstacles and the factors contributing to strategy implementation failures. They are expected to explore the change management process through the works of Mintzberg, Kotter and others. Learners will also examine the importance of market disruption in terms of tighter industry regulation and changing customer behaviour and reflect on these in terms of transformational and incremental change. Learners will also consider the importance of creating an empowering organisational culture to support strategic renewal and agile working environments.

LO3) Critically examine and demonstrate an understanding of emerging technologies and how they can be applied in practice to maximise performance and efficiency

The proliferation of SMAC IoT (social, mobile, analytical, cloud and the Internet of things) technologies disrupting industry will be considered in tandem with the challenge of scaling up existing enterprises. This will require the learner to reflect on the contribution of digital technologies to organisations to improve performance and increase operational efficiency. Learners will also examine the existing literature on leading digital transformation and how senior leaders can use these technologies to create and capture value internally by exploiting existing capabilities and externally by exploring opportunities presented in the digital ecosystem.

LO4) Engage with and critically evaluate the key dynamic capabilities that are required for existing and future leaders

Students will explore the topic of dynamic capabilities that are required for existing and future organisations. Learners are expected to consider the dynamic capabilities perspective through the works of Adner and Helfat, Barney and Teece to understand the dynamic managerial capabilities required for a scale-up enterprise. Learners will also develop an understanding of the importance of taking a holistic approach to developing their digital business strategy and the importance of strategically aligning their business and IS strategy when developing their strategic plan to future proof the organisation

LO5) Understand the critical role of financial management  to enterprise scaling up  and strategic innovation

The student will develop their ability to analyse and interpret the financial statements of varying organisations, apply management accounting techniques and appreciate the role they play in the planning, control and decision-making process and develop an understanding of the role of financial strategy in the investment, finance and resource allocation decisions when the organisations is scaling up

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Feasibility Study Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 10 % Week 12 3,4,5
2 Student Blog Coursework Assessment Assessment 10 % OnGoing 1,2,4
3 Strategic Plan Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 80 % End of Term 1,2,3,5

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Online Lecture Online Live Lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2015-01-27 New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 0077862481 ISBN-13 9780077862480

New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century is about the process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. The book presents the substantial body of knowledge about the entrepreneurial process in a pragmatic way through text, case studies, and hands-on exercises to help readers compress their learning curves, reduce their ultimate risk and pain, and allow them to gain more from their subsequent entrepreneurial experiences.

Required Reading
2010 Entrepreneurship Pearson College Division
ISBN PSU:000068139506

'Entrepreneurship' takes students on the entire journey of launching a new business venture, placing a unique emphasis on the front end of the entrepreneurial process.

Required Reading
2012-08-21 The Definitive Business Plan Pearson UK
ISBN 9780273762904 ISBN-13 0273762907

This comprehensive book will ensure your business plan is robust enough to start, run or revitalise any business enterprise. Whether your goal is raising start-up finance for a new business, requesting venture funding from a corporate parent or directing operational management, The Definitive Business Plan will help you deliver the information the decision-makers are really looking for. Accessible to the newcomer and detailed enough for the experienced planner, the third edition of this international bestseller explains how to tailor a plan for specific readerships and meet specific objectives, helping you to focus your attention on strategic planning as well as on operational controls. This new edition has been completely updated throughout.

Required Reading
2012-07-09 Brilliant Business Plan Pearson UK
ISBN 9780273742548 ISBN-13 027374254X

A brilliant business needs a brilliant business plan and this is the book to help you write one. It will take you step by step through the process to help you build a business plan quickly and easily and then use it to build your business. This book introduces the basic concepts of business planning, shows you a swift and smart way to prepare a business plan and reveals how to use a business plan to run your business more effectively. This book is ideal if you need a plan to show your bank manager, small investors and employees, or to use as a chart for steering your business. It contains: - Step-by-step instructions on how to build your brilliant business plan from scratch. - A range of model plans for very different businesses to show you brilliant business planning in action. - Advice on what delights banks and investors, as well as what not to do.

Required Reading
2019 The Financial Times Guide to Business Start Up 2019/20 Pearson UK
ISBN 9781292259222 ISBN-13 1292259221

Whether you're about to start your own business or have already taken the plunge and want to keep on track, make sure you have a copy of The Financial Times Guide to Business Start Up to hand. Updated for all your business needs, this edition covers all the latest legal and financial changes you need to be aware of following the 2018 Budget.

Recommended Reading
2006 Strategic Entrepreneurship Pearson Education
ISBN 027370642X ISBN-13 9780273706427

An up-to-date, accessible and rigorous examination of the theory, research and practice of entrepreneurship in all types and sizes of organization.

Recommended Reading
2009 Strategic Leadership Strategic Management
ISBN 9780195162073 ISBN-13 0195162072

"This book integrates and assesses the vast and rapidly growing literature on strategic leadership, which is the study of top executives and their effects on organizations. Strategic Leadership synthesizes what is known about strategic leadership and indicates new research directions. The book is meant primarily for scholars who strive to assess and understand the phenomena of strategic leadership. It offers a considerable foundation on which professionals involved in executive search, compensation, appraisal, and staffing, as well as board members who evaluate executive performance and potential, might build their tools and perspectives."--Rsum de l'diteur

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources
URL Resources
Other Resources
Additional Information