MATL07029 2020 Materials and Processes 301

General Details

Full Title
Materials and Processes 301
Transcript Title
Materials and Processes 301
N/A %
Subject Area
MATL - 0722 Materials WD/PPR/PLAS/GL
MEMA - Mech and Manufact Eng
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2020 - Full Academic Year 2020-21
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Declan Sheridan, Xavier Velay, Conall Doran
Programme Membership
SG_EMECH_H08 202000 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

This module links engineering materials analysis and testing with manufacturing processes.  Rather than approach engineering materials as a standalone topic, it is linked to relevant aspects of manufacturing processes.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Employ materials tests to determine material properties, find component flaws and monitor manufacturing processes.


Predict alloy microconstituent fractions, microstructures and phases based on composition and heat treatment.


Select heat treatment processes appropriate to manufacturing processes like sheet metal forming, welding assemblies and toolmaking.


Analyse how additive manufacturing processes affect component material properties and precision.


Describe how manufacturing processes can impact component material properties.


Select adhesives for design applications taking into consideration the target material properties.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The theoretical and background material will be presented through a series of lectures. Application of the theory will be
demonstrated in class and understanding demonstrated through ongoing laboratory sessions and assignments.

This module will be delivered using blended learning techniques. The theoretical and background material will be presented
through a series of online lectures. Application of the theory will be demonstrated through an end of semester laboratory session
and ongoing assignments.

Module Assessment Strategies

Theory and some applied elements will be assessed in a final exam. Practical elements will be assessed based on laboratory
and written reports.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessment will involve a final exam and resubmission of reports or practicals as determined by the lecturer.

Indicative Syllabus

  1. Materials tests (torsion, hardenability, impact, hardness)
  2. Non-destructive testing
  3. Different classifications of phase diagrams
  4. Using the lever rule to find, mass, volume and micro-constituent fractions.
  5. Iron-carbon system development of microstructures
  6. Phase transformations & isothermal diagrams
  7. Heat treatment of steels & hardenability
  8. Mechanical properties of welded joints including flaws (distortion, segregation, cracking, HAZ)
  9. Plastic deformation and work hardening of sheet metals
  10. Mechanical properties of additive manufactured metal parts

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
30 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
70 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Laboratory Practicals Practical Written Report/Essay 30 % OnGoing 1

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Written Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 70 % End of Semester 2,3,4,5,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Practical / Laboratory Engineering Laboratory Laboratory Practical 2 Fortnightly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 5 Weekly 5.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Practical / Laboratory Engineering Laboratory Laboratory Practical 7.5 Once Per Semester 0.50
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 0.50 Hours

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Not Specified Lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Directed Learning Not Specified Directed Learning 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 5.5 Weekly 5.50
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2010-10-10 Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction, William D. Callister & David G. Rethwisch, 8th Ed, 2010 Bukupedia
ISBN 9780470419977 ISBN-13 0470419970
Required Reading
2017-12-27 Degarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing Wiley
ISBN 1119382890 ISBN-13 9781119382898
Recommended Reading
2012-08-21 Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation, Second Edition McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN 9780071777148 ISBN-13 0071777148
Recommended Reading
2003 Welding Metallurgy Wiley-Interscience
ISBN UOM:39015055870706
Required Reading
2002 Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN 0750653000 ISBN-13 9780750653008

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources


Journal Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information