LITT06012 2019 Introduction to Writing 2
This module builds on the expository, analytical, critical thinking, and academic writing skills gained in Introduction to Writing 1. It continues to develop the critical skills necessary for learners to critique and assess their own work to enable them to become more effective self-learners.
In addition to sampling different writing modes in multiple contexts, the module will emphasise the personal essay format in order to assist learners in the development of their individual writing styles and voices. Learners will practice using these skills in an intuitive, creative and flexible way to respond to a wide range of writing modes and genres, both traditional and across contemporary digital media. Learners will develop the skills to create effective texts for any situation they may encounter in the academic setting or workplace.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Write coherent, well-organized essays with appropriate conventions applying effective writing mechanics to promote greater clarity and precision in conveying ideas, evidence, and arguments.
Understand and demonstrate an awareness of basic rhetorical strategies through various forms of writing
Apply the composing process (prewriting, drafting, revision, and editing) more adeptly in a recursive manner.
Write with awareness of audience, message and purpose in multiple contexts utilising their writing skills in a flexible, creative and intuitive way.
Give their peers constructive feedback and critically assess their own work in a comprehensive manner - leading to a greater self-awareness of their writing process and helping them to progressively develop their communication and critical thinking skills.
Write with greater self-confidence while developing their personal writing styles and individual voices.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
The primary mode of instruction will be instructor-led class discussion along with a limited amount of lecturing to address specific content issues. The overall success of this course depends on active student participation, which in turn requires adequate student preparation of the reading assignments.
Module Assessment Strategies
This class emphasises writing as a process. Learners will submit a series of small assignments to develop technique and craft (30%) as well as a piece of writing to prepare students to write with flexibility across different writing modes in a variety of contexts (30%) and a personal/reflective essay to develop their own writing voice and style (40%).
Repeat Assessments
Indicative Syllabus
Introduction to Writing
Writing as a recursive process (prewriting, writing, and rewriting)
Structure and writing
Editing strategies
Becoming an effective self-critic
Analytical writing
Research and Argument
Audience and audience adaptation
Clarity and specificity
Word choice and sentence structure.
Effective grammar, punctuation and mechanics.
Rhetorical modes - Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive
Personal narrative
Voice and personal style
Applying writing in a range of contexts - both traditional and contemporary
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Small writing assignments | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 30 % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,4,5 |
2 | Contextual Writing | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 30 % | Week 8 | 1,2,3,4,5 |
3 | Personal/Reflective | Coursework Assessment | Essay | 40 % | End of Semester | 1,2,4,5,6 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Flat Classroom | lecture | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List
ISBN 1916434207 ISBN-13 9781916434202
ISBN 1509892753 ISBN-13 9781509892754
Module Resources
Baldwin, James. "A Letter to My Nephew", 1962.
Dreyer, Benjamin. Dreyer's English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style, 2019.
Gay, Roxanne. "What We Hunger For". 2012.
Gleeson, Sinead. "Our Mutual Friend", 2019.
Lapote, Phillip. The Art of the Personal Essay. Doubleday Anchor, 1994.
Maleney, Ian. "Shelter", 2018.
O'Donnell, Mary. "My Mother in Drumlin Country", 2017.
Sullivan, John Jeremiah, "Feet In Smoke: A Story About Electrified Near-Death", 2011.
Wallace, David Foster. "Shipping Out", 1996.
Williams, Terry Tempest, "The Glorious Indifference of Wilderness", 2014.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 4th edition. Modern Language Association, 2016.
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Books and online resources