INSU07022 2022 QFA Life Assurance - Theory

General Details

Full Title
QFA Life Assurance - Theory
Transcript Title
QFA Life Assurance - Theory
N/A %
Subject Area
INSU - 0412 Insurance
BUS - Business
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Catherine Kennedy, Valerie McTaggart, Anne McGlynn, Breda McTaggart
Programme Membership
SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business in Insurance Practice (Life) SG_BINSL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship) SG_BINSL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship)

This module introduces the student to life assurance. The module covers how to assess the needs of consumers for protection policies, including life assurance cover, serious illness cover and business insurances, and for savings and investment policies and tracker bonds issued by life assurance companies. On completion of the module, learners will have a general introduction to life assurance. 

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Identify the authorisation, regulation and operating structures of life assurance companies.


Evaluate protection policies, including life assurance cover, serious illness cover and business insurances, and savings and investment policies and tracker bonds issued by life assurance companies.


Demonstrate an understanding of the protection needs of consumers as outlined in the Consumer Protection Code.


Recognise the main features of valid wills and the principal provisions of the Succession Act, 1965.


Evaluate personal taxation liabilities, including incorporating the taxation treatment of consumers in relation to policies issued by life assurance companies; and


Calculate sums accumulated or discounted at compound interest and the impact of inflation over time on a consumer’s financial needs and resources.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module is delivered with a blend of self-directed study supplemented by e-learning resources such as pre-recorded webinars and revision masterclasses. The teaching and learning modes will include:


The Textbook is revised on an annual basis to reflect changes in legislation and regulation.  It is equivalent to the lecture notes students would receive in formal education institutions.

Revision Masterclass

Online lectures utilise lecture notes with extra reading material.  In these sessions real time practical examples will be used.  These classes provide the opportunity for the lecturer to maximise the use of formative assessment which helps the lecturer identify areas which the students are having difficulty with, so that adjustments can be made to the lecturing techniques, content of lessons and academic support.

In class discussion

Based on the theories/concepts underpinning business, in class discussion will be used to establish the level of understanding of the retail financial products.  Students will be encouraged to identify the application within their own place of employment and from the general business environment.

Self-Directed Questions

Self-Directed Questions will be used to determine their ability to review, fact-find and make recommendations while applying the knowledge they have acquired from the course textbook. 

Individual Work

Working as an individual will allow for the further development of self-discipline and enquiry.  

Personal Reflection

The personal reflection allows the student to look back over the learning experiences and identify areas for improvement and areas that worked well.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module will be assessed 100% by final examination. Students who pass QFA - Financial Planning will be exempted from this module.

Repeat Assessments

The repeat assessment will be 100% final examination.

Module Dependencies

INSU07020 202200 QFA Regulation - Theory INSU07021 202200 QFA Regulation - Practice INSU07023 202200 QFA Life Assurance - Practice INSU07024 202200 QFA Loans - Theory INSU07025 202200 QFA Loans - Practice

Indicative Syllabus

Personal Financial Needs

  • Main Types of Personal Financial Needs
  • Benefits of Financial Planning
  • Life Assurance Policies to Meet Financial Needs
  • Life Cycle
  • Examples of Personal Financial Needs

Life Assurance Cover

  • Introduction
  • Temporary Assurances
  • Whole of Life Cover
  • Ancillary/Optional Benefits
  • Benefits
  • Restrictions

Serious Illness Cover

  • Lump Sum Cover
  • Illness Income Cover
  • Other Covers

Quantifying Protection Needs

  • Protection Needs
  • Quantifying Life Assurance Cover
  • Quantifying Serious Illness Cover

Wills and Estates

  • Estate
  • Wills
  • No Will
  • Credit Union Savings

Business Insurances

  • Business Structures
  • Partnership Insurance
  • Key person Insurance

Comparing Protection Cover

  • Introduction
  • Comparison
  • Convertible Term Assurance v Whole of Life Cover
  • Individual Mortgage Protection v Group Mortgage Protection
  • PHI v Serious Illness Cover

Investment Bonds         

  • Unit Linked Investment Bonds
  • Tracker Bonds

Savings Plans

  • Unit Linked Savings Plans
  • Assessing Savings Needs
  • Benefits
  • Limitations
  • Risks
  • Comparing Unit Linked Savings Plans


  • Income Tax
  • Universal Social Charge (USC)
  • Tax Calculation Example
  • Income Tax Exemption Limit

Providing Advice            

  • Personal Financial Needs
  • Authorisation
  • The Financial Planning Advisory Process
  • Consumer Protection Code
  • Financial Needs and Objectives
  • Assessing Suitability
  • Assessing a Client’s Attitude to and Capacity for Investment Risk
  • Making a Recommendation
  • Example: Protection Need
  • Execution Only
  • Provision of Information about an Investment Policy

Starting a Policy             

  • A Legal Contract
  • Step 1: The Proposal Form
  • Step 2: Underwriting
  • Principle of Utmost Good Faith
  • Step 3: Acceptance
  • Step 4: Issue of Policy
  • Reinsurance
  • Annual Statement of Value

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
100 %

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final 2 Hour Examination Final Exam Closed Book Exam 100 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online On-line lecture 1.5 Weekly 1.50
Tutorial Online tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Lecture Offsite Facility Face to face class 3 Twice Per Semester 0.40
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent Learning 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.90 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
QFA Life Assurance Course Textbook LIA

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Department of Finance, (2012). Anti-Money Laundering Sectoral Guidelines - Life Assurance. Department of Finance.

Central Bank of Ireland, (2018). Consumer Protection Code. Central Bank of Ireland.

Central Statistics Office, (2009). Irish Life Tables No. 15. Central Statistics Office.

LIA, Financial Questionnaire. LIA.

LIA, Life Assurance Underwriting. LIA.

LIA, Medical Questionnaire. LIA.

Journal Resources

LIA's Journal, the Advantage, published quarterly

Other Resources
Additional Information