INNO08007 2022 Innovation, Creativity and Critical Thinking

General Details

Full Title
Innovation, Creativity and Critical Thinking
Transcript Title
Innovation and Creativity
N/A %
Subject Area
INNO - Innovation
BUS - Business
08 - Level 8
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2022 - Full Academic Year 2022-23
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Dr. Michael Barrett DBA (HEM), Breda McTaggart, Aine Doherty, Valerie McTaggart, Bryan Coyne, Denis Haran
Programme Membership
SG_BINSL_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship) SG_BINSU_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (General) SG_BINSL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (Life) (Apprenticeship) SG_BINSU_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Insurance Practice (General)

Innovation, Creativity and Critical Thinking

Innovation and Creativity in Business’ is appropriate for all students interested in innovation as a necessary component of businesses today. The course blends primary reading material with additional reading and case-based learning. The readings from a number of different sources (including academic research articles, popular and business presses and case studies) provide conceptual frameworks that may help with case analysis. Learners will critically examine innovation and creativity theoretically, with a particular focus on applying it in practice and in a business context.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Explain the creative process and the application of creative and innovative strategies to a variety of contexts.


Explore a creative team-based approach to innovation and creativity demonstrating sufficient understanding of opportunity/problem recognition, capability development and absorptive capacity

Recognise and comprehend the sources of creativity and innovation present in an organisation.
Analyse how creativity and innovation thrives in organisations and assess innovation and creativity’s contribution to the growth of the organisation

Understand the process of developing a business plan and encourage entrepreneurial thinking.


Understand the concepts used in critical thinking and develop clearer thinking.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered primarily on-line with two face-to-face sessions.  The learner will interact on-line for their lecturers and tutorials.

Module Assessment Strategies

The assessment of this module will include the use of case studies and assignments which will include real world problem-solving tasks.  As the learner will be in the workforce as an apprentice, the learner will understand the role of Innovation and Creativity as it applies to their role in the organisation.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessments will be set by the lecturer in conjunction with the examination board and will focus on the reassessment of failed learning outcomes.

Indicative Syllabus

Creativity, Innovation & the Individual, the Group & The Organisation

  • Defining creativity and innovation.
  • Exploring creative and divergent thinking strategies such as Wallas's Four Stage Sequence, Dr Perkin's snowflake model, Creative Problem Solving (CPS), De Bono's six thinking hats and their implications, SCAMPER thinking, Koberg and Bagnall Design Process, Da Vince's Technique, the Morphological Matrix Approach, 
  • Brainstorming, and reverse brainstorming and convergent tools for evaluating ideas.
  • understanding of opportunity/ problem recognition, capability development and absorptive capacity
  • Nurturing creative team-work, developing a process of team work, acknowledgement of the break-down of team-work, including cross functional teams.
  • Recognise and comprehend the sources of creativity and innovation present in an organisation.
  • Explore the development of and enablement of organisational creativity, including understanding and creation of safe zones for idea generation and presentation.
  • Acknowledging the barriers and constraints of the creative process and implications for individuals, groups and organisations, including concepts such as fail quick and often.

Application of innovation and creativity

  • Understand the process of developing a business plan around the risk and rewards of new innovations.
  • Building the business case for your innovation.
  • Identify key innovation dilemmas.
  • Consider options for going into business, analysing opportunities, developing a strategy and preparing a business plan.
  • Leveraging creativity and innovation to drive growth and competitive strategy
  • Incorporate ESG (environmental, social and governance) into the innovation and business development process
  • Identify the personal attributes of an Entrepreneur
  • Understanding Entrepreneurship (intrapreneur, high technology, social, women and minority), and the Entrepreneur.

Critical Thinking

  • Understand the concepts used in Critical thinking
  • Provide learners with an understanding that will enable them to develop skills to select, modify, critically analyse, research and formulate responses to problems.
  • knowing how to sift fact from opinion,
  • interpret and produce  clear written argument effectively
  • objectively review conflicting reports of a situation or event
  • Critical reflection
  • Reflect critically on ethical issues including the development and incorporation of environmental, social and governance criteria.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Project Coursework Assessment Project 100 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online On-line Lecture 1.5 Weekly 1.50
Tutorial Online On-line Tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Tutorial Offsite Facility Tutorial Face to Face 3 Twice Per Semester 0.40
Independent Learning Not Specified Self Directed Learning 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.90 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2013 Making Innovation Work Financial Times/Prentice Hall
ISBN 0133092585 ISBN-13 9780133092585

Drawing on the authors consulting experience and on a review of innovation research, offers a start-to-finish process for driving sustained growth from innovation.

Required Reading
2011-04-08 Entrepreneurship in Ireland Gill Education
ISBN 0717149765 ISBN-13 9780717149766

New textbook presenting the enterprise environment in Ireland and the concept of entrepreneurship, together with the principles of business management and their application within an Irish SME start-up context. Reviews current enterprise policies, focusing on research, development and innovation within a 'smart economy' with details of various State agencies and the assistance they can offer. Clearly explains the concept of entrepreneurship and explores the main sources of business ideas. Explores the main areas of business management within an Irish context: Identifies various types of business organisations Outlines sources of finance, public procurement, financial management and auditing principles Presents key Irish taxation obligations of small and medium enterprises Highlights relevant Irish employment legislation, insurance information and legal issues relating to the sale of goods and services Strong focus is placed on intellectual property rights. Considers various issues that arise in a business start-up, such as new product development, stages of growth, options for insolvent companies, as well as exit strategies Provides a sample layout of a feasibility study and a business plan to aid the student when embarking on an entrepreneurship project. WRITTEN FOR - Students taking entrepreneurship courses in universities and Institutes of Technology - Failte Ireland courses where entrepreneurship is a module - Any course where entrepreneurship is a module - People managing their own business, as well as aspiring entrepreneurs

Required Reading
2021-06-12 Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation Sage Publications Limited
ISBN 1529734959 ISBN-13 9781529734959

This bestselling text brings a fresh and unique approach to managing organizational change, taking the view that change, creativity and innovation are interconnected. With new case studies and examples from across the world and extra content on innovation and technology, this engaging text provides a balance between theory and practice. The new improved online resources will offer improved support for tutors, including PowerPoint slides, a new Instructor's Manual containing case study teaching notes and activity solutions, new MCQs, links to SAGE Video and SAGE Business Cases.

Required Reading
2012-05-02 Essentials of Strategic Management SAGE Publications
ISBN 9781849201872 ISBN-13 1849201870

This exciting new textbook is built on the belief that strategic management principles are more straightforward than they seem. Unlike other textbooks, Essentials of Strategic Management does not overcomplicate the discussion with enigmatic layers of theory or irrelevant perspectives from other disciplines. Instead you will find focused, clearly articulated coverage of the key topics of strategic management, encouraging critical reflection and deeper exploration on your own terms. Fully developed to cover the essentials of any strategic management course, authors Martyn R. Pitt and Dimitrios Koufopoulos not only create understanding of the principles of strategy, but shows you how to apply them constructively in the face of real-world practicalities.

Required Reading
2019-03-18 The Study Skills Handbook Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781137610874 ISBN-13 1137610875

This is the ultimate guide to study skills, written by million copy bestselling author Stella Cottrell. Her tried and tested approach, based on over twenty years experience of working with students, has helped over a million students to achieve their potential. When it comes to studying, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This engaging and accessible guide shows students how to tailor their learning to their individual needs in order to boost their grades, build their confidence and increase their employability. Fully revised for the fifth edition, it contains everything students need to succeed. This is an invaluable resource for undergraduate students of all disciplines, and is also ideal for postgraduates, mature students and international students. It prepares students for what to expect before, during and after their studies at university.

Required Reading
2021-07-13 Exploring the Nature of Creativity
ISBN 1524925659 ISBN-13 9781524925659
Required Reading
2017-03-14 Critical Thinking Skills Red Globe Press
ISBN 9781137550507 ISBN-13 1137550503

Ideal for students who are mystified by lecturer comments such as 'more analysis needed', this title takes the art of analysis and breaks it down into easy-to-understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop understanding at each stage

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Journal Resources
URL Resources
Other Resources
Additional Information