HYD07009 2019 Hydraulics 301H

General Details

Full Title
Hydraulics 301H
Transcript Title
Hydraulics 301H
N/A %
Subject Area
HYD - Hydraulics/Hydrology/Hydrogeol
CENG - Civil Eng. and Construction
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
John Casserly
Programme Membership
SG_ECIVL_K08 201900 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering SG_ECIVL_H08 201900 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering

The student will be able to interpret requirements, carry out analyses and provide detailed design of water supply networks. The student will also be able to define, quantify and formulate the concepts of two-dimensional fluid flow and apply principles to solving problems involving same. The student will analyse and solve various design problems involving turbo-machinery.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Understand the development of flow theory.  Define, quantify and formulate the concepts of surface roughness and boundary layer theory. Analyse and solve various water network analysis problems


Analyse and solve various water network analysis problems using Hardy-Cross and Nodal methods.


Define , quantify and formulate the concepts of the Buckingham Phi theory and dimensional analysis . Apply principles to solving problems involving the design of pumps and turbines.


Recognise and advice on any limitations or shortcomings associated with the interpretations of laboratory and field test data.


Interpret  requirement, carry out analyses and provide detailed  design of water supply, surface water, foul sewer and SuDS attenuation systems.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Lectures, practicals and projects.

Module Assessment Strategies

15% Practical

15% Project

70% Final Exam.

Repeat Assessments

Resubmit Practicals

Resubmit Project.

Resit Final Exam.

Module Dependencies

HYD06001 200900 Hydraulics 1 HYD06009 201900 Hydraulics 202H

Indicative Syllabus

Indicative Syllabus

  1. General dynamic equations along and normal to streamlines. The velocity potential function in steady two-dimensional flows. Flows resulting in simple combinations of a uniform stream, source and sink, doublet and point vortex. Flow around a circular cylinder with circulation, including pressure distribution and lift force.
  2. Rough and smooth pipe law, laminar and turbulent boundary layer, influence of surface roughness, boundary layer theory, factors affecting boundary layer transition, boundary layer separation and wake formation. The universal resistance diagram.
  3. The Colebrook-White equation, Water modelling analysis of pipe networks under steady flow conditions using, Hardy Cross (the loop method) and  the nodal method. The analysis and design of water supply networks.
  4. The Modified Rational Method, surface water runoff estimation, the Wallingford Procedure,  gravity sewer design. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Pre- treatment, Source Control, Site Control and Regional Control.  Foul Sewer Design using the NDU method.
  5. Buckingham Π theory,, dimensional analysis,  dimensionless pump characteristics, manipulation of pump curves involving multi-speed pumps, choice of  pumps, multi-stage pumping, specific pump speed , design of pump sumps
  6. Euler Turbine Equation, Design of Pump Impellers, Impulse Turbines and Reaction Impeller Design. The Betz Limit, Turbine Specific Speed.
  7. Bernoulli's equation for incompressible flow,mach number, stagnation pressure and temperature, Isentropic flow or perfect gases, estimation of gas flow velocities and flow rates through orifice plates and convergent nozzles.
  8.  Definition of unsteady flow. Surge pressures in compressible fluids, surge in rigid pipelines, velocity of transmission of a pressure wave. Surge in flexible pipes  and thin walled pressure vessels.

 Indicative Practicals 

  1. Design of a water supply system with ‘Epanet' network analysis project.
  2. Multispeed pump efficiency and head loss experiment.
  3. Design a surge tank through experiment.
  4. Pump sump design experiment.


Design a water supply, foul sewer and surface water drainage system for a proposed development site inclusive of SuDS elements to Local Authority Requirements.



Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
30 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
70 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Water Supply and Drainage Project Project Assignment 15 % OnGoing 4,5
2 Onging practicals Practical Assignment 15 % OnGoing 4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 70 % End of Semester 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Theory 3 Weekly 3.00
Practical / Laboratory Engineering Laboratory Practical 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Study 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2001 Understanding Hydraulics Palgrave MacMillan
ISBN 0333779061 ISBN-13 9780333779064

Covering the full range of material needed by civil engineering students in their study of hydraulics, this new edition includes hydraulic structures and an introduction to hydrology. Self-test questions, with answers, are included.

Required Reading
Solving Problems in Fluid Mechanics Volume 1 Pearson Education

Required Reading
1996-01-01 Solving Problems in Fluid Mechanics Addison-Wesley Longman
ISBN 0582239877 ISBN-13 9780582239876

The book provides a wealth of basic fluid mechanics theory developed through worked solutions. In addition, the chapters open with some brief competency statements and conclude with a chapter summary of outcomes. In many chapters there are applications examples which will involves students in main project work in the library, laboratory or at home.

Recommended Reading
1996 Fluid Mechanics Volume 2 Pearson Prentice Hall

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources





Douglas J.F ,Gasiorek J.M. & Swaffield J.A.

Fluid Mechanics

Pearson /Prentice Hall


Douglas J.F and R.D. Matthews

Solving Problems in: Fluid Mechanics Volume 2.

Pearson /Prentice Hall


Chadwick . A. & Morfett J.

Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering

E & FN Spon



Understanding Hydraulics

Palgrave MacMillan


Journal Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information
