HRM09003 2023 The World of Work - Theory and Practice

General Details

Full Title
The World of Work - Theory and Practice
Transcript Title
The World of Work
N/A %
Subject Area
HRM - Human Resource Management
BUS - Business
09 - Level 9
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2023 - Full Academic Year 2023-24
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Colette Armstrong, Caroline Casey, Jimmy Treacy, Ruth Walsh, Breda McTaggart, Bryan Coyne, Mary Gilmartin
Programme Membership
SG_BSTRA_M09 202300 Master of Science in Strategic People Management SG_BSTRA_O09 202300 Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Strategic People Management SG_BSTRA_S09 202300 Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic People Management

This module focuses on major ways in which leaders and managers working in people practice are responding to social, demographic and economic trends.  It will cover the range of people practices that are growing in importance in the modern working world. The module covers a diverse range of relevant topics including ethics, sustainability, labour market, employee wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusion.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Appraise the significance of long-term economic, social, technological, and demographic trends for work, employment and management practices.


Assess current developments in the legal, public policy, media, technological and economic environments and their significance to people management.


Critically discuss how current labour market trends in the supply and demand for skills should inform people practice. 


Critically discuss how change, innovation and creativity can support improvements in organisational productivity.


Critically evaluate the key interrelationships between organisational commitment to ethics, sustainability, diversity, and employee well-being.


Propose initiatives aimed at improving organisational practice across areas including ethics, values, sustainability, employee wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Effective teaching and learning strategies will evolve as the module is delivered  However, it is expected that lectures (live, virtual, and/or recorded), videos, guest speakers, group work, problem-based learning, enquiry based learning, reading, research, reflection, workshops and peer review will be core to this module.  

A UDL approach will be embedded in the delivery of this module to ensure it is accessible for all learners.  Learners will be encouraged to engage in reflective practice to help them identify how they can improve their learning during the semester.  

Module Assessment Strategies

This module will be 100% continuous assessment.  In order to use the module and programme for the CIPD accreditation, students must pass all assessments within the module and must reach the pass mark in all modules.

Students will receive formative feedback such as in class discussions, polls and quizzes.  Students will also receive summative feedback on assessments so that they can reflect on their progress and make adjustments in later assessments. Depending on the learner group the assessments will vary and may be any of the following: group project, presentation (recorded/live or virtual), role play, open-book exam or essay, multiple choice quiz, case study, portfolio, reflective diary, podcast, infographic.   

Assessments will be scheduled in conjunction with other modules being taught in the semester. This is so that assessments are spaced out to allow students to adequate time to meet all deadlines.  Actual assessments will be reviewed annually based on student and lecturer feedback and adapted as appropriate.

Some of the assessments may be shared with other modules to enhance student learning and assessment.  If shared assessment is being used it will be clear to the students which elements of the assessment apply to which modules.

The two assessments in this module are shared with HRM09006 - Resourcing and Talent Management. Both assessments have been designed to support students at the start of their academic journey.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessments will be developed to align with failed components.

Indicative Syllabus

Long term environmental developments

- How has the world of work evolved and what is underpinning these trends?

  • Globalisation
  • Technological trends
  • Social and demographic trends
  • Economic trends and theory


Current and short term business environment

- What is the current landscape for the world of work in the modern Irish context.

  • Media, technological and economic environment
  • Public policy
  • Legal and regulatory developments
  • Labour market trends


Change, innovation and creativity

- How can graduates learn to support change and interventions in an organisation

  • Managing and leading change
  • Flexibly working and organisational resilience
  • People practices and interventions that support organisational productivity


Organisational commitment and ethics, sustainability, diversity and well-being

- How do organisations handle ethics concerns, sustainability obligations, diversity initiatives while supporting employee wellbeing.

  • Organisational ethics and values
  • Ethical and sustainable people practices and policy
  • Employee well being
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Theories and Trends (Shared assessment) Coursework Assessment Assessment 40 % Week 6 1,2,3
2 Project - Designing Workplace Initiative (Shared assessment) Coursework Assessment Assessment 60 % End of Semester 4,5,6

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Online Lecture Online On line Lecture 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning Online Self directed 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2015 The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organizations Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780199679805 ISBN-13 0199679800

Description of the foundations of organizing and managing diversities, and multidisciplinary, intersectional and critical analyses on key issues.

Required Reading
2019-11-03 Making Sense of Change Management Kogan Page
ISBN 0749496975 ISBN-13 9780749496975

Master the models, tools and techniques of successful change management with this definitive text.

Required Reading
2015-01-26 Global Shift SAGE Publications Limited
ISBN 1446282104 ISBN-13 9781446282106

Global Shift is - quite simply - the definitive work on economic globalization. The extensive use of graphics, lack of jargon, and clear definition of terms has made it the standard work for the social sciences. The Seventh Edition has been completely updated using the latest available sources. It maps the changing centres of gravity of the global economy and explains the global financial crisis. Each chapter has been extensively rewritten and new material introduced to explain the most recent empirical developments; ideas on production, distribution, consumption; and corporate governance. Global Shift provides: The most comprehensive and up-to-date explanation of economic globalization available, examining the role of transnational corporations, states, labour, consumers, organizations in civil society, and the power relations between them. A clear guide to how the global economy is being transformed through the operation of global production networks involving transnational corporations, states, interest groups and technology. Extended discussion of problems and institutions of global governance in the context of the global economic crisis and of the role of corporate social responsibility. A suite of extensive online ancillaries for both students and lecturers, including author videos, case studies, lecture notes, and free access to specially selected journal articles related to each chapter. There is only one definitive guide to economic globalization for the social sciences: Peter Dicken's Global Shift is it.

Required Reading
2015-01-01 Human Resource Management in Context
ISBN 1843983583 ISBN-13 9781843983583

This textbook maps directly on to the CIPD Advanced module, HRM in Context. Written by David Farnham, one of the CIPD's Chief Examiners and the author of the HRM in Context module, Human Resource Management in Context balances theory with practical analysis.

Required Reading
2019 Building an Inclusive Organization Kogan Page
ISBN 0749484284 ISBN-13 9780749484286

Remove unconscious bias from business processes and create an environment of real inclusion where employees feel valued, able to be themselves and perform to their full potential while boosting company profits.

Required Reading
2018-07-03 Worthington
ISBN 1292174358 ISBN-13 9781292174358
Required Reading
2021-05-25 Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change Kogan Page
ISBN 1789667976 ISBN-13 9781789667974

Equip yourself with the practical skills you need to manage people through the emotional aspects of change and drive business performance with this evidence-based guide.

Required Reading
2018-06-03 The Agile Organization Kogan Page
ISBN 0749482656 ISBN-13 9780749482657

Build an innovative and flexible organization that can respond rapidly to changing circumstances to retain competitive advantage and keep employees engaged.

Required Reading
2017-10-31 WELL-BEING Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 3319625470 ISBN-13 9783319625478

This book is the second edition of Well-being: Productivity and Happiness at Work that shows how to improve well-being in organizations. As with its predecessor, this new edition is remarkably timely. It explores the latest findings in the research on wellbeing and offers practical guidelines to the reader on how to promote well-being, productivity and happiness at work High levels of well-being at work are good for the employee and the organization. It means lower sickness-absence levels, better retention and more satisfied customers. People with higher levels of well-being live longer, pursue happier lives and are easier to work with. This updated edition provides an extensive overview of resilience at work and how this affects wellbeing. It introduces new topics such as what organizations need to consider about wellbeing in the context of an ageing workforce. It provides new case studies that have been conducted in the last few years including a case study on health and wellbeing in the Civil Service.

Required Reading
2008 Business Environment
ISBN 1843982048 ISBN-13 9781843982043

A solid understanding of the social, economic and legal environment in which a business operates is crucial to developing a successful business strategy. With a unique balance between theory and practice, Business Environment is a broad ranging and easy to use guide that looks at how factors such as the world economy, government policy, regulation and demography, and social trends, affect day-to-day strategy and decision making in practice. The text is ideal for students taking undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the Business Environment or Business Context areas of an HR or business degree, and also caters for students studying the CIPD Leadership and Management module 'Managing in a Strategic Business Context'.This fully updated 2nd edition includes new content addressing the needs of migrant workers, further international case studies and real-world examples, and lots of new research from the CIPD and elsewhere. Online, you will find a comprehensive tutor and student support site to complement the practical material within the text. Packed with engaging features such as chapter objectives, student and seminar activities, self assessment questions, case studies, key learning points and further reading, Business Environment is guaranteed to develop the skills, knowledge and key understanding of business strategy that is required at every level.

Required Reading
2016-06 Human Resource Management in a Business Context Cipd Kogan Page
ISBN 1843984040 ISBN-13 9781843984047

Obtain a firm grounding in the business issues that impact all HR professionals day to day with this essential and engaging text

Required Reading
2021-12 The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion
ISBN 1032029374 ISBN-13 9781032029375

The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion was one of the first books to respond to growing academic coverage of the topic of diversity management at degree level. This fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new working practices, labour market data, organisational policies, and developments in equality and diversity law, as well as including new case studies and analysis of current and emerging areas of debate in the United Kingdom and across Europe. Diversity management is a term that covers not only policy and practice on race, disability, and sex discrimination, but also broader issues including other identity and cultural differences. The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, fifth edition, provides future HR professionals and business/organisational managers of the future with the legal information and research findings needed to enable them to participate in the development and implementation of meaningful diversity and inclusion policies in their organisations. This new edition offers: Inclusion of topical issues such as female and minority representation on executive boards, religious diversity, gender identity, Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements. Multiple analytical perspectives, such as socio-legal and feminist approaches, to provide rich insights into the subject matter. Practical case studies and exercises to illustrate the real-life issues in a local, international, and organisational context. The book deals with the subject of diversity management in a rigorous and structured manner, beginning each chapter with aims and objectives, providing key learning points and review and discussion questions at regular junctures, and ending with concluding thoughts and observations, making this book the perfect support resource for those teaching or studying in the field of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Required Reading
2017-02-14 Essential Economics for Business (formerly Economics and the Business Environment)
ISBN 1292151277 ISBN-13 9781292151274
Required Reading
2018-03-29 The Business Environment Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780198739920 ISBN-13 0198739923

Written by an eminent author team whose expertise spans the full breadth of the subject, The Business Environment provides comprehensive coverage and sound academic insight into this dynamic subject. The unique "themes and issues" approach the book has become known for provides students with aconsistent and holistic framework for analysing businesses and the business environment, as well as a reliable method to organize their thinking. The core business environments and their interrelationships are explored using the established STEEPLE framework in Part One. Part Two then looks beyond these topics and invites students to analyse a range of contemporary issues such as the financial crisis and austerity, globalization, corporatepower, equal opportunity, and entrepreneurship. A host of examples, "Mini-Cases", and end-of-chapter case studies illustrate key topics in real-life, international, and wide-ranging business settings. Unilever's corporate responsibility policy, Samsung and South Korean economic development, and Starbucks on sustainability, are just some of thetopical cases. "Stop and Think" boxes and end-of-chapter review and discussion questions develop students' critical thinking skills, while further reading and useful websites provide the starting point for further research and exploration.The Business Environment is supported by a wealth of online resources, featuring:For students: * Multiple-choice questions* Author podcastsFor registered adopters:* Figures and tables from the text* Lecturer's guide to each chapter* PowerPoint slides* Answers to review and discussion questions* Test bank

Required Reading
2020-11-03 Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution Kogan Page
ISBN 1789666805 ISBN-13 9781789666809

Learn how to thrive in the increasingly uncertain context of the fourth industrial revolution by building key capabilities as part of a long-term strategy to achieve superior performance.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
Updated Literary Resources
Journal Resources

People Management; Human Resource Management Journal; Personnel Review; Human Resource Management Review; International Journal of Human Resource Management; Human Resource Planning; Human Resource Development International, Hays Journal,

URL Resources

Other Resources
Additional Information

Book, journal, website, and other resources may alter and extend as the programme progresses. E-Books will be provided through the ATU Sligo Library.