HLTH08037 2019 Health Project Management

General Details

Full Title
Health Project Management
Transcript Title
Health Project Management
N/A %
Subject Area
HLTH - 0910 Health
HEAL - Health & Nutritional Sciences
08 - Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Maire McCallion
Programme Membership
SG_SPUBL_K08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Public Health and Health Promotion

This module provides learners with an opportunity to implement a health promotion project and evaluate the project. 

This module follows on from the Health Promotion Competencies module and students will develop, implement and evaluate a project based on their situational assessment conducted the previous semester. 

This module aims to give learners the skills to effectively plan and manage health promotion projects in a community or organisational setting. Students will gain experience in applying evidence based strategies for a particular target group and planning and implementing an appropriate health promotion project using a project management approach. Students will be assisted in workshops in developing plans and reviewing the implementation and evaluation of these plans. Students will be encouraged to support and give advice to each other in the implementation of their plans.  Students will reflect on their competencies and develop a professional development portfolio of these competencies. Students will volunteer with an appropriate community/voluntary organisation and reflect on the skills that they have developed.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Critically reflect on the development of their skills and abilities in the implementation and evaluation of a project.


Implement and evaluate project  plans which include appropriate health promotion strategies are collaborative, realistic and appropriate in relation to resources and time using appropriate project management and evaluation tools.


Describe how they have applied the main concepts and principles of change management partnership working, project management  and resource management  to the  implementation of their project.


Appreciate how effective group work and administration contribute to the delivery of quality projects. 

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This Module is delivered via lectures which give theory and examples of project management principles and practicals in which students are encouraged to contribute to the design of their own learning experiences through selection of an appropriate health promotion/ public health project. Each student is required to lead out on a specific aspect of their project. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning through development of a learning log with clear performance criteria from the professional standards. Students will receive regular feedback during workshops on their progress but also receive feedback on their submissions during the term.  

Module Assessment Strategies

This Module is 100% Continuous Assessment. 

Learner outcomes and assessment are linked to the performance criteria in the Professional Standards for Health Promotion. 

Students will be assessed on their an eportfolio of learning in Project Management related to the IUHPE Health Promotion Competencies. 

Students will be assessed on their planing  and deliver a health promotion project using project management principles through a project file.  


Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment will be assigned. 

Module Dependencies

HLTH08038 201900 Health Promotion Competencies

Indicative Syllabus

Project Attributes - What makes it a project?

Rationale for a project management approach in public health

Principles of project management

Project Management Tools and Techniques and processes aligned to health promotion planning models 

Sourcing and applying evidence based health promotion action and priority setting

Principles of effective intersectoral partnership working

Communicating project processes and outcomes.

Principles of effective human and financial resource management and mobilisation and risk management.

Principles of evaluation and appropriate evaluation design

Professional Practice Guidelines and Ethics

Competencies in Health Promotion/Public Health linked to Project planning and implementation

Communication/ partnership working/ enabling change/ resource management.

Reflective Practice- using eportfolios. 


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Group Project Class room based tasks Formative UNKNOWN UNKNOWN % OnGoing 1,2,3
2 Individual Project ePortfolio Coursework Assessment Individual Project 50 % OnGoing 1,3
3 Project File Coursework Assessment Group Project 50 % Week 9 2,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Lecture 1 Weekly 1.00
Group Learning Flat Classroom Group Learning 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Self Study 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2013 Project Management in Health and Community Services Allen & Unwin
ISBN 9781743310489 ISBN-13 174331048X

The use of project management is now well established in the health and community service sector. In this complex environment, project managers need to be determined, flexible, and prepared to respond to emerging evidence and stakeholder demands. This wholly revised edition of Project Management in Health and Community Services challenges the accepted wisdom of project management methods from other fields. It presents tools and techniques to successfully implement good ideas in the health and community service context. From the inception of a good idea, to convincing your supervisor to support your project, to wrapping up a successful outcome and capturing the lessons learnt, Project Management in Health and Community Services offers practical problem-solving strategies and provides a comprehensive guide to managing projects. It uses case studies and examples from the field to illustrate topics such as the project lifecycle, project planning, execution and evaluation, risk management, change, and effective teams. Project templates and a glossary of terms are new features to this edition. Written by authors with years of practical experience and underpinned by recent research, this is a valuable resource for anyone studying or working in health and community services.

Required Reading
2015-01-22 Health Promotion Sage Publications Limited
ISBN 1446294005 ISBN-13 9781446294000

The definitive text on health promotion, this book covers both the knowledge-base and the process of health promotion at a level that lecturers say is perfect for specialist Health Promotion and Public Health courses. This edition comes with a brand new website for lecturers and students featuring case studies from around the world, questions for discussion and free access to relevant journal articles. The book also includes recent developments such as asset-based approaches, mental health promotion and the use of social media in promoting health

Required Reading
2016-02 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs Benjamin Cummings
ISBN 0134219929 ISBN-13 9780134219929

For undergraduate courses in Health Education, Promotion, and Planning. Provide Students with the Tools They Need to Be Successful in Health Promotion Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer provides students with a comprehensive overview of the practical and theoretical skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings. The Seventh Edition features updated information throughout, including the new Responsibilities and Competencies generated from the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis-2015 (HESPA-2015), and reflects the latest trends in the field.

Required Reading
2015-03-24 Project Management John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 1118945832 ISBN-13 9781118945834

Jack Meredith offers readers an insight into human behaviour, knowledge of organisational issues and quantitative methods needed to do project management. He emphasises the challenges they'll face including planning, negotiating, budgeting, communicating and scheduling.

Required Reading
2013 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Project Management Inst
ISBN 1935589679 ISBN-13 9781935589679

Presents the fundamentals of project management as they apply to a wide variety of projects, covering such topics as project life cycles, scope definition, activity schedules, risk identification, and stakeholder management.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Johnson, J. and Breckon, D. (2007). Managing Health education and Health Promotion Programs: Leadership Skills for the 21st Century. Boston: Jones & Bartlett

Mayor, H (2010). Project Management (4th ed). Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Meredith,J. and Mantel,S.J. (2000) Project Management: A managerial approach. New York: Wiley and Sons.

Straus, D. (2002). How to make Collaboration work: Powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems and make decisions. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Healey, B.J.,  Zimmerman,R.S. (2010). The New World of Health Promotion. New Program Development, Implementation and Evaluation. London: Jones and Bartlett.

Journal Resources

Journal of Healtcare Management. 

Health Promotion Practice 

URL Resources

Public Health Ontario (2018), Online Health Promotion Planner. http://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/servicesandtools/ohpp/pages/default.aspx

Public Health Ontario (2018).Evaluating Health Promotion Programmes.  https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/BrowseByTopic/HealthPromotion/Pages/Evaluation-Workbook-and-Audio-Presentations.aspx

European Quality Instrument for Health Promotion (2005). file:///C:/Users/M%C3%A1ire%20Mc%20Callion/Downloads/EuropeanQualityInstrument)HP%20(1).pdf

Additional Information
