HLTH06037 2019 Physical Testing and Evaluation

General Details

Full Title
Physical Testing and Evaluation
Transcript Title
Physical Testing & Evaluation
75 %
Subject Area
HLTH - 0910 Health
HEAL - Health & Nutritional Sciences
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Orla McCarrick, Azura Youell
Programme Membership
SG_SHEAL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Physiology SG_SHEAL_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Science and Physical Activity SG_SHEAL_C06 201900 Higher Certificate in Science in Health and Exercise Science SG_SHEAL_B07 202400 Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Physiology SG_SHEAL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Science and Physical Activity SG_SHEAL_C06 202400 Higher Certificate in Science in Health and Exercise Science

This module will further develop the student’s skills in the area of exercise science, equipping the learner with the theoretical concepts and practical skills to obtain, record and present health and fitness data from clients. The module will enable the learner to conduct and interpret flexibility, strength, local muscular endurance, body composition and field-based aerobic tests, and make subsequent activity recommendations. Health, safety, confidentiality and legislative considerations relevant to the exercise professional in undertaking these processes are also incorporated. 


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Conduct a risk assessment of an exercise setting and apply knowledge of risk management in an exercise setting and apply appropriate health and safety procedures in conducting safe, valid, and reliable health and fitness assessments.


Demonstrate and apply knowledge of general principles and concepts relevant to human health & fitness testing and those relevant to specific tests.


Select and implement health and fitness assessments appropriate for various individuals (measuring cardiovascular and muscular fitness, body composition and flexibility), interpret the information gathered and use it to inform subsequent recommendations for effective exercise programming for the individual.


Demonstrate the ability to gather, record, store and present health and fitness information related to the components of fitness as part of conducting the clients’ ‘needs analysis’, communicating appropriately with the client throughout.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The module will be delivered full-time through lectures and small-group practicals and may involve aspects of blended learning.

A VLE may be used to support the module as a repository for educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes, uploading of assignments etc).

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% Continuous Assessment.

Continuous Assessments vary and centre around assessing practical skills and application of relevant theory using real-world fitness-testing scenarios and a mix of assessment methods (short-answer and MCQ theory quizzes every couple of weeks averaging ~5% each (may be computer based), health & fitness evaluation reporting on 1-2 occasions, averaging 15%, practical fitness testing assessment on a peer (40%) towards the end of the semester) to cater for a variety of learning styles and aimed at encouraging continual engagement with the module on a weekly basis.

Repeat Assessments

Students who have not fallen below the minimum attendance threshold at practicals may be afforded the opportunity to undertake repeat continuous assessment in the case of insufficient marks overall, where particular elements are failed or incomplete and resources are available to offer same.

Candidates failing to meet minimum attendance requirements will be required to repeat attend the module.

Indicative Syllabus

Conduct a risk assessment of an exercise setting and apply knowledge of risk management in an exercise setting and apply appropriate health and safety procedures in conducting safe, valid, and reliable health and fitness assessments.

  • Health & Safety
  • Factors inherent in safe and effective health & fitness assessment and subsequent exercise including industry standards and relevant legislation, screening and risk stratification etc

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of general principles and concepts relevant to human health & fitness testing and those relevant to specific tests.

  • Client Treatment, Data Recording & Obtaining Informed Consent
  • Communicating and building rapport with clients when gathering information
  • Validity, Reliability, Objectivity and Established Test Criterion
  • Test Reporting

Select and implement health and fitness assessments appropriate for various individuals (measuring cardiovascular and muscular fitness, body composition and flexibility), interpret the information gathered and use it to inform subsequent recommendations for effective exercise programming for the individual.

  • Aerobic Fitness Testing - Theory, concepts and practical skills relevant to implementing sub-maximal and maximal field tests for the prediction of CRF levels
  • Muscular Fitness Testing - Theory, concepts and practical skills relevant to implementing sub-maximal and maximal field tests for the assessment and estimation of muscular endurance and strength
  • Body Composition Analysis & Introduction to Exercise for Bodyweight Management - Theory, concepts and practical skills relevant to assessing, understanding and altering human body composition·   
  • Flexibility Assessment - Theory, concepts and practical skills relevant to assessing, understanding and altering flexibility· 

Demonstrate the ability to gather, record, store and present health and fitness information related to the components of fitness as part of conducting the clients’ ‘needs analysis’, communicating appropriately with the client throughout.

  • Pre-test Instructions
  • Pre-Test Preparation
  • Obtaining informed consent
  • Client anonymisation
  • Client rights
  • Data recording & storing procedures

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Health & Safety Audit of an Exercise Facility Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 5 % Week 2 1
2 Theory Assessments Coursework Assessment Assessment 30 % OnGoing 1,2,3
3 Health-Fitness Assessment Reports Coursework Assessment Written Report/Essay 25 % OnGoing 2,3,4
4 Assessment of Measurement Technique Coursework Assessment Practical Evaluation 40 % End of Semester 2,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Tiered Classroom Directed Learning 2 Weekly 2.00
Supervision Science Laboratory Small Group Skills-based Learning 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Self Study 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2017-02-01 Acsm's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
ISBN 1496339061 ISBN-13 9781496339065
Recommended Reading
2013-03-08 ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (Ascms Resource Manual for Guidlies for Exercise Testing and Prescription) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription was created as a complement to ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription and elaborates on all major aspects of preventative rehabilitation and fitness programs and the major position stands of the ACSM. The 7th edition provides information necessary to address the knowledge, skills, and abilities set forth in the new edition of Guidelines, and explains the science behind the exercise testing and prescription. ACSM's Resource Manual is a comprehensive resource for those working in the fitness and clinical exercise fields, as well as those in academic training.

Required Reading
2018-11-27 Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription Human Kinetics Publishers
ISBN 1492561347 ISBN-13 9781492561347
Recommended Reading
2015-01-19 EuropeActive's Essentials for Fitness Instructors Human Kinetics

Endorsed by EuropeActive, this text includes fundamentals and best practices of concepts, duties and responsibilities that fitness instructors perform on the job. The content applies to level 3 of the European Qualifications Framework.

Recommended Reading
2015-01-19 EuropeActive's Foundations for Exercise Professionals Human Kinetics
ISBN 1450423779 ISBN-13 9781450423779

EuropeActives Foundations for Exercise Professionals provides core knowledge and industry standards to help exercise professionals serve their clients. Endorsed by EuropeActive, the continents leading standard-setting organisation in fitness and health, this text is an authoritative guide for current and future exercise professionals and training providers in Europe.

The book uses scientific foundations to cover concepts and hands-on skills that promote best practices in exercise instruction and training. The content applies to all levels of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and associated job titlesthe only resource to do soand matches the core information for EQF levels 3 and 4. Thus, this instructional guide ensures smooth movement and work transfers among employers, educational institutions and countries in Europe.

Written by renowned experts in exercise and sport sciences and framed in the European Register of Exercise Professionals Code of Ethical Practice for exercise professionals, the text offers several practical features for readers:

Easy-to-apply instruction accompanied by 88 full-colour photos and 68 illustrations offer an ideal visual learning experience.

Complete descriptions and images detail proper form for common free-weight and machine-resistance training exercises.

Explanations and recommendations are included for the most popular cardiorespiratory exercise equipment.

Official nutrition recommendations prepare professionals to address clients concerns.

The complete Code of Ethical Practice serves as a guide for all exercise professionals in Europe.

EuropeActives Foundations for Exercise Professionals begins by covering the bones, joints, muscles and cardiovascular system to ensure a proper understanding of the bodys movement and physiology. Readers then learn the components of exercise theory and prescription, including energy systems; body composition; resistance, aerobic and flexibility training; warm-up and cool-down; and the principle of progression. The book helps professionals become role models in the industry with information on managing lifestyle through physical activity, health, nutrition, hydration and safety. After gaining foundational knowledge, readers will look closer at the role of the exercise professional, starting with building rapport, motivating, screening and assessing clients. The final chapters discuss the basic aspects of training: exercise technique using weight machines, free weights and cardiorespiratory equipment.

Both aspiring and qualified exercise professionals should keep abreast of foundational information about all areas of the health and fitness sector in order to properly serve the industry and their clients. EuropeActives Foundations for Exercise Professionals is an ideal reference for promoting physical activity, making lifestyles healthier and guiding clients toward their fitness goals.

Recommended Reading
2010-04-01 Exercise Testing and Prescription McGraw Hill Higher Education
ISBN 0071289496 ISBN-13 9780071289498

This comprehensive text describes fitness assessment and exercise prescription concepts. Exercise testing and prescription are presented within a health-related context, with practical applications for sports nutrition, weight management, the aging process, and prevention and management of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and arthritis.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

ACSM (2013) ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing & Prescription (9th ed.). London: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

ACSM (2013) ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing & Prescription (7th ed.). London: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Heyward, V. (2014) Advanced Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription (7th Ed.). Leeds: Human Kinetics.

Nieman, D. (2011) Exercise Testing & Prescription: A Health-Related Approach (7th Ed.). New York:  McGraw-Hill.

Rieger T. et al (2015), EuropeActive's Foundations For Exercise Professionals: Core Knowledge for all EQF Levels. Leeds: Human Kinetics.

Rocha RS, Rieger T, & Jimenez A (2015), EuropeActive's Essentials For Fitness Instructors: Core Knowledge for EQF Level 3. Leeds: Human Kinetics.



Journal Resources


URL Resources

Details for the supporting page on the college VLE will be given out in lectures.

Other Resources

Laboratory Practical Manuals (compiled by tutors)

Additional Information

Practicals for this module requires suitable laboratory space in B2004 / B2006 or an equivalently equipped space.

Occasional bookings in the Knocknarea Arena Gym, Studio, Track & Halls are also required.

This module is accredited by the Register of Exercise Professionals  (REPs) in Ireland as contributing to the embedded award of 'Fitness Instructor' which has implications for resources for re-accreditation every 2 years.