HLTH06029 2019 Facilitation and Group Work Skills I
Learners will be equipped with key introductory facilitations and communications skills to manage, using various methodologies, a short facilitations session on a specific health topic for a group of peers. Learners will be encouraged to receive feedback and review their own practice with the aim to develop their skills set.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Give a rationale for working in groups and describe the key roles of a facilitator.
Demonstrate the use of effective communication skills both as a group member and as a group facilitator.
Choose and implement appropriate methods and materials in working with groups on health related topics.
Recognise the different roles people play in groups and reflect on and describe the roles they play in different groups.
Plan and conduct a short group session on a health related topic which is inclusive and participatory.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
This module will be delivered Full Time.
Experiential Learning: Observing, experiencing and reflecting in class. Learning from peers and providing feedback to peers, and carrying learning forward.
Self - directed learning: The student will be engaged in the theory supporting the class experiences with directed reading list.
A small group setting allows students to learn in a group setting and benefit from timely feedback from the lecturer to check their own progress towards achieving the learning outcomes of the module and to motivate learning.
Module Assessment Strategies
The student is required to attend at least 75% of the classes as student experience of group work is integral to this module.
A mix of assessment techniques will be used:
1. Reflective Accounts (30%: Individual Mark)
The student will undertake in-class activities and is expected to engage in essential reading about the topic and then reflect on his/her abilities with the view of developing his / her skills. This reflection will be captured in a reflective learning journal that will be kept for the duration of the course and this journal will be assessed.
2. Facilitation Skills (70% - 20% Group Mark : 50% Individual Mark)
The student will be assessed formatively by the lecturer and peers on his/her ability to plan and run an icebreaker session (20%: Individual Mark) and plan (20%: Group Mark) and manage a short facilitations session (30%: Individual Mark).
Repeat Assessments
Repeat Assessments.
Module Dependencies
Indicative Syllabus
- What is facilitation? /When to use facilitation skills?
- Rationale for working in groups on health-related topics.
- The role of the facilitator.
- Forming a Group and developing the group contract.
Group Work and Group Communications
- Communication in Groups
- Group Work Methodologies e.g. Brainstorming, Icebreakers/Games, Role Plays..
- Group Roles & Stages of Group Development
- Facilitate & manage group discussions.
Reflective Practice
- Reflective Practice as a continual professional development exercise.
- Reflective Practice Process & Reflective Writing
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Participate in group activities & contribute to the group. | Formative | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN % | OnGoing | 1,2,3,5 |
2 | Reflections: Regular Learning Sheet/ Diary | Coursework Assessment | Individual Project | 30 % | OnGoing | 1,4,6 |
3 | Plan & Deliver a Short Group Activity (e.g. Energiser) | Project | Individual Project | 20 % | Week 4 | 2,3 |
4 | Produce a Facilitation Plan | Project | Group Project | 20 % | Week 10 | 3,5 |
5 | Implement a Short Facilitated Session with peers. | Project | Practical Evaluation | 30 % | End of Semester | 2 |
Module Resources
Essential Reading
Prenderville, P. (1995. Developing Facilitation Skills. A handbook for Group Facilitators. Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency.
Recommended Reading
Bens, I. (2005) Facilitating with Ease, Jossey-Bass, San Fransisco
Dale, H. (1996). The facilitation of Groups. Hampshire: Gower
Hargie, O & Dickson, D (2004) Skilled Interpersonal Communications, Routledge, London
Jones, J. ed (2004). Wellbeing thorough groupwork. Galway: Western Health Board
Straus, D. (2002). How to make Collaboration work: Powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems and make decisions. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler
Relevant journal articles will be provided, updated and uploaded to college's learning management system (currently Moodle).
Relevant links to external sources will be provided, updated and uploaded to college's learning management system (currently Moodle).
Class materials: flip charts, pens, & other minor creative arts materials.