HLTH06022 2019 Introduction to Kinesiology and Exercise Instruction

General Details

Full Title
Introduction to Kinesiology and Exercise Instruction
Transcript Title
Introduction to Kinesiology an
75 %
Subject Area
HLTH - 0910 Health
HEAL - Health & Nutritional Sciences
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Joanne Regan
Programme Membership
SG_SHEAL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Physiology SG_SHEAL_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Science and Physical Activity SG_SHEAL_C06 201900 Higher Certificate in Science in Health and Exercise Science SG_SHEAL_B07 202400 Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Physiology SG_SHEAL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Science and Physical Activity SG_SHEAL_C06 202400 Higher Certificate in Science in Health and Exercise Science

The aim of this module is to introduce the student to the foundations of structural kinesiology.  This module will introduce the learner to concepts and practical skills relating to the instruction of an exercise session including screening, warm-up, main phase (aerobic and local muscle endurance (LME) exercises),  cool-down and post-stretch procedures.  It will also bring students to a level of professional competency whereby they can plan, design and conduct a safe and effective aerobic and body conditioning/LME session.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Demonstrate and utilise knowledge of structural kinesiology principles relating to the musculoskeletal system.


Explain and apply principle components of a physical activity session e.g. screening, warm-up, aerobic training, body conditioning, cool down, post stretch.


Plan, design and implement a safe and effective aerobic and body conditioning/local muscular endurance session with an appropriate warm-up, cool down and post stretch with the ability to progress and modify exercises according to fitness level and health status.


Demonstrate knowledge and implementation of effective customer care and code of ethics in a fitness instructor context.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time.  This will include lectures and practicals augmented by independent learning and directed external reading.  During the delivery of this module self learning is encouraged through the use of online resources and self directed topical worksheets.  This approach is expected to address the student learning needs.  Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes and uploading assignments). Students will be encouraged to self evaluate their practical performances during the course of this module. 

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% Continuous Assessment as the main focus is on their ability to plan and instruct various aspects of a physical activity session. 

The practical assessment will be done in two stages to enable feedback and an opportunity to improve in their practical skills.  Students will also be formatively assessed on their practical skills 'in class' and through their peers to receive feedback and encouraged to reflect on their learning along with the summative practical skills evaluation.  They will also produce a typed report of their planned session at both stages again with feedback from the first to give an opportunity to improve for the final submission.  

A number of summative tests (~3) are also used to encourage engagement with the theory aspect of the module and will provide immediate feedback.  

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment 

Module Dependencies


Indicative Syllabus

Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system; types of bones, names of bones, bony landmarks, anatomical terminology, types of joints and joint actions in the human body, planes of motion in relation to human movement, names and location of major muscles, types of muscle contractions, agonist – antagonist muscles,

Identify, conduct and discuss various types of screening techniques.  Phases and physiological principles of a warm-up and cool down including standing and floor based stretches.

Physiological and health benefits of aerobic training, describe the aerobic/anaerobic continuum and the characteristics of aerobic and aerobic activities, use cardiovascular machines with correct technique and make adjustments to suit individuals on various cardiovascular gym equipment, bring a client through the aerobic curve/main aerobic conditioning phase, apply the principles of training to basic aerobic training, practice methods of monitoring intensity of aerobic training.

Muscle involved in local muscular endurance (LME)  exercises, dose required for health benefits v fitness development, introduction to biomechanical principles of movement in relation to LME exercises including core exercises, principles and practice of exercises for body conditioning including core stability, introduction to design and instruction of a basic mixed circuit.

Designing, balancing, progressing, adapting, highlighting alternative, demonstration and teaching of an aerobic and body conditioning programme, application of the principles of training including identifying Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type (FITT) in relation to aerobic training and local muscular endurance exercises.  

Definition of the exercise customer.  Basic principles and skills of effective customer service (welcoming, service oriented responding to their needs, avoiding and dealing with conflict) and customer care (communication, body language, building rapport with the client). National (REPS) or European code of ethics in relation to the fitness industry.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Online Theory Assessment Coursework Assessment Assessment 30 % OnGoing 1,2,4
2 Individually instruct their peers through a safe and effective warm-up including standing stretches Practical Practical Evaluation 10 % Week 4 3
3 Design a safe yet effective aerobic/LME programme with appropriate warm-up, cool down and post-stretch. Highlight how to modify/progress the programme Project Written Report/Essay 20 % Week 10 2,3
4 Individually plan and instruct a client through a warm-up, standing stretches, aerobic session on two pieces of CV equipment, LME/Core exercises with a cool down and floor based stretches. Practical Practical Evaluation 40 % End of Semester 3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Tiered Classroom Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Supervision MPC GYM Practical 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Self Study 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2012-10-19 Concepts of Physical Fitness: Active Lifestyles for Wellness, Loose Leaf Edition McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 0078022576 ISBN-13 9780078022579

A proven philosophy for teaching lifetime fitness and wellness... Health is available to Everyone for a Lifetime, and its Personal. The goal of Concepts of Physical Fitness: Active Lifestyles for Wellness--described in terms of the HELP philosophy stated above-is to help all people make personal lifestyle changes that promote health, fitness, and wellness over a lifetime. Organized into concise concepts that make it easy for students to learn, Concepts of Physical Fitness is now integrated with online activities and assessments that enable students to apply the latest research on fitness and wellness to their own lives. New HELP activities encourage students to reflect, think critically, and apply the HELP philosophy to their lives. New icons link text to additional online features and resources, interactive quizzes, video activities, and study aids. Chapter-opening Health Goals reflect the priorities of Healthy People 2020, helping students link personal goals with national goals. In the News boxes inform students about current topics, trends, reports, and research findings, and Strategies for Action boxes provide practical tips for applying that information to their own lives. Detailed illustrations show students exactly how to perform strength training and flexibility exercises. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.

Required Reading
2017-02-03 ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription LWW
ISBN 1496339061 ISBN-13 9781496339065

ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription is the flagship title from the American College of Sports Medicine, the prestigious organization that sets the standards for the exercise profession. This critical handbook delivers scientifically based standards on exercise testing and prescription to the certification candidate, the professional, and the student. This manual gives succinct summaries of recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and diseased patients The tenth edition reflects some crucial and exciting changes, making the content necessary for effective study and practice. New pre-exercise health screening recommendations are critical to helping more of the population begin a safe, healthy physical activity program without consulting a physician. New and expanded information on the risks of sedentary behavior, clinical exercise testing and interpretation, high intensity interval training, musculoskeletal injury risk, fitness testing protocols and norms, and an expansion of the principles of health behavior change are included. Additionally, significant reorganization of content will help you reach the information you need quickly. This manual is an essential resource for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals who may council patients on exercise including physicians, nurses, physician's assistants, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators.

Required Reading
2014-12-13 Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, 3E Human Kinetics
ISBN 9781450453325 ISBN-13 1450453325

Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition, expands the role of the fitness professional from simple exercise prescription to include activity counseling, design modification, exercise demonstration, functionally integrated exercise, injury prevention, and follow-up monitoring for a variety of clients. Central to the book are seven client-centered models for each major fitness component that serve as a template of options for each decision in the prescription process: activity counseling, musculoskeletal exercise design, exercise demonstration, cardiovascular exercise prescription, resistance training prescription, muscle balance and flexibility prescription, and weight management prescription. The text explains the vital role that functionally integrated exercise plays in improving performance and maintaining musculoskeletal health and teaches how to recognize muscle imbalance and prevent complications.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Coulson, M. (2013) Fitness Instructor's Handbook : A Complete Guide to Health and Fitness 2nd Ed, Bloomsbury Pub, London.

Riebe, D., Ehrman, J., Liguri, G and Magal, M. (2018), ASCM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th ed., Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia

Corbin, CB, Welk, GJ, Corbin, WR & Welk, KA (2013) Concepts of Physical Fitness; Active Lifestyles for Wellness, 17th ed. McGraw Hill, New York. 

Floyd, R.T. (2017), Manual of Structural Kinesiology, 20th ed. McGraw Hill, New York. 

Griffin, J. (2015) Client-Centred Exercise Prescription 3rd ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.

Journal Resources

ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Other Resources


Additional Information
