FORS08008 2019 Work Practice/Technical Presentation
This module includes enriched work-integrated learning experiences. Students gain experience of a work-based activity in a scientific, legal, or other course relevant environment; and reflect on their role of their scientific skills base in a workplace context. During the third academic year the student will collaborate in a search for appropriate work experience activities which will address both the requirements of the module and the future career interests of the student. This activity will require the student to keep a daily log of activities with associated reflection. Following work experience the student will reflect on the experience, present a report and give a presentation. Integrated within the module are visits to the laboratories of both industrial and public sector employers. A professional interview with associated preparation and feedback is also a component part of this module. The work experience will normally take place during the summer of the third year of the programme.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Describe the personal objectives of work placement and detail various actions, activities and communications required in order to achieve it
Reflect on the work experience, the mission of the organization including reference to the roles and functions of the various personnel encountered.
Keep comprehensive records of daily activities in an appropriate format including a daily reflection.
Develop professional skills including written communication skills, presentation, interview, time management, project management and conflict resolution skills.
Prepare for a technical interview and give a professional presentation
Discuss learning from their visits to industry and public sector laboratories and insights from visiting speakers
Teaching and Learning Strategies
A student participates in a work placement and/or participates in authentic work based activities of 20 days to learn about employment structures and operations in an area relevant to the course. The student will keep a daily log of activities and consciously reflect on actual experiences in the workplace. Self-directed learning and planning is expected where gaps in knowledge, abilities and competency is found.
The module also involves a number of visits to industry / state laboratories where the students can view state of the art facilities in analytical science.
A professional workshop approach to gaining communications skills requires student participation in co-creating the learning experience.
Continual Professional Development Commitment: A situational audit of skills and a ........
Through this module the students will be quizzed, required to present reports, oral presentations and will be interviewed about all of these activities.
Module Assessment Strategies
This module is 100% Continuous Assessment.
Communication skills are assessed by oral interview , presentation skills .
Written communication skills are assessed by both evaluation of individual portfolio and work experience reports.
The Logbook (20%) and work experience report (20%) including a report on work experience search activities (10%) is due by mid-semester.
Repeat Assessments
Oral Interview and presentation.
Module Dependencies
Indicative Syllabus
Students will spend 140 hours in a work placement or work practice environment. This can be a science, legal or other relevant area. During this time they will keep a daily log of their activities or observations and reflections on learning progress. On completion of this activity they will present a report discussing the technical experiences and the wider workplace experiences and give an oral presentation to their peers and academic staff.
They will liaise with professionals in scientific or other disciplines and evaluate the roles of the various personnel within an Institute or Organisation.
Appraise the role and function of scientists within the work environment.
Appraise the macro-environment of the work place organisation/institute.
Appraise the internal business environment of the workplace organisation/ institute, for example, workplace culture, policies and procedures.
Assess the structure of various work environments and construct a rationale of their place within the working community.
Science & Society.
Reflective learning approaches
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Interim Reports. | Formative | Assignment | 0 % | OnGoing | 1,2,4,5 |
2 | Logbook and Written Report on work experience | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 50 % | Week 6 | 1,2,3 |
3 | Interview and oral presentation | Coursework Assessment | Interview | 30 % | Week 10 | 2,5 |
4 | CV and portfolio, | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 10 % | OnGoing | 4,5 |
5 | Quiz: visiting lecturers, industrial visits | Coursework Assessment | Open Book Exam | 10 % | OnGoing | 6 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Group Learning | Flat Classroom | communication skills | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Group Learning | Computer Laboratory | report writing, preparation of presentation, visiting lecturers, Interview and presentation | 1 | Weekly | 1.00 |
Practical / Laboratory | Science Laboratory | research/practical/site visits | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Module Resources
Provided on Moodle
Provided on Moodle
Library and computers
Provided on Moodle