ENVR09025 2019 Environmental Policy, Planning and EIA
This module explores the origin and development of environmental policy at European and National level, how the Irish Planning system is used to protect the environment and the requirements of European and National legislation in relation to the environmental assessment of projects (Environmental Impact Assessment) and programmes (Strategic Environmental Assessment).
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Critically review the development and implementation of environmental policy at Local, National and European level.
Explain the legislative framework of the Irish Planning system and how it can help to protect the environment.
Explain the legislative framework for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) at European and National level.
Explain the requirements of the EPA Guidelines for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR).
Carry out a detailed review of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR).
Teaching and Learning Strategies
This module will be delivered part-time.
This will include online lectures, augmented by workshops, independent learning and directed learning.
This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment.
Module Assessment Strategies
This module is 50% Continuous Assessment and 50%, Final Exam.
Regular assessments will be undertaken via Moodle and assignments uploaded via Moodle. Assignments may be designed across modules delivered in the same semester.
Students may be assessed individually or in group environments, with a strong emphasis on continual improvement and skill building.
Repeat Assessments
Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Exam.
Indicative Syllabus
Critically review the development and implementation of environmental policy at Local, National and European level.
- Critically review selected environmental policies
- Devise an appropriate environmental policy relating to a selected environmental issue
Explain the legislative framework of the Irish Planning system and how it can help to protect the environment.
- Overview of Irish Planning Legislation and Administrative Structures
- Review of a City or County Development Plan
- Planning Case Studies
Explain the legislative framework for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) at European and National level.
- Overview of the EU and Irish EIA and SEA legislation
Explain the requirements of the EPA Guidelines for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR).
- Requirements of the Irish EPA guidance documents on EIA
Carry out a detailed review of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR).
- Detailed review of part of an EIAR
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Review of an EIAR or Development Plan or Case Study. | Coursework Assessment | Assignment | 20 % | Week 11 | 1,2,5 |
2 | Two separate MCQs (each worth 15%) | Coursework Assessment | Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test | 30 % | OnGoing | 2,3,4 |
End of Semester / Year Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Final theory exam. | Final Exam | Closed Book Exam | 50 % | End of Semester | 1,2,3,4,5 |
Online Learning Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Not Specified | Lecture | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Workshop / Seminar | Not Specified | Online Lectures | 7.5 | Once Per Semester | 0.50 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Independent Learning - Online | 4.5 | Weekly | 4.50 |
Required & Recommended Book List
Guidelines on the Information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports. Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle, Ireland
Module Resources
Irish Planning Acts and Regulations.
City/County Development Plans.
Department of Environment, Community & Local Government (2012) A Guide to Planning Enforcement in Ireland.
Irish EPA (2017), Guidelines on the Information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports.
Irish EPA (2015) Draft Advice Notes for preparing an EIS.
Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, including three amendments (EIA Directive).
Directive 2014/52/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.
Codified Version of the EIA Directive (2014).
DIRECTIVE 2001/42/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment.
Draft Guidelines for Planning Authorities and An Bord Pleanála on carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment - Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, July 2012.
Recent Irish Environmental Impact Assessment Reports