ENVR08040 2020 Environmental Management Systems and Auditing

General Details

Full Title
Environmental Management Systems and Auditing
Transcript Title
Environmental Management Syste
N/A %
Subject Area
ENVR - Environmental Science
ESCI - Environmental Science
08 - NFQ Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2020 - Full Academic Year 2020-21
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Steve Tonry, Ana Vale, Noel Connaughton
Programme Membership
SG_SECOL_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SENVI_K08 202300 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology (Add-on)

This module explores the specific requirements of a number of international standards (ISO 14001, ISO 14004 and ISO 19011) and the European Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in relation to the planning, implementation, monitoring, auditing, reviewing and reporting of environmental management systems. In addition to addressing all of the issues set out in the standards/regulation, participants are required to apply the theory to address practical issues/situations in the workplace.


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Review and/or develop an appropriate Environmental Policy for a range of different organisations.


Review and/or develop methodologies and standard operating procedures to carry out an Environmental Review of an organisation or site.


Review and/or develop a range of standard operating procedures required for the operation of an Environmental Management System.


Develop a plan for an Environmental Audit Programme and/or an Environmental Audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO 19011.


Critically review elements of an Environmental Management System or an EMAS Environmental Statement.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time (or part-time for online modules). This will include lectures, augmented by independent learning and directed learning. This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes, uploading assignments and journals).

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 50% Continuous Assessment and 50% Final Exam.

There are two separate MCQs worth 15% each.

There is one continuous assessment assignment (20%) (either individual or group) which will involve one or more of the following:

  • Review of existing environmental policy statements or development of a new environmental policy
  • Develop an appropriate methodology for carrying out an environmental review
  • Critically review EMAS Environmental Statements
  • Develop an appropriate methodology for carrying out an environmental audit of an activity, site or organisation.
  • Review of scientific papers or other publications relating to EMSs

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Theory Exam.

Module Dependencies


Indicative Syllabus

Review and/or develop an appropriate Environmental Policy for a range of different organisations.

  • Review existing Environmental Policies or develop an appropriate Environmental policy for a range of different organisations

Review and/or develop methodologies and standard operating procedures to carry out an Environmental Review of an organisation or site.

  • Critically review a range of standards, guidance documents and scientific journals on how to carry out an Environmental Review
  • Develop appropriate methodologies on how to carry out an Environmental Review of an organisation or site

Review and/or develop a range of standard operating procedures required for the operation of an Environmental Management System.

  • Review documentation developed for the operation of an Environmental management System
  • Develop appropriate standard operating procedures for the operation of an Environmental Management System

Develop a plan for an Environmental Audit Programme and/or an Environmental Audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO 19011.

  • Planning of an Environmental Audit Programme (ISO 19011)
  • Planning of an Environmental Audit (ISO 19011)
  • Development of templates for carrying out a range of Environmental Audits

Critically review elements of an Environmental Management System or an EMAS Environmental Statement.

  • Critically review Case Study material relating to existing Environmental Management Systems
  • Critically review an Environmental Statement produced for an organisation registered to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
50 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
50 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 MCQ1 Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 15 % Week 4 1,2,3
2 Critical Review of existing Guidlines or EMSs and/or development of new elements of/methodologies for an EMS. Coursework Assessment Assignment 20 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5
3 MCQ2 Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 15 % Week 13 4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Theory Examination Final Exam UNKNOWN 50 % End of Term 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Directed Learning Lecture Theatre Lectures, assignments, assessments, directed reading 2.5 Weekly 2.50
Workshop / Seminar Not Specified Lectures, presentations, group work and discussions 7.5 Once Per Semester 0.50
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
14001:2015 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use. ISO

Required Reading
14004:2016 Environmental management systems General guidelines on implementation ISO ISO

Required Reading
19011:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems ISO ISO

Recommended Reading
2016-04-14 The ISO 14001:2015 Implementation Handbook ASQ Quality Press
ISBN 9780873899291 ISBN-13 0873899296
Recommended Reading
2017-10-26 The ISO 14001:2015 Companion Advisera Expert Solutions Limited via PublishDrive
ISBN 9789538155161 ISBN-13 9538155165
Recommended Reading
2017-01-01 A Practical Field Guide for ISO 14001:2015 ASQ Quality Press
ISBN 9780873899635 ISBN-13 0873899636
Recommended Reading
2017-09-22 Winning The Environmental Challenge With ISO 14001:2015 Notion Press
ISBN 9781947697331 ISBN-13 1947697331

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

In addition to the required textbooks, relevant sections of other documents will be provided on the subject Moodle page such as:

  • European Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulations 
  • COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2017/2285 of 6 December 2017 Amending the user's guide setting out the steps needed to participate in EMAS, under Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
  • Relevant scientific research papers and other publications related to Environmental Management Systems and Auditing
Journal Resources


URL Resources





Other Resources

Remote proctoring facilities required for Online students.

Additional Information
