ENVR08012 2013 Environmental Biotechnology Bioremediation Composting Anaerobic Digestion

General Details

Full Title
Environmental Biotechnology Bioremediation Composting Anaerobic Digestion
Transcript Title
Environmental Biotechnology
N/A %
Subject Area
ENVR - Environmental Science
ESCI - Environmental Science
08 - Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2013 - Full Academic Year 2013-14
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Billy Fitzgerald, Michael Broaders
Programme Membership
SG_SENVI_H08 201400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science in Environmental Science SG_SENVI_K08 201300 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science in Environmental Science SG_SENVI_K08 201400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science in Environmental Science SG_SSCIE_H08 201500 Bachelor of Science (Honours) SG_SSCIE_H08 201600 Bachelor of Science (Honours) SG_SSCIE_H08 201700 Bachelor of Science (Honours) SG_SSCIE_H08 201900 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Science

This module addresses the treatment of mainly organic wastes arising from Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial activities and pollution of soils and subsurface. The module explores the science behind the treatment options available to operators in the industry, to minimise disposal of wastes, convert Organic Wastes by Anaerobic Digestion, Composting to biofuels and stable end products (Waste to resource) and remediate contaminated land and subsurface by Bioremediation.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


The student should demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the concepts and principles associated with anaerobic digestion, composting, and remediation of contaminated lands and subsurfaces and using biotechnological innovation to produce valuable resources from organic wastes.


To source, interpret/appraise and criticise information from scientific papers and reports to support individual presentations in a variety of formats within the module area.


Demonstrate the capacity to bring together complex information relating to an appropriate topic covered by the module and present individually or in group/team work.


The student should show a detailed knowledge of the current knowledge and development of the subject areas including current limits of theoretical and applied knowledge.

Module Assessment Strategies

Students will be assigned to work on selected topics covered in the module and will be assessed by submitting review essay on designated topic and submitting case study on the implementation of appropriate technology in one of the areas covered by the syllabus.


Final Theory Examination

Indicative Syllabus

The principal scientific concepts relating to

Anaerobic Digestion, Composting, (Municipal, Industrial, Agricultural sources)
nature and sources of feed stocks, operational requirements for AD/ composting,

Regulatory drivers,

Animal Bye-Product Regulations and standards, Food Waste Regs

Economic considerations

Bioremediation, in situ, ex situ (contaminated soils and subsurfaces) principal scientific concepts, developments and advances in technology

Biotechnological Innovations for upgrading wastes to resources (Biofuels, biomass, biochemicals from wastes)

Source, review and discuss relevant scientific documents

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Case Study on assigned topic Coursework Assessment UNKNOWN 20 % Week 25 1,2,3,4
2 Essay review of assigned topic Coursework Assessment UNKNOWN 20 % Week 25 1,2,3,4
3 Feedback, Accept constructive criticism, questions answers Formative UNKNOWN UNKNOWN % OnGoing 1,2,3,4

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Theory Final Exam UNKNOWN 60 % End of Year 1,2,3,4

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Flat Classroom Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Directed Learning Problem Based Learning Room Mentoring/feedback/Q&A 1 Fortnightly 0.50
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Self Study 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.50 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Khanal, S.K. 2009. Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production: Principles and Applications. Wiley-Blackwell...662.88KHA

Doble,M, Kumar, A. 2005. Biotreatment of Industrial Effluents. Elsevier.628.16837 DOB

Bitton, G (2005) Wastewater Microbiology (Wiley Series in Ecological and Applied Microbiology) Wiley-Liss; 3 edition

Gerardi, M. H. 2003.The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters (Wastewater Microbiology Series) John Wiley & Sons (28 Aug)

Anaerobic digestion model no 1 : developments and applications2005. International Workshop on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1 : 1st : 4-6 September: Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark, London : IWA Publishing, 2006.

Rosa Margesin Franz Schinner (Editor) 2005.Manual for Soil Analysis: Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation (Soil Biology), Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K

Ronald M. Atlas, Terry Hazen, James Philp (Editor) 2005. Bioremediation
by American Society for Microbiology

Martin Alexander 1999.Biodegradation and Bioremediation. 2nd  edition
Academic Press;

Chiumenti, r, Chiumenti, A, Diaz, L., Savage, G., Eggerth, L., and N Goldstein (2005) Modern Composting Technologies. Biocycle, Emmaus, PA, USA A Guide to In-Vessel Composting: Plus a Directory of System Suppliers ISBN 0-9532546-8-2 (2nd Edition) Published March 2004, by the UK Composting Association.

URL Resources
Other Resources

Flat Room with Online PC's required to engage in EBL with students using electronic resources

Additional Information

site visits where appropriate to complement case studies and to reinforce theoretical knowledge