ENVR07056 2019 EIA and Planning

General Details

Full Title
EIA and Planning
Transcript Title
EIA and Planning
N/A %
Subject Area
ENVR - Environmental Science
ESCI - Environmental Science
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Steve Tonry, Noel Connaughton
Programme Membership
SG_SECOL_B07 202000 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202000 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SENVI_J07 201900 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Add-on) SG_SECOL_B07 202100 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202100 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SENVI_J07 202300 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management SG_SECOL_H08 202400 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_B07 202500 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with Ecology SG_SECOL_H08 202500 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science with Ecology

This Module introduces the student to the main requirements of the Irish Planning System, what is meant by Development and Exempted Development, documentation required with a Planning Application, the National, Regional and Local Planning Structures and Organisations and the Planning Application process.  The module also includes a detailed review of the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs) to ensure compliance with the European Union Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directives and the associated Irish EIA Regulations.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Differentiate between what constitutes Development and Exempted Development and outline the nature and extent of the documentation required for a Planning Application.


Identify the main functions and roles of various organisations in relation to the Irish Planning system at National, Regional and Local level


Explain how the Irish Planning System can assist in protecting the Environment.


Explain the requirements of the Irish EPA Guidelines on the Information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs).


Carry out a Critical Review of an EIS/Development Plan/Planning Report/Planning Permission.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered full-time (or part-time for online modules). This will include lectures, augmented by independent learning and directed learning. This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes, uploading assignments and journals).

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 50% Continuous Assessment and 50% Final Exam.

There are two separate MCQs worth 15% each.

There is one continuous assessment assignment (20%) (either individual or group) which will involve a review of documents available in the public domain such as planning files, development plans or environmental impact assessment reports.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Theory Exam.

Indicative Syllabus

1. Differentiate between what constitutes Development and Exempted Development and outline the nature and extent of the documentation required for a Planning Application

  • Legal definitions of development and exempted development
  • Overview of requirements for the documentation required to ensure a valid planning application based on the Irish Planning Acts and Regulations 

2. Identify the main functions and roles of various organisations/bodies in relation to the Irish Planning system at National, Regional and Local level

Roles of the various organisations/bodies/public in relation to Planning system in Ireland, including:

  • Government and various Government Departments 
  • Regional and Local Planning Authorities
  • The Planning Appeals Board (An Bord Pleanala)
  • The Courts
  • European Commission
  • Prescribed Bodies
  • Rights of the Public to comment/object

3. Explain how the Irish Planning System can assist in protecting the Environment.

  • Land-Use Zoning
  • Nature and legal status of Planning Conditions
  • Planning Control system

4. Explain the requirements of the Irish EPA Guidelines on the Information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs).

  • Fundamental Principles of EIA
  • Screening
  • Scoping
  • Alternatives
  • How to describe a Project in an EIAR
  • How to describe the existing Environment in EIA
  • Impact Assessment Methodologies
  • Developing Mitigation and Monitoring Measures

5. Carry out a Critical Review of an EIAR/Development Plan/Planning Report/Planning Permission.

  • Students work individually and/or in groups to critically review a  professionally produced document and assess the document based on a set of criteria set out by the lecturer.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
50 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
50 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 In-class Discussions / Debates, Q & A Sessions and Team Based Assignments Formative UNKNOWN UNKNOWN % OnGoing 1,2,3,4,5
2 MCQ1 Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 15 % Week 3 1,2
3 Critical review of Planning Documents or an EIS/EIAR Coursework Assessment Assignment 20 % OnGoing 3,4,5
4 MCQ2 Coursework Assessment Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test 15 % Week 12 3,4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Theory Exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 50 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online On-line Lectures 1 Weekly 1.00
Directed Learning Online Individual/Group Tutorials 0.7 Weekly 0.70
Workshop / Seminar Problem Based Learning Room Group Work, Student Presentations. 4.5 Once Per Semester 0.30
Independent Learning Not Specified Self-study, research, reading and reflection 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
Guidelines on the Information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports Irish EPA

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Selected sections from Irish Planning Acts and Regulations

Selected sections from City or County Development Plans

Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment

Published Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs)

Extracts from selected EU and Irish Guidance documents on EIA.

Journal Resources


URL Resources







Other Resources


Additional Information
