ENVR06054 2019 Irish Wildflower Identification

General Details

Full Title
Irish Wildflower Identification
Transcript Title
Irish Wildflower Identificatio
N/A %
Subject Area
ENVR - Environmental Science
ESCI - Environmental Science
06 - Level 6
10 - 10 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Noel Connaughton, Ana Vale, Dolores Byrne
Programme Membership
SG_SIRIS_S06 201900 Certificate in Irish Wild Flower Identification

This module is designed to provide training in the basic techniques for the identification of common Irish wild flowering plants. Students are required to build a portfolio of at least 100 plant species by collecting and preserving specimens in a herbarium as well as keeping photographic records of the plants in their natural habitat (at the time of collection). The common and scientific names of each plant specimen and the family to which it belongs will be identified and catalogued with the aid of text books and botanical keys.

Workshops will be provided to identify plant morphological features, to demonstrate the use of identification keys and to assist in the identification of specimens. Field work will provide the students with an opportunity to study plants in-situ in a variety of habitats.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Understand how to classify wild flowering plant families using characteristic morphological features


Prepare dried specimens of 100 flowering plants in a herbarium


Prepare a catalogue of the plants in the herbarium, including the scientific name (binomial), the common name, the family to which each belongs and the location where and the date on which each specimen was collected.


Upload the information on the collected plants onto to a spreadsheet and list families and the species within in alphabetical order.


Understand how to use identification keys for flowering plants


Explore the factors which may influence plant distribution within Irish habitats

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Course participants will be taught how to photograph, collect, preserve plants as dried specimens in a herbarium, how to catalogue into files, and upload species and common names according to family in alphabetical order on an Excel spreadsheet. By undertaking these tasks the course participants will learn the names of the plants, the families to which they belong, their natural habitats, and the life cycle morphological changes (flowering times, seed types nad dispersal) occurring over the growing season.

Workshops will be used to demonstrate preservation techniques and cataloguing as herbarium specimens, assist participants in identifying the names of plants, demonstrate the morphological features of plants, the use of plant identification keys and accessing data bases.

Module Assessment Strategies

Students will be required to upload the names of their catalogued plants onto a spreadsheet in alphabetical order of families and in turn by species name within families. The specimens will be assigned a number from 1-100 in this alphabetical order. In the final exam the student will present their portfolio of dried plant specimens and/or photographs and will be required to identify the common and/or scientific names of a random selection of these specimens or as fresh specimens (approx. 30 plants). A percentage mark will be awarded to reflect the percentage of the plants the participant identified. To obtain a pass, the student must achieve at least 40%.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessment will consist of a repeat final exam as outlined above. Marks cannot be accumulated over a number of assessments.

Participants will be allowed to upgrade their marks by repeat examination on payment of an appropriate fee.

Indicative Syllabus

Know where to find common plants and how to avoid collecting rare species

Prepare plants or plant parts as herbarium specimens

Photograph plants and plant parts

Identify plants by their common and scientific names

Identify the essential features of flower structures and vegetative parts

Use keys for identifying plants to genus and species

List the general features of plant families

Know the flowering times of plants

Know at least one feature of each plant in terms of morphology, medicinal, culinary or traditional use, folklore, distinctive odour, habitat, life cycle features, etc


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
100 %

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Oral Exam Final Exam Oral Exam/Presentation 100 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5,6

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Workshop / Seminar Science Laboratory Identify plant and plant parts, preserve plant specimens in a herbarium, use plant identification keys and learn features of plant families, habitats and distribution. 5 Monthly 1.25
Individual Diary / Log Book Offsite Facility Photographing, collecting, preserving and cataloging plant in portfolio 8 Weekly 8.00
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 1.25 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2012-03-14 Webb's an Irish Flora Cork University Press
ISBN 1859184782 ISBN-13 9781859184783

Rare Book

Recommended Reading
2015-06-01 Collins British Wild Flower Guide Collins
ISBN 0007451253 ISBN-13 9780007451258

Experience the joy of discovering the natural world around you with this beautiful pocket guide to British wild flowers, an inspiration and treat designed to enthral all nature lovers. Leading botanical artists specially commissioned to ensure beautifully detailed illustrations feature the most widely common British wild flowers. Species are described and illustrated on the same page, with up-to-date authoritative text aiding identification. They are arranged by family, with their key features highlighted for quick and easy reference. This is an indispensable guide for all those with an interest in the countryside, whether amateur or expert, and is beautifully packaged to lend itself both as gift or self-purchase.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Parnell, John & Curtis, Tom (2012). Webb's An Irish Flora. Cork University Press

Rose, Francis (1981). The Wild Flower Key, British Isles-N.W.Europe. Feberick Warne

Akeroyd, John (2008). A Beginner's Guide to Ireland's Wild Flowers. Sherkin Island Marine Station

Devlin, Zoe (2011). Wildflowers of Ireland - A Personal Record. Collins Press Cork

Journal Resources


Other Resources

Plant press

Binocular dissecting microscopes

Hand lenses



Additional Information
