ENTR07010 2021 Enterprise Development

General Details

Full Title
Enterprise Development
Transcript Title
Enterprise Development
N/A %
Subject Area
ENTR - 0413 Enterprise
BUS - Business
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2021 - Full Academic Year 2021-22
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Mr. John Kelleher, Marie Keane
Programme Membership
SG_BINTE_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management SG_BTEVM_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism with Event Management SG_BMKTG_B07 202000 Bachelor of Business in Marketing SG_BMARK_H08 202000 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing SG_BMKTG_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Marketing SG_BMARK_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing SG_BBUSI_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Business SG_BSALE_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Marketing and Sales SG_BFINA_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Finance and Investment SG_BTOTR_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Tourism with Event Management SG_BTOUR_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism with Event Management SG_BTOTR_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism with Event Management SG_BBUSB_H08 202200 Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Business SG_BINTM_B07 202300 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management SG_BFINA_B07 202200 Bachelor of Business in Finance and Investment SG_BBUSE_B07 202400 Bachelor of Business in Business (exit) SG_BINTM_B07 202400 Bachelor of Business in International Tourism with Event Management

This subject aims to introduce the concept of Entrepreneurship to the Student and take the student through the process of starting a business, from considering self-employment, to initial idea generation, through to the practicalities of start-up.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Identify the principal personality traits and characteristics associated with entrepreneurship and examine their own suitability to become an entrepreneur.


Identify suitable conditions for the development of an enterprise culture and be familiar with the sources of assistance in an Irish context.


Explore creativity from a startup business perspective, explore the tools used to generate ideas for a potential business and the stages involved in writing a feasibilty study and a business plan 


 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different legal structures available to start-ups and the stages of growth a new business may go through


 Write a marketing plan for a proposed enterprise and identify the types and sources of assistance available to startups 

Teaching and Learning Strategies

3 hours Lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week

Module Assessment Strategies

Continuous Assessment                 50%

Project submission date Week 7 

Mid Term Exam   Week 8

Final Exam                                   50%



Repeat Assessments

50% Exam and /or project

Indicative Syllabus

What is Entrepreneurship     (1,2)                                                                              10%

  • Review the varied research contributions and recent research trends within the field of entrepreneurship.
  • Identify entrepreneurial personality traits and qualities.
  • Describe the key background factors important in the development of an entrepreneur
  • Explore the student's suitability to become an entrepreneur. 

Supporting Environment for Entrepreneurship           (1,2)                                        10%

  • Review briefly the role of Irish economic policy and environmental conditions in developing a suitable climate for entrepreneurial activity
  • Examine the positive contributors to the Irish entrepreneurial environment and identify factors which inhibit the development of the country's full entrepreneurial potential
  • Discuss the role of state agencies in promoting entrepreneurship
  • Identify the key private sector enterprise support organizations

Finding the Business Idea                                          (3)                                               10%

  • Recognise where to find business ideas
  • Explore the terminology of creativity and appreciate the creative process
  • Examine techniques to generate ideas and criteria to evaluate ideas
  • Describe how to transform ideas into realisable opportunities
  • Examine the various different methods of achieving legal protection for a new idea

 The Business Plan Process                                        (3)                                                20%   

  • Examine the reasons for and benefits of business planning
  • Distinguish between the process of business planning and the output the business plan
  • Appreciate the stages involved in the process and how they inter-relate
  • Prepare a business plan
  • Reviewing a business plan, tailoring a business plan for the reader

   Legal Issues                                                      (4)                                                        10%   

  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different legal structures available to start-up enterprises
  • Register for tax (PAYE / PRSI, VAT, Corporation Tax)
  • Appreciate the legal implications of employment, health & safety and contract law

Marketing the New Enterprise                                (5)                                                  10%

  • Differentiate between marketing a new enterprise and marketing in mature, established companies
  • Recognise the marketing advantages of small enterprises
  • Examine the conventional marketing planning process
  • Employ the marketing planning and marketing mix theory to develop a marketing plan

Financing the New Venture                                     (5)                                                  10%

  • Recognise the role of finance in new venture creation
  • Examine the different types and sources of finance for new enterprises
  • Describe how entrepreneurs can estimate their financial requirements
  • Identify the role and methods of efficient financial management

Planning for Growth                                                 (5)                                                  10%

  • Examine the stages of development in new ventures
  • Recognise the barriers to growth in new ventures
  • Examine the sources of assistance available for high growth new ventures in Ireland

Exporting                                                                (5)                                                        5%

  • Examine how to choose an export partner in a foreign country
  • Recognise the problems facing exporters in Ireland

 Entrepreneurship in different contexts               (5)                                                         5%

  • Investigate Corporate Entrepreneurship, Mediated Entrepreneurship
  • Examine Public sector Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
50 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
50 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Individual Project Business plan assessment Coursework Assessment Assignment 25 % End of Term 3
2 Group Project Group Project Written report based on a Interview with a local entrepreneur and presentation Coursework Assessment Assignment 25 % Week 10 1,2,3

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final exam 2 hour written examination Final Exam Closed Book Exam 50 % End of Term 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Lecture Theatre Theoretical learning 3 Weekly 3.00
Tutorial Flat Classroom Group interaction 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Self Directed Independent Learning 3 Weekly 3.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
2011-04-08 Entrepreneurship in Ireland Gill & Macmillan Ltd
ISBN 0717149765 ISBN-13 9780717149766

New textbook presenting the enterprise environment in Ireland and the concept of entrepreneurship, together with the principles of business management and their application within an Irish SME start-up context. * Reviews current enterprise policies, focusing on research, development and innovation within a 'smart economy' with details of various State agencies and the assistance they can offer. * Clearly explains the concept of entrepreneurship and explores the main sources of business ideas. * Explores the main areas of business management within an Irish context: * Identifies various types of business organisations * Outlines sources of finance, public procurement, financial management and auditing principles * Presents key Irish taxation obligations of small and medium enterprises * Highlights relevant Irish employment legislation, insurance information and legal issues relating to the sale of goods and services * Strong focus is placed on intellectual property rights. * Considers various issues that arise in a business start-up, such as new product development, stages of growth, options for insolvent companies, as well as exit strategies * Provides a sample layout of a feasibility study and a business plan to aid the student when embarking on an entrepreneurship project. WRITTEN FOR - Students taking entrepreneurship courses in universities and Institutes of Technology - Failte Ireland courses where entrepreneurship is a module - Any course where entrepreneurship is a module - People managing their own business, as well as aspiring entrepreneurs

Recommended Reading
2013-04-15 Entrepreneur Revolution: How to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and start a business that works Capstone
ISBN 085708416X ISBN-13 9780857084163


The world is embarking on a new age. The age of the entrepreneur, the agile small business owner, the flexible innovator. The days of the industrial age are over. It's time to break free from the industrial revolution mind-set, quit working so hard, follow your dream and make a fortune along the way. The slow dinosaurs of the industrial age are being outpaced by fast-moving start-ups, ambitious small businesses and technological innovators. "Entrepreneur Revolution" is a master class in gaining an entrepreneurial mind-set, showing you how to change the way you think, the way you network, and the way you make a living. Successful entrepreneur Daniel Priestley will show you how to embrace the "Entrepreneur Revolution" and thrive in the new age. - From a successful entrepreneur who is reaping the rewards of the entrepreneurial age - How to shift your mind-set and think like an entrepreneur - Ways to adapt your lifestyle to be more successful

Recommended Reading
2014-09-19 Key Person of Influence (Revised Edition): The Five-Step Method to become one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your industry Rethink Press Limited
ISBN 178133109X ISBN-13 9781781331095

FULLY REVISED EDITION with over 10,000 words of new content. Every industry revolves around Key People of Influence Their names come up in conversation. They attract opportunity. They earn more money. Many people think it takes decades of hard work, academic qualifications and a generous measure of good luck to become a Key Person of Influence. This book shows that there is a strategy for fast-tracking your way to the inner circle of the industry you love. Your ability to succeed depends on your ability to influence. Start now by reading this book.

Recommended Reading
2019-07-03 How to Write a Business Plan Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN 9780749486440 ISBN-13 0749486449

Whether you are starting or selling your own business, business plans are an essential part of the process. How to Write a Business Plan gives you the expert guidance you need to make an impact with your plan, including advice on researching competitors, presenting your management skills and successfully communicating your strategic vision. Whether it is to raise finance, sell a business or develop a specific project, this is your one-stop guide to producing the most professional and convincing business plan for a new venture. Fully updated for 2019, this 6th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you write a comprehensive and compelling plan, as well as content on digital developments such as crowdfunding, online retailing and digital marketing. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Module Resources