ENG09029 2019 Geotechnical Engineering I

General Details

Full Title
Geotechnical Engineering I
Transcript Title
Geotechnical Engineering I
N/A %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
CENG - Civil Eng. and Construction
09 - Level 9
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Patrick Naughton
Programme Membership
SG_EGEOT_M09 201900 Master of Engineering in Geotechnical / Structural Engineering Joint Programme SG_ERENG_N09 202000 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Engineering and Design SG_EROAD_M09 201900 Master of Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EROAD_N09 201900 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Maintenance Engineering and Network Management SG_EROAD_O09 201900 Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EMAIN_S09 201900 Certificate in Engineering in Road Maintenance Engineering SG_EBRID_N09 201900 Postgraduate Certificate in Bridge Engineering SG_EGEOT_M09 201900 Master of Engineering in Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering with Structural Engineering SG_ESTRU_M09 201900 Master of Engineering in Engineering in Structural Engineering with Geotechnical Engineering SG_EGEOT_E09 202000 Postgraduate Certificate in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering

The module examines aspects of geotechnical engineering including: Site investigations, fill materials and compaction, asset management strategies, overall stability of geotechnical structures, embankments on poor ground, temporary works and selection of appropriate geotechnical parameters for use in design.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Create a specification for, and evaluate the findings of, a site investigation.


Construct a ground model and determine suitable design soil parameters based on the analysis and evaluation of site investigation data.


Appraise the suitability of materials and follow good construction practice in earthworks, while recognising the physical constraints on site.


Identify and propose solutions for potential geotechnical engineering issues associated with infrastructure assets.


Analyse and design embankments on problematic soils and slopes associated with earthworks.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This module will be delivered to part-time online learners through a mix of live online lectures and online tutorials. The lectures and tutorials will be recorded and made available to the learners through Moodle. Workshops will also be used to bring learners together for special lectures or design workshops.

Module Assessment Strategies

This modules is 60% continuous assessment and 40% final examination at the end of the semester. The continuous assessment is by both group and individual project work. The learners must pass both the continuous assessment and final examination.

The sizing the slice method of group assessment (Clelford & Hopkins, 2014) will be used to allocate marks to the individual members of the project group. A copy of this method of allocating marks will be given to the students at the start of the module. 

Clelford, T. & Hopkins, A., 2014. Sizing the Slice: Assessing Individual Performance in Group Projects, CEBE Funded Case Study retrieved on 5/12/2014 from http://www‑new1.heacademy.ac.uk/cebe/themes/alldisplay? type=resources&newid=casestudies/cebe/sizing_the_slice&site=cebe

Repeat Assessments

The learners must pass both the continuous assessment and final examination.

Where a learner or group of learners fail the project element of the module they will be required to resubmit the project for assessment at the repeat examination session.

Learners who fail the end of module terminal examination will have the opportunity to resit the examination during the repeat examination session.

Indicative Syllabus

  1. Desk studies, ground conditions, geomorphology, engineering characteristics of Irish soils and fill materials, ground investigation.
  2. Ground improvement and embankment construction techniques. Introduction to Series 600.
  3. Asset management and remedial strategies for distressed assets.
  4. Testing and acceptability criteria for fill.
  5. Interpretation of site investigation data.
  6. Determination of soil parameters for design
  7. Building a conceptual ground model
  8. Impact of groundwater on design
  9. Reusability of material & marginal soils
  10. Construction methods and the physical practicalities on site
  11. Temporary works design for infrastructure
  12. Embankment construction on problematic soil: peat, floating the road, staged construction, lightweight fill

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
60 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
40 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Project work Coursework Assessment Project 60 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final exam Final Exam Closed Book Exam 40 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Online Live lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Directed Learning Not Specified Tutorial 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Computer Laboratory Workshop 0.33 Weekly 0.33
Independent Learning Not Specified Independent learning 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.33 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources
  1. Knappett, J., Craig, R.F. Craig's Soil Mechanics CRC Press 2012
  2. Barnes, G. Soil Mechanics Princples and practice, Palgrave, 2016
  3. Powrie, W. Soil Mechanics Concepts & Applications Third Edition CRC Press 2013
  4. Smith, I. Elements of Soil Mechanics 9th Edition 2014
  5. Whitlow, R Basic Soil Mechanics Prentice Hall 2001
  6. Bell, F.G. Engineering Geology Butterworth-Heinemann 2007
  7. IS EN 19972 (2007), Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design Part 1: General Rules.
  8. IS EN 19972 (2007), Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design Part 2: Ground Investigation and Testing.
  9. BS 5930 (2015). Code of practice for ground investigations
  10. BS 6031 (2009). Code of practice for earthworks
  11. BS 8002:2015 Code of practice for earth retaining
  12. BS 8004:2015 Code of practice for foundations
  13. BS 8006‑1:2010 Code of practice for strength/reinforced soils and other fills
  14. BS 8006‑2:2011 Code of practice for strengthened/reinforced soils, soil nail design.
  15. Anon (2016). TII Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, TII Standards website.
  16. Anon (2016). TII Manual of Contract Documents for Roadworks, TII Standards website.
  17. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑1 (2012) Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 1: electrical cone and piezocone penetration test
  18. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑2 (2005). Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 2: dynamic probing
  19. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑3 (2005). Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 3: standard penetration test, including Amendment 1 2011.
  20. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑4 (2012) Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 4: menard pressuremeter test
  21. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑5 (2012) Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 5: flexible dilatometer test
  22. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑7 (2012) Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 7: borehole jack test
  23. I.S. CEN ISO TS 22476‑11 (2005). Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 11: flat dilatometer test
  24. I.S. EN ISO 22476‑12 (2009). Geotechnical investigation and testing ‑ field testing ‑ part 12
  25. Anon. (2003) Infrastructure cuttings:- condition appraisal and remedial treatment, CIRIA C591
  26. Anon. (2003) Infrastructure embankments:- condition appraisal and remedial treatment, CIRIA C592
  27. Anon. (2007) Use of vegetation in civil engineering, CIRIA C708
Journal Resources


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Other Resources


Additional Information
