ENG09017 2019 Road and Transport Scheme Design

General Details

Full Title
Road and Transport Scheme Design
Transcript Title
Road and Transport Scheme Desi
N/A %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
CENG - Civil Eng. and Construction
09 - Level 9
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Bill O'Kelly-Lynch, Brian McCann
Programme Membership
SG_ERENG_N09 202000 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Engineering and Design SG_EROAD_M09 201900 Master of Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EROAD_O09 201900 Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EROAD_M09 202400 Master of Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EROAD_O09 202400 Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_ERENG_N09 202400 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Engineering and Design SG_EROAD_O09 202500 Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_EROAD_M09 202500 Master of Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering SG_ERENG_N09 202500 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Engineering and Design

Module topics relate to road geometrical design and transport demand study modelling, including the fundamentals of horizontal/vertical alignment, sight distance/visibility, design speed, road cross-sections, junction design and traffic demand predictive modelling. The module also reflects current design standards, including TII/NRA DMRB, DMURS and National Cycle Manual,to incorporate the needs of vulnerable users, active travel modes and sustainable travel principles. These are integrated into the technical design process to provide holistic, integrated, and safe network designs in both urban and rural environments. The design of non-motorised (cycle/pedestrian networks), bus rapid transit (BRT), and light rail transit systems extend the focus beyond public road schemes to include active and public transport facility provision. The inclusion of road restraint systems, rural and urban roadside feature design, minor improvement schemes, and design elements for traffic calming and pedestrian/cycle crossings is also a feature of this module.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Assess, evaluate and formulate the components of travel demand data analysis, forecasting and modelling for urban and regional transport studies as an input to scheme design and the project appraisal process.


Evaluate and apply the fundamentals of traffic flow, queuing theory and highway design capacity.


Design and specify rural and urban road geometry, cross-section, including road restraint and safety systems, to meet the needs of all users.


Critically assess, determine and review the needs and requirements for road junction options and design characteristics to meet the needs of all road users.


Design and formulate the components of integrated urban road and light rail networks, including vehicular and active and sustainable travel modes.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The teaching and learning strategy is based on the provision of live and recorded on-line lectures, Moodle resources, independent learning, and workshops that incorporate elements of enquiry and project-based learning and group project work.

Module Assessment Strategies

A blend of final written examination and continuous assessment design/appraisal projects. The learner must achieve a grade of 40% or higher in order to achieve a pass in this module

Repeat Assessments

The learner must undertake repeat final written examination and/or continuous assessment project work depending on the particular failed element(s) to achieve an overall pass grade.

Indicative Syllabus

  1. Travel demand analysis and modelling: Trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, traffic and transport assignment. Regional and national transport models and project appraisal guidelines.
  2. Fundamentals of traffic flow, queuing theory and highway design capacity.
  3. Road geometry and link design to current design standards and to meet the needs of all users. Design speed. Sight distance and visibility. Horizontal alignment. Vertical alignment. Transition curve design. Co-ordinated Link Design. 
  4. Road Restraint Systems. Principle of forgiving roadsides, safety barrier options and evaluation.
  5. Integrated Rural Road Network Design. Cycling and other vulnerable user & sustainable travel provision and facility design.
  6. Urban and rural road junction design to current guidelines and standards: Priority, roundabout, traffic signal and grade separated junction design. Flow/capacity predictive equations for junction design.
  7. Optimisation of traffic signal systems. Linked, vehicle actuated and UTC traffic control systems. Use of junction design software.
  8. Integrated Urban Road Network Design. Urban walking/cycling route and network design. Light rail transit design and integration with road network.  Public transport facility and network design. Sustainable travel systems and scheme provision.


Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
40 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
60 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Design Projects Coursework Assessment Individual Project 40 % OnGoing 1,3,4,5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final written examination Final Exam Closed Book Exam 60 % Week 14 1,2,3,4,5

Online Learning Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Online Lecture Distance Learning Suite On-line lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Tutorial Not Specified Tutorial/Moodle resources 1 Weekly 1.00
Workshop / Seminar Classroom Equipped for OLL. Workshop/Seminar 2.5 Twice Per Semester 0.33
Independent Learning Not Specified Self-directed learning 6 Weekly 6.00
Total Online Learning Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.33 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2016-05-31 Highway Engineering Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN 1118378156 ISBN-13 9781118378151

The repair, renovation and replacement of highway infrastructure, along with the provision of new highways, is a core element of civil engineering, so this book covers basic theory and practice in sufficient depth to provide a solid grounding to students of civil engineering and trainee practitioners.

  • Moves in a logical sequence from the planning and economic justification for a highway, through the geometric design and traffic analysis of highway links and intersections, to the design and maintenance of both flexible and rigid pavements
  • Covers geometric alignment of highways, junction and pavement design, structural design and pavement maintenance
  • Includes detailed discussions of traffic analysis and the economic appraisal of projects
  • Makes frequent reference to the Department of Transports Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
  • Places the provision of roads and motorways in context by introducing the economic, political, social and administrative dimensions of the subject

Recommended Reading
2013-02-18 Fundamentals of Road Design WIT Press / Computational Mechanics
ISBN 1845640977 ISBN-13 9781845640972

Currently there is no single textbook that addresses the fundamental geometric concepts of urban and rural road design. Traffic behavior has significantly changed over the last two decades and warrants newer methods for road design. Unlike the advances made in building, ship and aircraft design, road design is still carried out in a traditional way which is more than fifty years old. Starting from the traditional design process this book introduces a 3-dimensional geometric design process of urban and rural road design. It will prove to be a valuable textbook for undergraduate and graduate university students as well as road planning and design practitioners.

Recommended Reading
2015-09-09 Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations Butterworth-Heinemann

This book helps readers maximize effectiveness in all facets of highway engineering including planning, design, operations, safety, and geotechnical engineering. Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations features a seven part treatment, beginning with a clear and rigorous exposition of highway engineering concepts.  These include project development, and the relationship between planning, operations, safety, and highway types (functional classification). Planning concepts and a four-step process overview are covered, along with trip generation, equations versus rates, trip distribution, and shortest path models equations versus rates. This is followed by parts concerning applications for horizontal and vertical alignment, highway geometric design, traffic operations, traffic safety, and civil engineering topics.

  • Covers traffic flow relationships and traffic impact analysis, collision analysis, road safety audits, advisory speeds
  • Applications for horizontal and vertical alignment, highway geometric design, traffic operations, traffic safety, civil engineering topics
  • Engineering considerations for highway planning design and construction are included, such as hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering

Required Reading
2016-10-01 Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis John Wiley & Sons Incorporated
ISBN 1119305020 ISBN-13 9781119305026

Highway Engineering provides an introduction to highway engineering for students on degree and diploma courses in civil engineering. The text sets out procedures and techniques needed for the planning, design and construction of a highway installation, while setting them in their economic and political context. Moving in a logical sequence through every aspect of highway construction, this second edition features an expanded section on the basic concepts of traffic analysis and management with worked examples, as well as detailing the development planning process and how highway engineers interact with this.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 2013 "Design Manual for Urban Roads & Streets" 

Journal Resources

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -Transport

ISSN 0965-092X | E-ISSN 1751-7710

Other Resources

Module Moodle page

AutoCAD Civil 3D software

TRL Junctions 8 ARCADY/PICADY Junction design software. 

Traffic demand modelling software (e.g. TRICS)

Additional Information
