ENG08042 2020 Computer Aided Engineering

General Details

Full Title
Computer Aided Engineering
Transcript Title
Computer Aided Engineering
70 %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
MEMA - Mech and Manufact Eng
08 - Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2020 - Full Academic Year 2020-21
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Sean Dalton, Brendan Flaherty
Programme Membership
SG_EMECH_H08 202000 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

This subject will introduce students to the more advanced capabilities of modern 3d CAD systems. It will also introduce students to the wider analysis tools available in modern 3d CAD system, Finite Element analysis, Mechanism simulation. etc. As well as the hands-on aspect, students will also learn about the broader capabilities/technologies which fall under the CAE umbrella. Rapid Prototyping, Reverse Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Introduce student to the Advanced modelling features available in modern CAD systems e.g. surface modelling


Use CAD tools for both product and mould design


Apply simulation tools to optimise design prior to manufacture


Use reverse engineering tools to convert phsical models into 3D CAD geometry


Create prototypes of 3d CAD models and appreciate advantages and disadvantages of different technologies available


Demonstrate a knowledge of the history/ development of computer aided engineering and a knowledge of the broader CAE technologies

Teaching and Learning Strategies


Module Assessment Strategies

Students will submitt tutorials/assignments done in class.

3 hours end of semester exam

1 hour written exam

Repeat Assessments


Indicative Syllabus

Advanced Part/Assembly modelling

Sheet Metal: Sheet metal module, bend allowance and relief, flanges, tabs, edges, bends, corners, flattening, bending and unbending, forming tools, drawings of sheet metal parts.

Surface modelling: Surface creation tools, surface bodies, surface controls, knitting surfaces, trimming surfaces, moving, deleting, replacing faces, thicken tool.

Plastic Part/Mould Design: Mould design module, shell, draft, draft analysis, undercut detection; parting lines; shut−off surfaces; parting surfaces; core and cavity creation; standard mould bases; mould design detailing.

Reverse engineering: Modelling for background images and scan data.

Computer Simulation

Finite Element Analysis:  Element types and capability. Linear Vs Non liner analysis. Strain displacement relations for simple spring elements. Equilibrium, boundary conditions, stiffness matrices. Analysis of a 2d truss, stress concentration and elastic plastic behaviour.

Motion Simulation (rigid body dynamics). Simulation of standard mechanisms. Evaluation of trace path; linear and angular, displacement, velocity and acceleration.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (intro): Demonstration of internal and external flow. Boundary condition, plotting results. Demonstration of flow through a Venturi and flow around aerofoil section.

Plastic Flow simulation (intro): Demonstration of flow front progression, shear stress, weld lines and sink marks.


Computer Aided engineering theory:

Geometric modelling: Wireframe, Surface modelling and Solid modelling. Construction solid geometry, Boundary representation, Feature based modelling. Feature recognition:

Neutral formats: History and evolution of neutral formats. IGES, DXF, STEP, Parasolid.

Splines/surface: Hermite, Bezier and B-Spline, complex surface representation.

Computer Aided Manufacture: Computer numerical control, open vs. closed loop control. Machine configurations: 2.5D, 3 axis, 4 and 5 axis. Advantages and limitation of multi-axis machining. 

Rapid Prototyping: Current Rapid Prototype technologies, stereo lithography, fused deposition modelling, laminated object modelling, selective laser sintering, 3D printing, file formats and production of .stl files, strategies for prototype production, production of FDM prototype models of an engineering mechanism.

Metrology: Linear and geometric tolerance representation in 3d CAD, comparison of measurement results with 3d model. PC-DMIS

Reverse Engineering: Contact scanning, Laser scanning, CMM based, articulated arm based. Advantages and disadvantages of various technologies.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Submission of coursework Coursework Assessment Assignment 40 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4
2 CAD Practical Exam Coursework Assessment Closed Book Exam 30 % Start of Semester 1,2,3,4
3 CAD Theory test (written exam) Coursework Assessment Closed Book Exam 30 % End of Semester 5,6

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Supervision Computer Laboratory CAD Practical 3 Weekly 3.00
Lecture Computer Laboratory CAD theory 1 Weekly 1.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 4.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
05/02/2020 Computer Aided Engineering 9788122412086

Module Resources

Other Resources

High end CAD lab