ENG08024 2016 Project/Thesis

General Details

Full Title
Transcript Title
70 %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
MENG - Mech. and Electronic Eng.
08 - NFQ Level 8
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2016 - Full Academic Year 2016-17
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Sean Dalton
Programme Membership
SG_EPREC_K08 201600 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Precision Engineering & Design SG_EPREC_K08 201900 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Precision Engineering & Design (Add-on)

The thesis is where the student brings together their analytical skills developed throughout the duration of their studies to research / investigate / analyse a specified technical area. The student must demonstrate the ability to carry out a detailed investigation, document the findings clearly and perform the task within the allotted timeframe.

Projects may be in the areas of research, design or computer simulation.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Define clearly the objective of the chosen area of investigation.


Carry out research using library, and internet sources to establish current knowledge in field.


Carry out a detailed technical investigation using relevant analysis tools and/or equipment.


Carry out the investigation within the allocated timeframe.


Document the work done in a coherent and professional manner.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Guidance to be provided in the areas of: Technical writing, Plagiarism, effective use of Word / Excel tools relevant to thesis. Referencing, etc. Supervision to be drawn from lecturers who currently teach the students. Supervision to be evenly distributed between supervisors 4 - 6 students per supervisor (maximum 6). A project calendar will be provided on commencement of project outlining critical dates and summarising basic requirements regarding interaction with supervisor and general thesis structure. 

Module Assessment Strategies

The thesis document will be evaluated independently by first (supervisor) and second readers. A meeting will then be convened involving all supervisors and second readers to discuss and agree a final mark for each student.

Subdivision of marks:

Definition of objective / Background 20%

Literature review and critical analysis 20%

Project implementation / analysis 30%

Quality of report writing/presentation 10%

Engagement with supervisor 10%

Oral Presentation 10%

Repeat Assessments


Indicative Syllabus

Definition of project: Project selection, definition and refining of the project objective, formulation of project plan.

Research: Carry out research using a variety of sources to establish general background / industry context for project. Carry out literature review using library and various sources for technical papers to establish the current knowledge in the field.

Implementation: Carry out detail technical study / investigation using relevant analysis / simulation and physical experimentation. Critically evaluate results.

Documentation: Document the project in a detailed technical report. Draw precise conclusions from the work carried out and make recommendations for further work based on the findings of the current project.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Projects/Thesis Project Written Report/Essay 100 % End of Semester 1,2,3,4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Directed Learning Not Specified Project supervision 0.33 Weekly 0.33
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 0.33 Hours

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information
