ENG06082 2019 Mechanical Project

General Details

Full Title
Mechanical Project
Transcript Title
Mechanical Project
N/A %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
MEMA - Mech and Manufact Eng
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Eamonn Price, David McMoreland, Paul Ferry
Programme Membership
SG_EMECL_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering SG_EPREC_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Precision Engineering and Design SG_EMECL_C06 201900 Higher Certificate in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

This module is designed to create a highly engaging learning environment, giving students an opportunity to put their learning into practice through interdisciplinary, project-based learning with a design focus, to work on suitable design, build and test projects. These group based projects integrate and reinforce the knowledge and skills developed in the area of design, automation, manufacturing and communication skills acquired throughout the programme.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Consolidate the skills and knowledge attained across other modules and apply them in an engineering project.


Apply design methods and manufacturing processes in the integration of engineering projects to a given specification.


Plan the phases in a design, build & test a project for a small scale engineering device, taking into account time, resource and technical constraints.


Work effectively as part of a team through all aspects of the project.


Present and communicate effectively their design concepts and finalised project.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Lectures and practical workshop sessions, that incorporate different aspects of engineering will help align the necessary skills required for the successful completion of the projects. Student-centred learning will be encouraged throughout, with consideration given to all student voices and trying to align projects with aspects relevant to their interests. Formative feedback will be provided on an ongoing basis.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module is 100% continuous assessment that includes both group and individual project work. Details of the allocation of marks to the individual members of the project group will be provided to the students at an early stage in the module, ensuring that there is transparency in the assessment. The assessment will focus around:

  • Design Process Implementation (concepts, working drawings, etc).
  • Project Management (planning, project plan, teamwork, etc).
  • Material Selection (material considerations, parts selection, etc).
  • Machine Build (fabrication, machining, automation, finishing, etc).
  • Presentations (project proposal, progress report, final presentation, etc).
  • Documentation (proposal, brief, specification, final report, etc)


Repeat Assessments

The students must pass the continuous assessment elements of the module.

If a student or a group of students fail the project element of the module, they will be required to resubmit the project again for assessment.

Indicative Syllabus

Introduction to stages in the design process, product or system research, clarifying objectives, design brief, project planning, work breakdown, resources, available equipment, timescales, costs and safety issues.

Teamwork, project management and presentation techniques

Brainstorming, concept design, freehand sketching, materials and standard parts considerations, generation and evaluation of alternatives, improving details, costs, environmental considerations, product life-cycle. 

Selection and specification of materials, utilisation and selection of standard parts, incorporation of recycled parts, costs analysis, ordering of parts and materials. 

Selection of final design, design for manufacture, serviceability, creation of 3D CAD prototype models, simulation, production of detailed working drawings to ISO standards, rapid prototyping considerations. 

Manufacturing processes and techniques, machining - turning, milling, welding, fabrication, additive manufacturing, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fitting of standard parts, integration of automation equipment and techniques and assembly considerations.

Testing, trouble shooting, evaluation, conclusions and recommendations.

Communication: stages in group development, roles within teams, sources of conflict, conflict management strategies, assertiveness techniques, motivation, ethical principles, oral presentations.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Presentation of Design Concept & Project Plan Project Performance Evaluation 10 % Week 4 3
2 Project Assessment Project Practical Evaluation 70 % OnGoing 1,2,4
3 Final Presentation (Group) Project Performance Evaluation 20 % Week 13 4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Design Projectwork Computer Laboratory Lecture/Tutorial/Group Discussion 1 Weekly 1.00
Practical / Laboratory General Engineering Workshop Practical Project Work 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning Not Specified Group and Individual project work 5 Weekly 5.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Recommended Reading
31/10/2009 Working more Creatively with Groups Routledge

Recommended Reading
14/06/2016 Design Concepts for Engineers Pearson

Required Reading
2005 Ethics in Engineering McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN 0072831154 ISBN-13 9780072831153

This text has been revised to expand the ethics for engineering courses. All case studies have been updated and new topics include computer ethics, environmental ethics, corporate loyalty and collegiality.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Listed in Booklist

Journal Resources

Johnston*, L., & Miles, L. (2004). Assessing contributions to group assignments. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6), 751-768.

Clelford, T. & Hopkins, A., 2014. Sizing the Slice: Assessing Individual Performance in Group Projects, CEBE Funded Case Study retrieved on 5/12/2014

from http://www‑new1.heacademy.ac.uk/cebe/themes/alldisplay? type=resources&newid=casestudies/cebe/sizing_the_slice&site=cebe

URL Resources

Provided on supporting moodle page

Other Resources


Additional Information
