ENG06080 2019 Computer Aided Design and Modelling

General Details

Full Title
Computer Aided Design and Modelling
Transcript Title
Computer Aided Design and Mode
N/A %
Subject Area
ENG - Engineering
MEMA - Mech and Manufact Eng
06 - Level 6
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Stephen Reid, Paul Ferry
Programme Membership
SG_EMECH_S06 201900 Certificate in Mechanical Analysis and Automation SG_EPOLY_E06 201900 Certificate in Polymer Technologies SG_EMSYS_B07 201900 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Systems SG_EMECS_H08 202400 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechatronic Systems SG_GPERS_S06 202400 Certificate in Personal and Vocational Development SG_EMSYS_B07 202400 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Systems SG_GPERS_S06 202400 Certificate in Personal and Vocational Development

This module provides the candidates with the skills and knowledge of current standards in Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Design. The candidates will be capable of generating 3D solid models of engineering related components and assemblies within a commercially available CAD package and will have the necessary skills to communicate effectively with society and other professional engineers. Students will be introduced to a range of modelling features and apply them in the design and modelling of such components.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Demonstrate the ability to sketch and illustrate engineering components.


Demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to interpret engineering drawings.


Use a solid modelling CAD system to create 3D models of parts and assemblies for common engineering devices found in the manufacturing industry.


Produce detailed part and assembly drawings of engineering parts, products and devices, in an efficient and conventional manner.


Apply CAD concepts and skills to communicate design intent for a single manufacturing related device, consisting of a number of parts.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Students have access to a series of reusable learning objects to reinforce their understanding of the concepts covered, separate to the actual delivery of the module. Assignments, where possible will be linked to real life examples through practical examples and case studies from an industry perspective.

Module Assessment Strategies

This module will be assessed by way of ongoing assignments, a design project, and a final examination.

Repeat Assessments

Students will be required to repeat the final exam if they do not pass the exam on the first attempt.

Indicative Syllabus

Engineering Drawing

  • ISO standards and conventional representation
  • Free hand sketching
  • 1st , 3rd angle and isometric projection
  • Detailing and standards

3 Dimensional Solid Modelling System

  • Graphical User Interface, Working Directory, Saving & File management
  • Modelling Types - Drawing, Solid, Assembly, Manufacture etc...
  • 3D Environment Settings
  • Datum Planes (Positive and Negative Sides), Datum Axis, Lines, Points etc...
  • Model Manipulation - Pan, Zoom, Rotate etc...
  • Terminology
  • Features - Extrude, Cut-extrude, Revolve, Shell, Sweep, Loft,  Fillet, Chamfer etc...
  • 2-D Sketching - Sketch Tools, sketch relations
  • Intent Manager, Constraints, Dimensioning etc...
  • View Manager
  • Model Tree and re-ordering
  • Patterns - Identical, Varying, General, rotational etc...
  • Top Down Vs. Bottom Up Design
  • Locating Parting Plane
  • Draft, Webs, Bosses, Gussets etc... (features for Plastic Part Design)


  • Terminology
  • Component/Assembly Selection
  • Assembly Creation and placement of components in X,Y,Z space
  • Assembly orientation
  • Creating/Modifying Components in Assembly mode
  • Assembly Patterns, Groups and Mirroring Assemblies


  • Creating a Drawing from a 3D Model (component or Assembly) and adding dimensions
  • The Drawing template, Views and Projections
  • Modifying Views
  • Dimensions on Graveyard views, Axes and Snap Lines
  • Creating Detail elements and adding Tolerances
  • Sectional and Detail Views
  • Creating Sketching and Standard Formats
  • Adding Tables, labels and importing logos to drawings




Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
60 %
End of Semester / Year Formal Exam
40 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Assignment -Preparation of 3-D models, assemblies & 2-D drawings Coursework Assessment Assignment 40 % OnGoing 1,2,3,4
2 Design Project Project Individual Project 20 % OnGoing 5

End of Semester / Year Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Final Exam Final Exam Skills Evaluation 40 % End of Semester 2,3,4

Part Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Lecture Computer Laboratory Online Lecture 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Preparation for weekly class 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Reading Assignments 1 Weekly 1.00
Independent Learning UNKNOWN Preparation of weekly assignments 2.5 Weekly 2.50
Total Part Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 2.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2018 Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Level II SDC Publications
ISBN 9781630571665 ISBN-13 1630571660

Beginners Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2018 Level II starts where Beginners Guide Level I ends, following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction, but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal, surfacing, how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design), propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS parametric capabilities, mold design, welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment, as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step, maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part, instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations, which are generally simple enough to learn. At the end of this book, you will have acquired enough skills to be highly competitive when it comes to designing with SOLIDWORKS, and while there are many less frequently used commands and options available that will not be covered in this book, rest assured that those covered are most of the commands used every day by SOLIDWORKS designers. The author strived hard to include many of the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced and Expert exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website.

Required Reading
2014 Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2014 SDC Publications
ISBN 9781585038459 ISBN-13 1585038458

Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2014 is written to educate and assist students, designers, engineers, and professionals in the drawing and detailing tools of SolidWorks. Explore the learning process through a series of design situations, industry scenarios, projects, and objectives target towards the beginning to intermediate SolidWorks user. Work through numerous activities to create multiple-view, multiple-sheet, detailed drawings, and assembly drawings. Develop Drawing templates, Sheet formats, and Custom Properties. Construct drawings that incorporate part configurations, assembly configurations, and design tables with equations. Manipulate annotations in parts, drawings, assemblies, Revision tables, Bills of Materials and more. Apply your drawing and detailing knowledge to over thirty exercises. The exercises test your usage competency as well as explore additional topics with industry examples. Advanced exercises require the ability to create parts and assemblies.

Required Reading
2008-05-19 Engineering Design Methods Wiley
ISBN 0470519266 ISBN-13 9780470519264

Written in a clear and readable style by an experienced author of teaching texts, Engineering Design Methods is an integrated design textbook that presents specific methods within an overall strategy from concept to detail design. It also outlines the nature of design thinking, and sets it within broader contexts of product development and design process management. The book is much more than a manual of procedures; throughout, there is discussion and explication of the principles and practice of design. Building on the outstanding success of the previous three editions, this new edition cements the position of Engineering Design Methods at the forefront of engineering and industrial design as an essential text not only for students and lecturers but also for practitioners. The book promotes a flexible approach to the design process, and provides explicit, step-by-step advice on how to implement several separate design methods that have been shown to be of value in both education and practice. This revised fourth edition - promotes a flexible approach to the design process, provides explicit, step-by-step advice on how to implement several separate design methods that have been shown to be of value in both education and practice, contains new case studies and examples from industry that further broaden the scope of the book from engineering design into product design, includes a significant new chapter presenting user scenarios; a procedure for investigating potential product user wants and needs, that culminates in a design brief identifying an opportunity for developing a new product concept, features a book companion website with powerpoint slides for instructors. Reviewers comments: Engineering Design Methods is a valuable contribution to the engineering design literature. The engineering design methods presented are those that are of practical significance and the book is a must for anyone wishing to raise the standard of their design work. The design methods are described clearly and succinctly, examples are used to illustrate principles and design strategies are presented that show how the methods are best employed. Professor Graham Thompson, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UMIST, UK Professor Nigel Cross treatment of Engineering Design is a singularly successful treatment for my courses because it is short and concise enough to be read by virtually all students. Furthermore, his interpretations are open enough to allow the inquiring mind to fill out the picture, incorporating and extending the ideas to fit the reflective designers own needs. Professor Larry Leifer, Stanford Center for Design Reseach, Stanford University, USA This book is an excellent book as a textbook for design methodology both for undergraduate and graduate level Students will gain a firm foundation of design methods from problem definition to design evaluations from this book. Professor Kun-Pyo Lee, Department of Industrial Design, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Required Reading
2018-12-03 Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019 SDC Publications
ISBN 9781630572235 ISBN-13 1630572233

Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2019 is written to assist students, designers, engineers and professionals. The book provides a solid foundation in SOLIDWORKS by utilizing projects with step-by-step instructions for the beginner to intermediate SOLIDWORKS user featuring machined, plastic and sheet metal components. Desired outcomes and usage competencies are listed for each project. The book is divided into five sections with 11 projects. Project 1 - Project 6: Explore the SOLIDWORKS User Interface and CommandManager, Document and System properties, simple and complex parts and assemblies, proper design intent, design tables, configurations, multi-sheet, multi-view drawings, BOMs, and Revision tables using basic and advanced features. Additional techniques include the edit and reuse of features, parts, and assemblies through symmetry, patterns, configurations, SOLIDWORKS 3D ContentCentral and the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox. Project 7: Understand Top-Down assembly modeling and Sheet Metal parts. Develop components In-Context with InPlace Mates, along with the ability to import parts using the Top-Down assembly method. Convert a solid part into a Sheet Metal part and insert and apply various Sheet Metal features. Project 8 - Project 9: Recognize SOLIDWORKS Simulation and Intelligent Modeling techniques. Understand a general overview of SOLIDWORKS Simulation and the type of questions that are on the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Associate - Finite Element Analysis (CSWSA-FEA) exam. Apply design intent and intelligent modeling techniques in a sketch, feature, part, plane, assembly and drawing. Project 10: Comprehend the differences between additive and subtractive manufacturing. Understand 3D printer terminology along with a working knowledge of preparing, saving, and printing CAD models on a low cost printer. Project 11: Review the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) program. Understand the curriculum and categories of the CSWA exam and the required model knowledge needed to successfully take the exam. The author developed the industry scenarios by combining his own industry experience with the knowledge of engineers, department managers, vendors and manufacturers. These professionals are directly involved with SOLIDWORKS every day. Their responsibilities go far beyond the creation of just a 3D model.

Required Reading
2015 Interpreting Engineering Drawings Nelson Education

INTERPRETING ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, 8th EDITION offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art training that shows readers how to create professional-quality engineering drawings that can be interpreted with precision in todays technology-based industries. This flexible, user-friendly textbook offers unsurpassed coverage of the theory and practical applications that youll need as readers communicate technical concepts in an international marketplace. All material is developed around the latest ASME drawing standards, helping readers keep pace with the dynamic changes in the field of engineering graphics. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Module Resources

Journal Resources


URL Resources

Resources available via the supporting moodle page

Other Resources

Reusable Learning Objects and other resources available via the supporting moodle page

Additional Information
