ECOL07002 2019 Ecological Monitoring
This module describes the use of bioindicators and bioindices in ecological monitoring. This module provides an introduction to ecological monitoring in a variety of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. It describes the use of bioindicators and bioindices as an essential component of environmental monitoring and in the assessment of environment quality. The module also focuses on the legislative ecological monitoring requirements to assess progress in achieving objectives of a wide range of EU legislation, in particular the EU Water Framework, Birds and Habitats Directives. Biodiversity assessment using a range of biodiversity measures and indices will be taught. Practical work will involve visits to a range of sites to sample, identify and apply a selection of monitoring methods.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;
Describe a range of bioindicators and bioindices that can be used in the monitoring of air, water and terrestrial environmental quality
Demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate ecological monitoring systems currently used for condition assessment for various EU Directives
Critique the use of ecological monitoring versus physical and chemical monitoring in assessment of environmental quality
Evaluate the ecological condition of freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems using appropriate bioindicators and bioindices
Describe biodiversity and its assessment using a range of indices (e.g. similarity, diversity and rarity)
Teaching and Learning Strategies
This module will be delivered full-time (or part-time for online modules). This will include lectures, laboratory practicals, and site visits augmented by independent learning and directed learning. This approach is expected to address student learning needs. Moodle will be used as a repository of educational resources and as a means of assessment (e.g. quizzes, uploading assignments and journals).
Module Assessment Strategies
The module will be assessed using a combination of end of semester final exam (50%), continuous assessment and course work (50%). The continuous assessment and course work will involve two written scientific reports. In addition, there will be an end of semester practical assignment where students are required to analyse and interpret ecological monitoring data from a hypothetical site under investigation.
The student must reach an assigned gate (mark) in the final exam and achieve 40% overall to pass the subject.
Repeat Assessments
Repeat Continuous Assessment and/or Final Exam
Indicative Syllabus
Indicative lectures and practicals, at the discretion of the lecturer, to meet the learning outcomes
Introduction to ecological monitoring, bioindicators and bioindices
- The characteristics of bioindicators
- Challenges of using bioindicators
- Bioindices and how they are used
Ecological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems, e.g.
- Freshwater and marine monitoring using algae - identification and use as bioindicators
- Freshwater monitoring using invertebrates - identification and use as bioindicators
Ecological monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems, e.g.
- Plants and vegetation condition assessment
- Lichens
- Terrestrial invertebrates, e.g. butterflies, pollinators, ground beetles
- Birds
- Agri-environmental monitoring
- Specific habitat monitoring, e.g. uplands
Ecological monitoring requirements of EU Directives:
- Water Framework Directive
- Habitats and Birds Directives
- Other directives as relevant
Biodiversity and its assessment
- Measures of biodiversity, e.g. species diversity, richness and evenness
- Challenges of using measures of biodiversity
Ecological survey methodologies:
- Laboratory practicals - a range of biomonitoring surveys will be carried out (at the discretion of the lecturer to meet the learning outcomes), for example:
- Freshwater macroinvertebrate sampling protocol, identification and indices
- Lichen sampling protocol, identification and indices
- Wetland habitat identification and monitoring techniques
- Upland habitats identification and monitoring techniques
Coursework & Assessment Breakdown
Coursework Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | Written report - two written scientific reports | Coursework Assessment | Written Report/Essay | 30 % | OnGoing | 2,4,5 |
2 | Analyse and interpret ecological monitoring data from a hypothetical site under investigation | Practical | Practical Evaluation | 20 % | Week 13 | 2,3,4 |
End of Semester / Year Assessment
Title | Type | Form | Percent | Week | Learning Outcomes Assessed | |
1 | End of semester examination | Final Exam | Closed Book Exam | 50 % | End of Term | 1,2,3,5 |
Full Time Mode Workload
Type | Location | Description | Hours | Frequency | Avg Workload |
Lecture | Lecture Theatre | Theory lectures | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Practical / Laboratory | Science Laboratory | Laboratory practicals and field trips | 2 | Weekly | 2.00 |
Independent Learning | Not Specified | Independent learning | 3 | Weekly | 3.00 |
Required & Recommended Book List

2015-01-05 Environmental Indicators Springer
Environmental indicators are the first line of warning against hazards caused by humans or nature catastrophes to prevent diseases and death of living organisms. The present book covers a large variety of environmental indicators from physical-chemistry through economical, bioinformatics, electromagnetic irradiation and health aspects, all dealing with environmental pollution. This volume has been intended to environmentalists, engineers, scientists and policy makers as well to anybody interested in the latest development in the indicator field.
Module Resources
Spellerberg, I.F. 2005. Monitoring Ecological Change, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.
Treweek, J. 2009. Ecological Impact Assessment. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hill, D., Fasham, M., Tucker, G., Shewry, M. & Shaw. P. 2005. Handbook of Biodiversity Methods: survey, evaluation and monitoring. Cambridge University Press
Journal of Applied Ecology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Journal of Environmental Indicators
National Parks and Wildlife Service -
Environment Protection Agency -
National Biodiversity Data Centre -
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management -
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology -
Additional resources will be made available on IT Sligo learn online system (Moodle) at the discretion of the lecturer. Will contain pdfs of powerpoint lectures and links to additional reading material for selected topics.