DSGN07091 2019 Digital Media for Design 5 (3D modeling)

General Details

Full Title
Digital Media for Design 5 (3D modeling)
Transcript Title
Digital Media for Design 5 (3D
80 %
Subject Area
DSGN - 0212 Design
YADA - Yeats Academy Art Dsgn & Arch
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
David Roberts, Diarmuid Timmons, Louis McManus, Mr. Mark Rooney, Nevil Walsh, Adrian Durcan, Barry McGuinness
Programme Membership
SG_DCRDS_B07 201900 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCRDS_H08 201900 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design SG_DCREA_B07 202300 Bachelor of Arts in Creative Design SG_DCREA_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Design

This module will allow the learner to develop content using polygons and NURBS surfaces. The module will focus on the design & production of 3D content and will focus on enabling the student to visualise and present their design ideas in new ways furthering their understanding of digital design principles.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Use polygon modelling workflows to create a highly detailed model of an object, which will fulfil a brief issued to them by their tutor.


Competently incorporate NURBS modelling workflows into creating a highly detailed model of an object, which will fulfil a brief issued to them by their tutor.


Competently incorporate lights sources and cameras into a scene, with a view to rendering scenes, which will fulfil a brief issued to them by their tutor.


Demonstrate a basic competency with applying materials to models.


Demonstrate basic competency animating models, which will fulfil a brief issued to them by their tutor.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The subject will be evaluated by a combination of tutorials and project assignments.

Module Assessment Strategies

The subject will be evaluated by a combination of tutorials, assignments and final examination.

The student will receive instruction in a specific area in the form of a tutorial. This will be followed by assignments where the student applies the knowledge gained. The semester will conclude with a major final project.


Repeat Assessments

On failing the module, the learner will be required to complete a project based repeat assessment.

A Project brief will be issued in which the varying details of the project will be set out and the

project will be submitted digitally or by mail to the lecturer or the exams office.

Module Dependencies

DSGN06140 201900 Digital Media for Design 1 (Foundation skills) DSGN06131 201900 Digital Media for Design 2 (Applied Digital Projects) DSGN06132 201900 Digital Media for Design 3 (Digital rendering) DSGN06134 201900 Digital Media for Design 4 (Vector graphics)

Indicative Syllabus

Create a 3D computer generated model of an original they have designed themselves.

  • Appropriate use of Polygon Meshes/NURBS surfaces
  • Manipulation of vertices/edges/surfaces
  • Operations for manipulating geometry (rotation,translation,scaling,extruding)
  • Use of/understanding of triangle/quad geometry/ngons

 Use of a design process to produce design ideas.

  • drawing 
  • using research/reference material
  • creating artwork
  • use of lines implied lines/line weight, shading, colour
  • use of thumbnail sketches

Show a basic proficiency in applying materials to a 3D model.

The student will create a texture in 2d image manipulation program. They will apply this texture/textures to a model in a 3d modelling program.

Show a basic proficiency in animating 3D models in a scene.

The student will create a basic model rig in a 3d modelling program and will create an armature using bones parent/child hierarchy to animate a 3d model using forward/Inverse Kinematics. The student will animate objects in a scene with a view to creating a short animated sequence.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Individual Project Create a model using polygons Coursework Assessment Project 20 % Week 5 1
2 Create a 3d model of an object they have designed themselves Coursework Assessment Project 40 % OnGoing 2,3
3 Create a short animated sequence using their original 3d models Coursework Assessment Project 40 % End of Term 4,5

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Practical / Laboratory Computer Laboratory 3d modeling software tutorial 3 Weekly 3.00
Independent Learning Computer Laboratory Computer Projectwork 2 Weekly 2.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2017-11 Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide SDC Publications
ISBN 9781630571122 ISBN-13 1630571121

Written by renowned author and 3D artist Kelly L. Murdock Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide is designed to give new users a solid understanding of the fundamental skills needed to create beautiful 3D models and stunning animations with Autodesk Maya. Using clear and easy to follow instructions this book will guide you through learning all the major features of Maya. The text is complemented by video instruction. Each chapter has a corresponding video tutorial that introduces you to the topics and allows you to watch and learn how functions are performed in a way that a text alone cannot do. Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide makes no assumptions about your previous experience with Autodesk Maya. It begins by helping you get comfortable with the user interface and navigating scenes before moving into modeling, texturing, lighting, animating, rendering and more. Additionally, more advanced features such as character rigging, skinning, animating with dynamics and MEL scripting are also introduced. Each chapter begins by examining the concept behind each task, the goal and the necessary features that are involved. Then you go in-depth with the objective of your task as you study examples and learn the steps necessary to complete it. Working your way through the comprehensive, step-by-step lessons, you'll develop the confidence you need to create incredible renderings and animations using Autodesk Maya.

Required Reading
2016-03-27 3D Modeling for Beginners Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN 1530799627 ISBN-13 9781530799626

3D Modeling For Beginners aims to help you become the best 3D modeler you can be. This book will help you get started with modeling in 3D and you will learn some important concepts about 3D modeling as well as some of the popular techniques which you can utilize to create any 3D model. You will learn about creating hard-surfaced objects like vases, tables and chairs. You will get a thorough overview of the steps needed to approach modeling detailed human characters. You will also learn about how to approach the creation of epic 3D environments. This book shares tips and tricks throughout, that will help you become a better 3D modeler and ways to speed up your workflow. Practicing is one of the best ways to become better at any skill. Towards the second half of the book, there are a number of exercises covering the creation of a variety of different 3D objects, of which you are highly encouraged to follow along, to get practice and ultimately gain confidence in being able to tackle any 3D project with ease. Although this book is designed for beginners, it is aimed to be a solid teaching resource since it will cover almost everything about 3D modeling. There are 12 chapters and over 200 pages of helpful advice, lessons and exercises that are solely aimed at making you a better 3D modeler. This book avoids any jargon and will explain concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. Furthermore, this book is written in a personable manner where I share my own experiences as a 3D modeler. Blender, the open-source 3D software, is utilized for the exercises in this course. While Blender users may gain a slight advantage from using this book, any person with any 3D software should be able to follow this book. The tools and techniques described in this book can be transferred to other 3D software. Thus, the one prerequisite of this book is that you, at the very least, know the bare basics of navigating your way around your preferred 3D software. By the end of this book, you will understand the main concepts and techniques of 3D modeling. You will also gain confidence in being able to tackle your own 3D modeling projects on your own. More specifically, in this book, you will learn about: - Ways to become a better 3D modeler - The Essentials of the 3D Viewport - Modeling Tools - Modifiers - 3D Modeling Methods - Hard-surfaced Modeling - Organic Modeling - Environment Modeling - More Exercises - High-Poly vs. Low-Poly - Texturing your 3D Model - Showcasing and selling your 3D Models Subscribe to the email list at ThilakanathanStudios.com to receive regular 3D Modeling tutorials for FREE!

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide. SDC Publications.

3D Modeling for Beginners. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.


Journal Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information
