DSGN07087 2019 Design Realisation II: Energy and Interior Environment

General Details

Full Title
Design Realisation II: Energy and Interior Environment
Transcript Title
Design Realisation II: Energy
80 %
Subject Area
DSGN - 0212 Design
YADA - Yeats Academy Art Dsgn & Arch
07 - Level 7
05 - 05 Credits
Start Term
2019 - Full Academic Year 2019-20
End Term
9999 - The End of Time
Maeliosa O'Brien, Peter Scanlon, Claire Lorusso, Elaine Regan, Rowan Watson
Programme Membership
SG_VINTE_B07 201900 Bachelor of Arts in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINAD_H08 202000 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_D3INT_H08 201900 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in 3Interior Architecture and Design SG_VINTE_B07 202200 Bachelor of Arts in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINAD_H08 202200 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINTE_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINAD_H08 202300 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINAD_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_DINAD_H08 202400 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture and Design SG_VINTE_B07 202400 Bachelor of Arts in Interior Architecture and Design

The module allows the learner to apply a cumulative series of practical studio and workshop assignments based on learning from Architecture Technologies and Environment 2 to a studio design project. Students must consider options for environmental management and control of both passive and mechanical systems for cooling/ventilation and heating, air quality and moisture management. Each learner must integrate a servicing strategy into their studio project. Students must consider acoustics, thermal comfort, glare, solar impact, indoor air, occupancy and health, and apply the outcome of external fabric analysis completed in Semester 01 to their studio project.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to;


Integrate environmental management strategies within a design (namely passive or mechanical systems, heat, water and electricity), using appropriate drawing, modelling and testing methodologies.


Use appropriate diagraming and text to communicate the impact of an internal environment (of their own design) on human health, thermal comfort, air, moisture, and daylight control.  


Use appropriate orthographic drawings and 3D diagramming to explain the layout and spatial impact of building services on the design of an interior environment.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

This practical module is taught using a combination of lectures, presentation, theoretical discussion and practical based tutorials, workshops, projects, fieldwork and visits.  Both individual and group work modes are utilised throughout.

Module Assessment Strategies

The content of the module is applied to the students' design projects from a prior or current semester. Submission dates are as specified in the semester of study.

Repeat Assessments

Repeat assessment will be dependent on failed components.  This will be confirmed at formal exam boards.

Indicative Syllabus

Students realise the technical development of their Semester 1 studio projects through a series of practical studio and workshop assignments, which are linked to the themes from Architecture Technologies & Environment 1 in the prior semester:

  • Environment Design – Introduction to the interpretation of the Irish landscape and the principles of environmental design. Relationship between climate, ecology, landscape and the built environment;
  • Building Technology – Introduction to the construction methods and performance of buildings for an understanding of building technology of the built form and its impact on health and comfort;
  • Building Materials – Understanding of the broad range of materials in architectural construction, their classification, properties, performance, relationship to the environment and appropriate application in buildings;
  • Building Services – Introduction to the services and systems in buildings - passive and active. Energy, light, air, water, heating.

Methodologies relating to the design of building services and energy modelling are developed. During the module, the learner must integrate a servicing strategy into their own studio project. The learner must consider acoustics, thermal comfort, glare, solar impact, indoor air, occupancy and health.

Coursework & Assessment Breakdown

Coursework & Continuous Assessment
100 %

Coursework Assessment

Title Type Form Percent Week Learning Outcomes Assessed
1 Assessment 01 Coursework Assessment Assignment 40 % OnGoing 1,2
2 Assessment 02 Coursework Assessment Assignment 60 % OnGoing 1,2,3

Full Time Mode Workload

Type Location Description Hours Frequency Avg Workload
Online Lecture Classroom Equipped for OLL. Theoretical input in a digitally enabled architectural studio space 1 Weekly 1.00
Directed Learning Classroom Equipped for OLL. Practical, tutorial and workshop in a digitally enabled architectural studio space 2 Weekly 2.00
Independent Learning Architectural Studio Self-directed study 4 Weekly 4.00
Total Full Time Average Weekly Learner Contact Time 3.00 Hours

Required & Recommended Book List

Required Reading
2015-04-01 Construction and Detailing for Interior Design
ISBN 1780674775 ISBN-13 9781780674773

Construction and detailing are vital skills for all students studying interior design and architecture. This book is structured to encourage a diversity of techniques, allowing each student the means to find and put into practice the appropriate solution to fabrication issues and also to express their own personal aesthetic. The relation of existing building shells to the construction and detailing of new elements is also explored. Practical tips are given throughout the book, the roles of consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, and fabricators are explained, and theories of modern, sustainable approaches to interior detailing are discussed. The chapters are packed with professional, annotated drawings and explanatory photographs of techniques, materials, and tools. Through these, the principles of sound construction are explained. This second edition includes revised diagrams to increase clarity, more on sustainability, and more on services and lighting.

Required Reading
2014 Drawing for Interior Design Laurence King
ISBN 1780671776 ISBN-13 9781780671772

"This book covers all stages of visual presentation as part of the interior design process, from the most basic initial sketches to fully developed computer-generated visualizations. Following a brief introduction four chapters take the reader through the design process, from the basics to conception, presentation and production. This second edition includes more practical advice on techniques, more case studies, step-by-step sequences and updated examples. With a varied and comprehensive range of images, this book is an invaluable, inspirational and practical resource for interior design students."--

Required Reading
2012-09-26 Detail in Contemporary Lighting Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780670109 ISBN-13 9781780670102

Lighting is a key feature of almost all interiors but it is often treated in a rather superficial manner in most books. This volume features more than 40 recent international projects where the lighting is the defining design feature. Each project includes detailed plans, diagrams, sketches, and CAD visuals to demonstrate the lighting techniques involved. These are accompanied by an explanatory text that looks at the original brief, the design concept, and the detailed specification of the light fittings. A bonus CD includes technical drawings from the book. This book will be an invaluable resource for professional interior designers and architects in what is a fast-changing field.

Required Reading
2013-03-19 Detail in Contemporary Bar and Restaurant Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780670605 ISBN-13 9781780670607

Bars and restaurants need to be assertive. Customers tend not to visit them to satisfy basic appetites for food or drink but for the social opportunities. Their interiors need to occupy the imagination of their customers and to whet the appetite for a return visit. The design that gets the formula right will do as much to prolong the life of the business as the products on offer. This book includes a wide range of international projects and for each one there is a descriptive text, color photographs, floor plans, sections and construction, and decorative details. A bonus CD-ROM contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats.

Required Reading
2013-09-10 Detail in Contemporary Hotel Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 1780672853 ISBN-13 9781780672854

Hotel interiors need to satisfy the imaginations of their customers and whet the appetite for a return visit or recommendation, and the design that gets the formula right will do as much to prolong the life of the business as the service delivered within the hotel. This book explores in detail 48 of the best recent hotel interior design schemes, featuring projects by leading architects from around the world. The book is divided into three sections embracing newly built and refurbished hotels as well as conversions. Each project includes photographs as well as detailed drawings and plans, where appropriate, as well as informative text describing the design concept and process. A bonus CD contains drawings featured in the book, in both eps and dwg (generic CAD) formats.

Required Reading
2014-06-10 Detail in Contemporary Office Design Laurence King Publishing
ISBN 178067340X ISBN-13 9781780673400

Office design has changed significantly over the last few years and is now one of the most innovative areas of interior design. It used to be the case that only the public spaces of an office were creatively designed, but increasingly the staff areas are seen as key reflections of the company brand as well. In more radical offices, there is also a growing belief in the importance of work areas as social spaces and a blurring of the distinction between work and recreation. This book explores in detail 42 of the best recent office design schemes, featuring projects from leading architects from around the world. Each project includes photographs as well as detailed drawings and plans, where appropriate, as well as informative text describing the design concept and process. A bonus CD contains drawings featured in the book, in both eps and dwg (generic CAD) formats.

Required Reading
2018-10-09 Holistic Spaces CICO Books
ISBN 178249667X ISBN-13 9781782496670

Transform your home into a calm, balanced, and harmonious oasis using architect Anjie Chos helpful advice, drawing on her background in green design and feng shui. Transform your home into a calm, balanced, and harmonious oasis using architect Anjie Chos helpful advice, drawing on her background in green design and feng shui. You dont have to get rid of all your possessions and become an ascetic to change your space and discover the benefits that living in a considered, organic way can bring. The easy suggestions in Holistic Spaces show you how to implement the principles of feng shui and green design in your home. Written for the way we live today, as we move toward a more mindful approach to health, diet, and the way that we choose the objects in our homes, this is the perfect guide to help you to clear and refresh your living environment. Learn how to make every room in your home serve its highest purpose, create eco-friendly spaces, bring nature indoors, choose colors for maximum impact, select a space for meditation practice, and overall, create a peaceful and organic home. From the bedroom to the home office, these intuitive, straightforward tips will teach you to how improve your spaces to boost the flow of energy through your life.

Module Resources

Non ISBN Literary Resources

Baker, N. (2009). The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, RIBA Publishing, London.

Berge, B. (2010). The ecology of building materials.  Architectural Press; New edition.

Bluyssen, P. (2009). The Indoor Environment Handbook, RIBA Publishing, London.

Brown, G.Z. & DeKay, M. (2001), Sun, Wind & Light: Architectural Design Strategies John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Ching, F, Onouye, B & Zuberbuhler, D (2009) Building Structures Illustrated, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Daniels, K, (1998), Low‑Tech Light‑Tech High‑Tech: Building In The Information Age, Birkhauser Publishers, Berlin.

Deplazes, A. 2008 Constructing architecture: materials, processes, structures: a handbook. Birkhauser Verlag AG; 2nd  Extended edition.

Fordham, M, (2002), Environmental Design: An Introduction For Architects And Engineers Spon Press.

Gehl, J. 2011 Life between buildings: using public space. Island Press; 6th  edition.

Gibson, J.J The ecological approach to visual perception Routledge; 1st edition.

Gibson, J.J. The perception of the visual world.  Houghton Mifflin.

Hall, E.T. The hidden dimension.  Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group; Reissue edition. 

Latimer, K. & Sommer, D. (2015). Post occupancy evaluation of library Buildings. 

McMullan, R. (2017) Environmental science in building.  Palgrave; 8th edition.

Riley, M & Cotgrave, A (2005), The Technology of refurbishment and maintenance, Palgrave, London.

Szokolay, S.V. (2005), Introduction to Architectural Science: The Basis Of Sustainable Design Architectural Press, Oxford.

Szokolay, S.V. (2008). Introduction to architectural science.  Routledge; 2nd  edition.

Weaver, M (1997), Conserving buildings: A manual of techniques and materials, John Wiley & Sons, New York.  


Journal Resources


URL Resources


Other Resources


Additional Information
